Classic cheesecakes - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook classic cheesecakes.


Classic cheesecakes - the general principles of cooking

The word "cheesecakes" in most of us causes abundant salivation. Still, an image of fresh cottage cheese in a crispy sweet crust with sour cream appears immediately in the head! This is exactly what real classic cheesecakes look like. Cottage cheese is a useful product, but since it is quite bland, not everyone loves it in its purest form. Therefore, the same cottage cheese can be turned into cheesecakes, in this form it will precisely “fly away” in a minute. Of course, the most delicious cheesecakes are obtained from home-made fresh cottage cheese, but you can also shop. Cook cheesecakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner - cottage cheese delicacy is useful, and if you put a little sugar, it just does not harm even the thinnest waist!

Classic cheesecakes - preparation of food and dishes

The main ingredient of cheesecakes is cottage cheese. If you have a home (the most suitable for cheesecakes), mash it well with a fork before kneading the dough. In addition, you will need eggs, some flour, spices. Serve ready classic cheese cakes with the estimated, jam, jam, condensed milk, whipped cream.

Recipes classic cheesecakes:

Recipe 1: Classic Cheese Cakes

Recipes cheesecakes, there are many. Try this one and you will no longer want to cook for other cooking options!

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken egg 2 pieces (medium size)
  • Curd 220 grams
  • Flour 4-5 tablespoons
  • Sugar (to taste)
  • Salt
  • Vanilla
  • Soda Slaked with Lemon Juice
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)

Cooking method:

  1. Curd mash with a fork, if it is a dense consistency.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to the curd, add flour, sugar and vanilla, mix.
  3. Whip the protein with salt and add the resulting foam to the dough.
  4. Add a teaspoon of baking soda vinegar.
  5. Heat the pan and grease it well with oil.
  6. Take the dough for cheesecakes with a damp tablespoon and lay out the frying in the pan. Fry until golden brown and remove from pan.

Recipe 2: Classic cheesecakes in sour cream sauce

After reading this recipe for the first time, perhaps not everyone will risk making such syrnichki, but it is worth trying it out, and you will forget all the other ways of making curd delicacy!

Ingredients Required:

  • Curd 420 grams
  • Egg 2 pieces
  • Corn starch 3 tablespoons
  • Flour 4 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar
  • Salt
  • Sour cream 5 tablespoons
  • Cream 50 ml
  • Vanilla
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Make the dough for cheesecakes. To do this, mix the cottage cheese, starch, flour, powdered sugar (but not all).
  2. Separate the white from the yolk. Add the yolk to the dough.
  3. Beat the whites to a foam with salt. Add to the dough.
  4. Wet your hands, form cheese cakes and fry them in a frying pan.
  5. Put the finished cheesecakes in a pan, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  6. Combine cream, milk and sour cream, add vanilla. Pour the mixture of syrniki in a saucepan.
  7. Simmer cheesecakes in sauce for about 7-8 minutes, then lay them on a plate and serve!

Recipe 3: Classic cheesecakes (without eggs)

We are used to the fact that eggs are a must-have ingredient. However, this recipe will refute the well-known truth - delicious "classic" cheesecakes will be obtained without eggs. This dish is served for breakfast in sunny Italy, however, it is prepared not with sugar, but with a small amount of salt. Together with these cheesecakes served sour cream or whipped cream.

Ingredients Required:

  • Curd 220 grams
  • Corn Starch 2 tablespoons
  • Flour 2 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar
  • Salt
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. We combine cottage cheese, flour, powdered sugar and cornstarch. If the cheese is juicy, then you can easily mix these ingredients, but if dry, add a little milk or cream. The dough should be quite dense and sticky.
  2. From the dough sculpt the ball, which then hands shape cheesecakes.
  3. Fry cheesecakes in a pan in oil for 7-8 minutes.

Recipe 4: Classic cheesecakes in the oven

If you have cottage cheese or yogurt stale in the fridge, these components can be used to create a great dessert. Classic cheesecakes in the oven are incredibly tasty, more like baked goods.

Ingredients Required:

  • Curd 420 grams
  • Yogurt 1 jar (100 grams) any sweet
  • Egg 2 pieces
  • Flour 3 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar
  • Salt
  • Baking powder dough 6 grams
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Make the dough out of all the ingredients by mixing them with a blender or mixer. You can mix and hand, but keep in mind that the dough should get a uniform consistency. The dough should make it look like a not very fat sour cream, and it is easy to drain from the spoon. If it is thicker, add a little cream, milk or even yogurt.
  2. Heat the oven.
  3. In the silicone molds, pour the dough to half. You can use aluminum, but then the integrity of the finished product is violated.
  4. Spread cheesecakes in a preheated oven and leave them there for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. As soon as the cheesecakes acquire a golden hue on the crust, you can get them. These cheesecakes get much more delicate than those that are prepared in the frying pan in the traditional way.

Classic cheesecakes - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  1. It is considered that cheesecakes are a sweet treat, and therefore those who are on a diet are forced to abandon them. But this is not the case at all! First, you can make cheesecakes according to the classic recipe, not with sugar, but with sweetener. Dissolve the tablet in half a spoonful of water and knead the dough in the usual way. The second version of classic cheesecakes - with herbs and salt. Finely chop the dill and add to the dough. The resulting dish will be tasty and satisfying, and most importantly, useful and permitted in any method of nutrition.
  2. Classic cheesecakes will turn out more beautiful if you use butter, not vegetable, for frying. However, be careful, if it burns, cheesecakes will be with black specks.
  3. If you add starch to the dough, it is better to use corn, not potato. It costs a bit more expensive, but more useful, and baking with it turns out better.
  4. Add dried fruit, marmalade, nuts, poppy seeds to the dough of cheesecakes.
  5. An important factor in delicious cheesecakes is the use of fresh cheese, without sourness. Also so-called “cottage cheese product” is not suitable for making cheesecakes. If the cottage cheese you have is not the first freshness, cook the cheesecakes in the oven.
  6. If your cottage cheese is rather dry due to its large fat content, dilute it with cream or kefir.
  7. If the cottage cheese is sour, then this can be offset by adding more sugar.
  8. Use sugar powder instead of sugar, the dough will be much better in texture.
  9. If the cheese is too wet, then the classic cheesecakes may not work. Add flour, semolina or starch to the dough to remove excess liquid and knead the homogeneous dough to its consistency. You can also put cottage cheese for an hour or two in a colander and allow the whey to drain.


Watch the video: Classic Cheesecake Recipe. How Tasty Channel (July 2024).