Why it is better not to buy sauerkraut


We all know about the benefits of sauerkraut. Fermentation is especially useful in the winter-spring period, at a time when the body is deficient in trace elements and vitamins. Sauerkraut contains a large number of nutrients that improve digestion, is rich in vitamins of group B, contains ascorbic acid. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc. Providing the body with fiber, it improves intestinal peristalsis.

Bit of microbiology

However, experts warn us against buying ready-made sauerkraut. What is the matter here? The whole thing turns out to be in microorganisms. Let's look at how the starter process is carried out. Under certain physico-chemical conditions, the microorganisms in a vegetable multiply. Under optimal conditions, mainly lactic acid bacteria multiply, during the life of which lactic acid is released. Under the influence of salt and acid, the growth of putrefactive bacteria is suppressed. And in the cabbage mass accumulate nutrients that are available for the human body.

Although the lactic acid bacteria in most sauerkraut are in the majority, many species of other microorganisms participate in the leaven.

Now we will make a small digression and consider the role of bacteria in human life. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of bacteria in our lives: they protect us from pathogens, provide us with vitamins, train our immune system.

Every person from the first days of his birth receives a set of microorganisms from the mother. Most types of bacteria do not change throughout life. There is a symbiosis of macro and microworld. In each family with a long cohabitation set its own set of microorganisms.

What happens when a person eats food prepared by other people? Foreign bacteria enter the body. Alien microorganisms, as a rule, either do not benefit or are capable of causing various diseases.

Why do you need to cook sauces yourself

What should be done to get the maximum benefit from the use of fermentation? The answer is simple - harvest your own milk with your whole family. Why necessarily the whole family? During the fermentation of the skin of the hands of bacteria fall into pickling. During fermentation, favorable conditions are created for your friendly microorganisms. Eat your own cooked foods, which will allow the intestines to colonize your native bacteria. As a result, you get a product that is higher in efficiency than probiotics.

You can ferment yourself not only cabbage, but also other vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers. It all depends on taste. Introduce yourself cooked ferments into the diet. This will allow you to strengthen the body and not get sick in the cold.


Watch the video: Heal the Gut with Sauerkraut Easy-To-Follow Recipe from Summer Bock (June 2024).