Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - 5 best recipes. How to cook different types of charlotte with apples in a slow cooker correctly and tasty.


Stunningly delicious and fragrant apple pie, called "Charlotte", is very popular all over the world. Adults and children adore him, and the last one can give charlotte even at the age of 2-3 years. Cooked at home, it is completely safe and does not contain fragrances, dyes and preservatives.

It takes very little time, so even busy business women and young mothers like to cook charlotte. If you don’t even have time to wait until charlotte comes up in the oven, use the truly unique gadget of the modern hostess - a multicooker. She will bake a cake and heat it until you arrive, and all you need to do is prepare the products and mix all the ingredients.

The history of the origin of apple charlotte

There are several legends in the world that describe the birth of this dish. For example, it is believed that true charlotte is a figment of the imagination of the British, who thus transformed classic pudding. Charlotte in the English style was prepared using bread and pureed apples with sugar. Moreover, mashed potatoes were spread between two layers of bread. According to the British version, the cake got its name from the word "charlyt".

But there is another opinion, according to which, charlotte is a German pie made from bread with custard, a variety of fruits and a few drops of alcohol (liquor, cognac or rum).

At the moment, the apple pie is called the French word "charlotte".

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - product preparation

To make charlotte in a slow cooker with your own hands, you will need a very small set of products and a number of simple manipulations. So, for starters, take:

1. Of course, apples. Acid fruits of trees of the Semerenko or Antonovka variety are best suited. They give the maximum amount of juice and a unique aroma.

2. Flour, which should be sifted through a kitchen sieve, so that the cake is lush.

3. Eggs pre-chilled. In some recipes you will need to separate the yolks from the proteins, while others will offer to lay a whole egg.

4. Sugar, which is quite acceptable to replace with honey if you adhere to any diet or brown sugar (optional).

5. Baking powder or soda with vinegar.

As usual, a classic charlotte with apples is prepared with a set of such ingredients, but experienced housewives always experiment by supplementing the recipe, for example:

• Raisins, dried apricots or prunes,

• Cherries

• Pears,

• Banana

• Lemon or orange zest,

• Nuts

• Curd,

• Sour cream,

• Kefir,

• And other goodies.

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - cooking utensils

What do you need from kitchen utensils? Everything is extremely simple here. Not a single charlotte in a slow cooker will cost:

1. Without a multicooker with a bowl having a non-stick coating or made of ceramic,

2. Tanks for mixing dough,

3. Mixer or food processor with the function of kneading dough,

4. Tablespoons and teaspoons,

5. A measuring cup, which is often sold with a slow cooker,

6. Knives

7. Cutting board.

Let's start cooking your perfect charlotte.

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker: a classic recipe with cinnamon

If you are a novice cook and are going to cook charlotte for the first time, pay attention to this recipe. Most housewives adhere to it, after all, such a recipe is most popular in the CIS countries, with rare exceptions, the list of ingredients is changing.

You should prepare:

• Measuring cup of flour (often a glass with a volume of 160 ml is attached to the multicooker),

• Three eggs,

• 5-6 apples,

• A couple of a pinch of cinnamon,

• Measuring cup of sugar,

• Bag of baking powder,

• Margarine,

• Breadcrumbs.

The fruits of the apple tree should be cut into cubes or slices, as you like best. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, add the yolks, sugar, flour and baking powder to the container. Beat everything thoroughly, preferably with a mixer, in order to avoid the formation of lumps. Next, sprinkle the dough with cinnamon, beat the whites in a tight foam and slowly enter into our mixture. Do not make sudden movements, as the biscuit may fall during baking and the charlotte will turn out to be thin and damp.

The form from the multicooker should be greased with margarine, and then sprinkled with breadcrumbs so that the cake easily moves away from the walls. Fill our mass with layers: 1 layer - dough, 2 layer - apples, the final layer - again the dough. Set the shape inside the kitchen gadget and set the "Baking" mode for 40-50 minutes. When the allotted time is over, you need to open the slow cooker and cool the charlotte without removing it from the mold.

Diet charlotte with apples in a slow cooker with oatmeal and honey

The recipe was created specifically for young ladies who carefully monitor their figure. Low-calorie charlotte with oatmeal contains only half a glass of flour, so you can eat it for dessert without fear of getting better.

You can make a pie as follows:

• Pour oatmeal with kefir in the following proportion: half a glass of cereal into a glass of kefir.

• Leave the mass for 15 minutes to make the oatmeal swell.

• Add 3 eggs, 2 teaspoons of honey, a bag of baking powder and half a glass of flour to the mixture.

• Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Now you need to cut the apples into slices and lay them at the bottom of the multicooker, pre-oiled with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Pour our mixture on top of apples and immerse in a slow cooker. As usual, we will need the "Bake" mode for 40-50 minutes.

Recipe for delicious cottage cheese charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

Incredible taste and splendor give the apple dessert cottage cheese and caramelized apples. Try to cook this dish yourself at home, and you will definitely not regret it!

In order to create a delicious pie, you need to take:

• 200 grams of cottage cheese,

• 3 eggs,

• 150 g butter,

• Measuring cup of flour,

• 150 g sugar

• A tablespoon of starch,

• Half a teaspoon of soda (extinguish with vinegar),

• Vanillin,

• Ripe apples - 1-2 pcs.

First try to caramelize apple slices. To do this, put them in a pan, pour 50 grams of sugar and add 50 grams of oil. Fry them without stopping stirring until golden brown. Turn off the hotplate and let the slices cool.

Now it’s worth doing the test: you just need to combine the cottage cheese with the yolks, the remaining butter, flour, sugar, starch and soda. Knead the dough thoroughly, then beat the proteins in a separate container so that stable peaks are visible. It remains to gently mix the proteins with our mass and add vanillin. Next, in a slow cooker, oiled, you need to place the dough, and lay the apples on top.

We bake our charlotte for about 45-50 minutes.

Charlotte with apples in a multicooker in Spanish

A stunning aroma will fill your kitchen if you decide to make Spanish apple pie. It also smells commonplace, because an unconventional recipe includes not only apples and lush biscuit, but also almonds, lemon juice, cinnamon, cocoa and even a little rum.

To create this culinary masterpiece with your own hands, you need:

• Apples - 4 pcs.,

• Flour - 1.5 measuring cups,

• Brown sugar - 1 measuring cup,

• Chopped almonds - 1-2 tbsp. l

• Butter - 150 g,

• Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.,

• Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l

• Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

• Rum or confectionery brandy - 5-7 tbsp. l

In addition, you can make a special glaze that is perfect for our charlotte. To do this, take also:

• 100-150 g of powdered sugar,

• Juice of half a lemon,

• 1 tbsp. l rum or brandy.

Before preparing the dough, you need to chop the apples, pour them with alcohol and let it brew for about 10 minutes. For the dough, combine beaten butter, sugar and eggs, then add flour, cocoa and cinnamon to the mixture. From this mass, knead the dough. Now grease the form with margarine, sprinkle with breadcrumbs mixed with almond crumbs, and put the mixture in a slow cooker. Put apples on top and set the "Baking" mode for 1 hour.

For glaze, beat powdered sugar with lemon juice and a spoonful of cognac. With this compound you will cover the finished chilled cake. Now it remains to sprinkle charlotte with almond flakes and enjoy the delicious taste of dessert.

Charlotte in a slow cooker: an old recipe with cherries

This recipe will take us to the old days when the most delicate pie was prepared based on the pudding recipe. There is absolutely no need for flour, because we are going to bake a magnificent white bread cake with the addition of cherries.

Here is a list of ingredients for our charlotte:

• White bread (can be dried or hardened),

• Berries of pitted cherries,

• A glass of milk,

• A tablespoon of butter,

• Half a glass of sugar,

• 3 eggs,

• Cinnamon and icing sugar to taste.

First, cut the crust from the bread, cut it into slices, put it in a deep pan and fill it with milk. Now you need to heat the mixture on fire, add oil and stir for 1-2 minutes. Then we introduce eggs, sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle cherries first with sugar so that it is not too acidic in the pie.

According to tradition, the crock-pot should be spread with margarine or fat, put 2 layers of dough, and between them - sugar cherries. Bake in standard mode for 30-40 minutes.

Useful tips for baking charlotte in a slow cooker

Sometimes in some models of multicookers there is no "Baking" mode, so many of you are wondering: "What should I do to bake charlotte?" Do not be sad, even for owners of inexpensive and simple models there is a way out: you can try to bake pies in the "Soup" or "Milk porridge" modes. In the first and second cases, the cake will be steamed inside the crock-pot and it will turn out magnificent, but lightish.

If you really want to achieve a golden crust, you can try this advice: bake the cake "vice versa", that is, put the ingredients in the reverse order. For example, if you put apples on the bottom and pour dough on top, during a coup you will get browned fruits and a lighter biscuit. You can not just put apples in the bowl, but put them in a beautiful pattern. You will get even more golden hue of the crust if you turn on the "Frying" mode for only a couple of minutes after cooking.

Sometimes the hostess does not manage to bake charlotte in a slow cooker, the dough remains raw and does not rise. In this case, it is not out of place to check the amount of ingredients. If you didn’t stick to the recipe and simply went too far with flour or liquid, it is quite acceptable that the pie will not work. Try to always consider this fact.

One more tip: so that charlotte does not stick, try turning off the multicooker 10-15 minutes before the end of baking and set the mode to "Heating", extending the cooking time for another 20-25 minutes. The cake comes in a warm bowl, but does not burn.

Do not rack your brains and constantly ask yourself: "What to cook today?" Our recipes will help you solve this problem, and a delicious charlotte will delight the whole family at an evening tea party.


Watch the video: How To Master 5 Basic Cooking Skills - Gordon Ramsay (June 2024).