Itching during pregnancy - why it occurs and how to deal with it? Practical recommendations for eliminating itching during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a condition that fills a woman with happiness and joy, a sense of the importance of the upcoming event - the birth of a baby.

But sometimes the expectation of a newborn is overshadowed by some discomfort and unpleasant sensations that are characteristic of this period. One of these sensations is itching that occurs in different parts of the body. In this regard, there are some concerns and questions. Why does itch during pregnancy? Is it dangerous and dangerous at all? Do I immediately rush to the doctor?

Why does itch during pregnancy

Itching is a sensation in which a person constantly or periodically has a desire to comb a certain part of the body. Almost all pregnant women, having detected the appearance of itching, panic and immediately run to the doctor. However, there is not always a reason for undue concern.

Itching during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate a serious imbalance in a woman’s body, although it causes rather unpleasant sensations.

Causes of itching during pregnancy can be very diverse, but the most frequent are the following:

• hormonal restructuring, which provokes a loss of skin elasticity due to a decrease in the performance of collagen and elastin;

• stretching of the skin due to the constantly increasing abdomen, multiple pregnancies, significant weight gain;

• excessive skin dryness due to dehydration;

• increased sweating;

• nervous exhaustion, stressful conditions, nervous system disorders. In this case, itching intensifies at night;

• mechanical damage by tight clothing.

In a woman’s body after conception, natural hormonal changes begin. At the very beginning of pregnancy, a very important hormone is accumulated - progesterone. Directly, he is the key to a safe carrying and proper development of the child. And actually progesterone can be the cause of dryness and sensitivity of the skin, which in combination with stretching and provoke itching during pregnancy.

Usually, severe itching occurs as a result of rapid weight gain at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the growth and enhanced development of the fetus begins. Itching is a kind of sign that an increase in the body mass of a pregnant woman is too rapid, causing discomfort for the body.

Itching can also cause increased sweating, which most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Hot weather, too active daily routine for pregnant women, improperly chosen clothes are the causes that contribute to excessive perspiration. As a result, skin irritation occurs, causing unbearable itching.

Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy

Most often, itching without discharge during pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

• hypothermia or overheating;

• continuous use of antibacterial alkaline products for intimate hygiene;

• wearing synthetics;

• use of daily scented pads;

• allergic to drugs or certain foods;

• lack of iron in the body.

Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy can be accompanied by other symptoms: various discharge, sometimes with a bad smell, pain in the abdomen, burning, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, lethargy and a painful condition. In such cases, itching and burning during pregnancy can be symptoms of the following diseases:

all kinds of dermatitis - accompanied by itching without discharge and odor during pregnancy. They develop as a result of wearing synthetics, irritating shaving in the genital area or the presence of other provoking factors;

vaginal dysbacteriosis - Violation of the microflora of the vagina leads to the occurrence of this disease (may be a consequence of antibiotics, irregular hygiene procedures, as well as hormonal changes in the female body);

thrush - when itching and burning appear white cheesy discharge;

inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa (adnexitis, bartholinitis, vaginitis, vulvitis, colpitis, cervicitis);

genital herpes - accompanied by painful rash;

genital infections - accompanied by yellowish secretions;


diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Itching and discharge during pregnancy in most cases are normal, but can sometimes signal some problems, such as the development of infectious diseases, acute inflammation, diseases of the skin or internal organs. Therefore, it is still necessary to see a doctor. After all, only he can figure out where the norm is, and where treatment is required.

Itching belly during pregnancy

Complaints about itching of the abdomen during pregnancy in most cases are associated with stretching of the skin, which occurs as a result of intensive development of the fetus and the rapid weight gain of the expectant mother.

Also, itching of the abdomen may indicate skin diseases or allergies: food (for food), medication (for vitamins, cosmetics, medications) or contact (for rinse, powder, synthetic tissue).

In some cases, the stomach itches when an exacerbation of diseases of internal organs, in particular, the liver. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, or another disorder can cause itching. This symptom most often increases to the night, supplemented by burning and is pronounced.

Breast itching during pregnancy

Breast itch during pregnancy is completely normal. It is caused by the gradual production of milk in the mammary glands, the breast increases and the skin stretches. Fluid flow can also be felt by the woman as an itch. Almost all pregnant women have experienced this condition.

In addition, the cause of itching can be changes in hormonal levels, which is also a normal reaction of the body.

The skin of a pregnant woman becomes quite sensitive. Because of this, allergies to cosmetics, clothing and powders can occur. And the chest begins to itch. It is very important in such cases not to scratch the itchy areas. Combing the breasts, especially the nipples, can cause an infection that will lead to complications.

Breast itch during pregnancy can be triggered by another reason - a tight bra. Since the mammary glands of the future mother gradually fill up, they will definitely need a new larger lingerie.

Itching of the feet during pregnancy

Itching of the legs may appear in the last trimester of pregnancy as a result of swelling of the tissues. This is because a woman's body weight increases, and there is a large load on her legs, especially if she is prone to varicose veins.

In addition, a pregnant woman's blood level increases estrogen, which can provoke bile stasis in the liver. In turn, bile acids accumulate in the body and contribute to the occurrence of skin itching. In this case, after passing the tests, a high content of bilirubin and ALT will be noted.

Also, itchy feet can be caused by allergies, hives, and various skin fungal diseases. As a rule, after childbirth, the condition returns to normal by itself and the legs cease to itch.

Diagnosis of itching during pregnancy

After the occurrence of an itch during pregnancy, it is advisable not to self-medicate and not to use grandmother's recipes on their own. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to consult a qualified specialist to determine the cause of this condition. After all, to diagnose the above causes of itching during pregnancy at home is simply impossible.

If itching during pregnancy is felt in the intimate area, the woman should inform the attending gynecologist, who will take the necessary measures to diagnose the cause of itching.

Diagnosis of pruritus during pregnancy consists of certain medical studies and tests to establish the correct diagnosis:

• general inspection to detect specific spots, signs of jaundice, the existence of parasites and rashes;

• measurement of body temperature (fever indicates inflammation or infection, which often causes itching);

• examination by a gynecologist, which allows to establish the degree of development of itching, to determine redness of the genitals and swelling of the mucous membrane;

• general clinical and biochemical analysis of blood (namely, determination of sugar levels, thyroid hormones, estrogens, liver enzymes);

• bacterioscopy (examination of vaginal discharge);

• urinalysis and feces;

• An abdominal ultrasound scan to confirm or deny the presence of liver and gallbladder disease.

In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend a woman to consult with other specialists in addition - a psychiatrist, a therapist, a urologist and an endocrinologist.

If itching during pregnancy is suspicious of allergies and a rash resembling a urticaria is present, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease in order to eliminate the allergen as quickly as possible (any product, cat or dog hair, pollen). To establish allergic reactions, skin tests are performed, blood tests for allergens and immunological tests are taken.

As a rule, diagnosis of itching during pregnancy is the prerogative of a dermatologist. Before consulting a dermatologist, it is advisable for a pregnant woman not to take any action for self-treatment. It is not recommended to lubricate the itchy skin with folk remedies, to apply drugs on it - subsequently these measures can significantly complicate the diagnosis.

How to eliminate itching during pregnancy?

Treatment for itching during pregnancy is prescribed depending on the main reason for its formation. To alleviate the condition and reduce itching, you can use the following tips:

• change underwear, it should not contain synthetics, be exclusively from natural fabrics, preferably cotton;

• take a pleasant shower at least 2 times a day;

• take baths of herbs using coltsfoot, chamomile or yarrow;

• use special softeners and moisturizers for baths;

• after the shower and bath, treat the itchy areas with baby cream, cosmetic oil or milk;

• use aloe or cocoa butter to moisturize the skin;

• limit the use of flavored products, cosmetics and household chemicals (deodorants, perfumes, creams, soaps and pads, which include fragrances);

• use hypoallergenic agents;

• drink more fluids;

• protect the skin from heat, wind and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Itching sensation during pregnancy can be reduced thanks to a properly chosen diet, eliminating spicy, smoked and salty foods, spices, strong coffee and tea from the diet.

The expectant mother needs to follow an important rule: itching is not allowed to comb the itchy areas! This contributes to increased itching, damage, redness and irritation of too tender skin. Performing hygienic procedures, comfortable clothing, optimal air temperature - circumstances that are of great importance for reducing itching during pregnancy.

Drug treatment of itching during pregnancy

Since there may be several reasons for itching during pregnancy, only a specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment. Therefore, all preparations for eliminating itching are used only after the appointment of a doctor.

If the cause of itching during pregnancy is a violation of the liver, then the following treatment is prescribed:

• take activated carbon once a day (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight);

• drink a course of Kars and no-shpy to improve the functioning of the liver;

• follow a diet that excludes fried, fatty, smoked and spicy dishes.

If itching occurs due to allergies:

• eliminates the main irritant that caused the allergic reaction;

• corrected diet with the exception of allergenic foods;

• antihistamines are prescribed (can only be taken at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy).

If, however, an infection of the genitourinary system is found, then do not panic. The main thing is to quickly remove the bacterium that caused it. To do this, the doctor will prescribe:

• medicinal candles of local action, which are safe for the child;

• washing the intimate zone 2-3 times a day with herbal decoctions (oak bark, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, celandine);

• sessile herbal baths (chamomile, sage).

When dermatosis appointed moisturizers and special talkers to eliminate itching, which are purchased at the pharmacy.

Prevention of itching during pregnancy

To prevent itching during pregnancy, experts recommend that before planning conception, it is imperative that all chronic diseases that troubled a woman before this new period of life are treated. In addition, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

• control your body weight. Very fast weight gain increases the likelihood of a strong stretch of the skin and the appearance of stretch marks;

• regularly monitor personal hygiene, keep the body dry and clean;

• after water treatments, use moisturizers with a neutral pH level that prevent dry skin;

• do not use perfumed cosmetic or perfumed products (toilet paper, cream, shower gel or pads);

• massage the skin, it will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and pruritus;

• do not stay in stuffy and hot rooms that contribute to itching;

• Try not to get deodorant on the skin of the breast, as this may cause it to dry out;

• when washing, use a phosphate-free laundry detergent, preferably for children;

• pay attention to the quality of your laundry. Bra and panties should be made of natural material, preferably of cotton fabric;

• linen should be in size and not hamper movement;

• Drink enough water to maintain optimal skin balance.

• adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid discomfort and discomfort during the period of carrying a child. But if you still have an itch during pregnancy, do not self-treat. It is better to visit a medical facility to get professional advice from a doctor.


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