Blackberry jam - we’ll prepare a jar of vitamins! Recipes of various blackberry jam for gourmet and their health


Blackberry Jam - a tidbit! The rich color, amazing taste and a whole bunch of vitamins are hidden in each jar. Jam is good in itself, can be used in various desserts, added to baking and turn any dish into a small masterpiece. It's time to prepare!

Blackberry Jam - General Cooking Principles

Blackberry wild berries are very soft, juicy, small in size. Often disintegrate in the hands and wrinkle in the dishes. Garden blackberries are denser, larger, sometimes even tough. Jam can be prepared from any berries.

Rinse the blackberry gently. To do this, the berries are stacked in a colander and dipped several times in water. Then they take it out, put it to drain the liquid on a saucepan or hang it on a bucket.

What is put in blackberry jam:

• sugar;

• zest;

• other berries;

• different fruits;

• water.

The exact ingredients and types of blackberry additives are usually indicated in the recipe. Jam is cooked on the stove, but you can also use a slow cooker. There are recipes for cooking without cooking, which preserve the taste of berries as much as possible. But they have their own subtleties in cooking.

Blackberry Jam "Five Minute"

Five minutes is the favorite jam of many, which allows you to maximize the preservation of the aroma and taste of fresh berries. From what it just does not boil, including from blackberries!


• 1 kg of blackberry;

• 1.2 kg of sugar.


1. Pour the washed blackberry with sugar, leave for 5 hours, so that the berries release the juice.

2. Put the workpiece on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the foam.

3. We note the time and after boiling boil exactly five minutes.

4. Cool for 3-4 hours.

5. Put it on the stove again, bring to a boil. If a foam appears, then delete.

6. Let the blackberry jam boil for five minutes and put the hot mass in jars. Done!

Blackberry Jam with Whole Berries

Jam recipe in which the blackberry remains whole. For this, syrup is boiled separately. It is also very important to use slightly immature and dense berries, since the blackberry itself is soft.


• 1.8 kg of sugar;

• 500 ml of water;

• 1.2 kg of blackberry.


1. Pour sugar in a clean saucepan, add water and put on a small fire.

2. Cook the syrup, it is advisable to make sure that most of the sugar is dissolved before the mass boils, so that the jam is not sugared.

3. After boiling, boil the syrup for three minutes.

4. Berries by this time already need to be sorted out, washed and dried a little.

5. Add the blackberry to the syrup, add heat.

6. Remove the foam when boiling, boil for five minutes. It is very important not to allow such jam to boil actively so that the berries do not disintegrate during drilling and retain their natural shape as much as possible.

7. Cool the jam and insist for six hours.

8. Bring to a boil again. This time boil the workpiece in syrup for ten minutes. Cool for three hours.

9. For the last time we give jam to boil again for ten minutes, put in clean and always dry containers, cover with lids. You can clean the blackberry blank for storage.

Blackberry jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for fragrant blackberry jam, which does not require close attention. A kitchen assistant - a slow cooker will take care of everything.


• 1 kg of berries;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Pour the washed and dried blackberries into a cup from the multicooker.

2. Add the granulated sugar according to the recipe.

3. Cover the container with a clean towel and leave it overnight. If there is no such amount of time, then at least for 2 hours.

4. Insert the container into the multicooker.

5. Turn on the "Stew" program, prepare jam for an hour.

6. Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling.

7. We take a clean and dry soup ladle, lay out the workpiece in sterile jars.

Blackberry jam i apples

Is there a little blackberry? You can make jam with apples! The workpiece will turn out to be very interesting in taste, fragrant, no worse than a classic blackberry treat. Just get 1.5 liters of jam.


• 1 kg of apples;

• 200 grams of blackberry;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 400 ml of water.


1. Rinse the apples, cut into small pieces, leaving the bits. Put in a saucepan.

2. Add prescription water to apples. We put apples with water on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

3. Drain all the water, leaving only pieces of apples in the pan.

4. Add the washed blackberry.

5. Pour all the recipe sugar and return to the stove. We put out a small fire and start cooking jam.

6. When the foam appears, remove it with a spoon.

7. Cook on low heat for half an hour after boiling, stir the sweet billet periodically.

8. We put it in jars, immediately jam the jam, turn it over to cool. Sent to the basement.

Blackberry Jam "Thick" with Gelatin

A variant of thick and saturated blackberry jam, for which you need ordinary gelatin. It can be bought at any grocery store. It is worth immediately warning that initially the workpiece will be liquid and thicken after cooling.


• 10 grams of gelatin;

• 4 glasses of blackberry;

• 3 glasses of sugar;

• 70 ml of water.


1. Pour gelatin with boiled, but cold water. We leave while we cook the main products.

2. Rinse the blackberries, remove the leaves, twigs and the rest of the garbage. You do not need to dry anything, let droplets of water remain.

3. Pour the berries with sugar, stir and put on a small fire. If there is time, then it is better to combine sand with berries in advance, so that juice can stand out.

4. When boiling from the surface of the jam, collect the foam. If it will form again, then periodically remove.

5. Cook the jam with a slight boil for half an hour.

6. Pour gelatin, stir quickly and as soon as the mass begins to bubble, immediately turn it off. We do not give the workpiece a good boil, so as not to ruin the gelling properties of gelatin.

7. Pour the blackberry blank into cans, cork.

Blackberry and lemon jam "Citrus Aroma"

Blackberry jam recipe with amazing aroma. Similarly, you can cook a sweet treat with an orange, but its aroma will not be so pronounced and bright.


• 1 kg of sugar;

• 1 kg of blackberry;

• 1 large lemon at least 150 grams.


1. We fill in the washed blackberry with sugar, leave it to stand for four hours. It is better to refrigerate all night.

2. We take a brush, wash the lemon, washing the pores of the zest well. It is in them that dirt most often accumulates. You can pour citrus with boiling water or dip in hot water. This will not only cleanse the crust, but also facilitate the squeezing of juice.

3. Take a grater and rub the lemon on the shallow side. Remove only the yellow thin crust - zest. It stores the aroma of citrus. You can immediately pour it into a container with a blackberry.

4. Cut the citrus into two parts, squeeze out the whole juice. If a bone gets into it, then take it out.

5. Put the blackberry with zest and sugar on the stove, when boiling remove the foam. Cook for 15 minutes.

6. Add lemon juice and boil for about ten minutes.

7. While the mass is hot, put it in jars.

Blackberry jam without boiling

The recipe for natural jam with an amazing taste of fresh berries. It is desirable to store it in a refrigerator or in a room with a temperature of not more than 5-7 degrees, for example, in a cold basement. Then it definitely will not turn sour!


• 1 part of berries;

• 1.5 parts sugar.


1. We sort through the berries of a blackberry. Since the workpiece is not boiled, you need to carefully inspect the main product. Do not get spoiled, rotten berries, garbage in the jam.

2. Rinse the blackberries, dry them on napkins. Drops of water should also not fall.

3. Add all the sugar to the blackberry at once, mash it with a pestle or just mix it well with a spoon.

4. Leave for an hour.

5. We put it on the stove, warm it up a bit, it is enough to bring it to a warm state. Stir, turn off.

6. After a while, we check whether all the sugar grains have melted. If necessary, repeat the heating.

7. It remains to put the sweet blackberry in jars, close the capron lids and put in the refrigerator.

Sugar Free Blackberry Jam with Honey

Is sugar over? This is not a reason to refuse blackberry jam. You can make a workpiece with an amazing taste and aroma of honey. It is very important that honey is natural.


• 400 grams of blackberry;

• 300 grams of honey.


1. Put honey in a stainless steel saucepan, slowly begin to heat.

2. Rinse the blackberries, knead the berries with a spoon, you can just take them apart in half.

3. Lay the berries to honey, stir and simmer on a very low fire for about half an hour. The mass should not boil.

4. Add heat, bring the jam to a boil.

5. Boil another minute and quickly lay out in jars.

6. Close the lids immediately, leave to cool in the inverted form.

7. After we remove the honey jam with blackberries in the basement.

Blackberry Jam - Tips & Tricks

• Some varieties of garden blackberries are not very juicy. In this case, recipes need to use recipes with the addition of water and with cooking syrups. Solid berries are best cooked whole.

• If you keep the jam on the fire, it will lose not only vitamins, but also a pleasant taste. The most fragrant and beautiful preparations are obtained with short-term cooking. It can be produced in several stages with alternate infusion and cooling.

• Not only citrus zest can be added to blackberry jam for flavor. A wonderful aroma is obtained by adding mint leaves. Appetizing jam can be prepared with cinnamon sticks or vanilla, it is better to use real pods.


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