How to explain to the child: why you need to eat porridge and soup?


Can you imagine a kindergarten in which children are given pizza, chocolate muffins and carbonated drinks for lunch? Most likely not, because such food is harmful, especially for the children's body. However, the kids do not know about it, or they know, but ignore it. Almost every parent struggles with his child, hoping to push more food into him, although it is better to pay attention to the quality, rather than the quantity of food.

Parent Mistakes

Not all parents are so worried about the amount of food eaten as the grandmothers famous in this matter.

Before negotiating with a child, telling him about the benefits of proper food, have a serious conversation with your grandmothers, because they will not then have to treat a sick stomach.

Before each meal, you need to remind the child of the benefits of warm, thin soup and cereal. Stop all manipulations with dances and dances, do not lure to the table with the help of toys and books. Perhaps some will say that otherwise their children do not eat at all. But if you think logically - is starvation within 5-7 hours deadly? Of course not. Therefore, we remove all auxiliary means and wait for the child to be simply hungry.

The most important thing is to help your child learn how to enjoy eating.

And first of all, give an example, if dad and mom eat with their faces on the phone or TV, then this is what we should expect from the younger generation. Parents should also eat soup and porridge, preferably at the same time as the child. So you will have a powerful argument in favor of proper nutrition.

Flavor enhancers

The seasonings for food contain flavor enhancers, not to say that they are very harmful, but still stuffing a child with glutamic acid is not considered useful.

If parents are very fond of adding special bouillon cubes to the soup, then first you need to select a part of the soup for the child, and season the rest to your liking.

Amplifiers of taste are present in large quantities in fast food, even adults having tried it once, can no longer resist. Why are children worse? They also want this kind of food, so it’s better never to try it, or to delay acquaintance with junk food as long as possible. At school and institute they still have time to eat all sorts of fatty burgers.


No matter how trite it may sound, but habit is a powerful weapon in the struggle for proper nutrition. Every day, start the morning with porridge, and preferably in a different form. Mom can make a plan, for example, on Monday to cook buckwheat, on Tuesday milk corn porridge, on Wednesday a casserole of rice and cottage cheese, on Thursday oatmeal in milk with dried fruits. On weekends, you can make pancakes, omelettes, cheesecakes, etc.

We know from childhood that it is good to eat soup at lunch, and we advise our children to adhere to such a diet. However, little tricks from a very young age negatively relate to soup, possibly due to their liquid consistency and the fact that it is harder to eat than cookies. Parents should be serious, but not radical.

After all, you can always find a compromise. Perhaps your child will eat soup in the morning, and porridge in the afternoon.

Some children are surprised to hear parental notations about the benefits of soup and porridge. Always talk with your child about the benefits of food before eating it, what your lunch consists of, and how it affects your body.

Children feel a lie, so say directly that the soup promotes good digestion, and porridge gives a lot of strength.

Do not be afraid to seriously explain to the two-year-old about the benefits of these dishes, they all understand, and one day your perseverance will be rewarded.

“Beautiful” food

Agree, beautifully decorated food always looks more appetizing than usual. It is especially nice to eat from beautiful dishes, so give your child the opportunity to choose his own plate in the store. If mom has free time, then the following tricks in decorating breakfasts and dinners will be useful to her:

  • Porridge with fruit - super healthy and delicious breakfast. You can decorate the porridge with various compositions of fruits, lay out the berries in the form of a muzzle, a bouquet of flowers, a sun, etc.
  • Scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. From the eggs you can make the sun, if you add straws from carrots. Beaten eggs are perfectly baked in muffin tins, which come in different shapes, the child will appreciate this breakfast. Boiled eggs can go as a bonus to porridge.
  • In the soup you can add small animal pasta. It’s better to prepare liquid soups, because children do not like to chew for a long time. Vegetables can be cut in the form of animals, using a special nozzle.
  • It is better to cook meat in the form of cutlets, or finely chopped pieces.

To help your child develop an interest in food, try inviting him to cook together. Although the kitchen after this will become less clean, your baby will be happy and perhaps full.

Deceit for the good

For avid gourmets of forbidden food, there is one very tricky method, in extreme cases, so to speak. But it is only suitable for children who have not yet eaten on their own. So, parents need to determine the baby’s most delicious dish, what he loves the most and is ready to eat in tons (for example, cheese, sausages, bread). And then add a small piece of this ingredient to each spoonful of porridge. Yes, this is a hoax, but in war all means are good.

When a child has grown up and eats independently, some mothers think of masking food.

Hateful porridge can be added to soup, usually children do not notice it there. From broccoli and zucchini, you can make vegetable pancakes or add vegetables to the minced meat and make steam patties.


Watch the video: baby eating oatmeal (July 2024).