Weight loss begins after 30 minutes of physical activity: an obsolete myth or fact?


Regular exercise helps to lose weight. According to older studies, physical activity begins to "act" against obesity after a certain time. But is it true that fat burning begins after 30 minutes of exercise?

Sport helps with weight loss

According to studies, more and more obese people live in Russia. Many try to lose weight with a low-calorie diet. However, unilateral nutrition is not enough. To reduce belly fat, you need to move regularly.

Endurance sports are suitable for weight loss.

Short workouts do not help with weight loss - this is the opinion of modern experts. Sports doctors say that patients should exercise for at least half an hour until they begin to burn fat.

But is it possible to lose weight if you do less than half an hour?

Even a few minutes of exercise daily accelerate fat burning. Especially regular interval training helps you to become slimmer. Who wants to reduce their weight should pay attention to the negative balance of calories. Therefore, it is recommended to burn more calories than you consume.

Even in scientific studies it has been shown that you can lose weight even with the help of small workouts. Researchers from Canada told PLOS ON that 10 minutes of training for several months had been helping with obesity.

Patients reported that their condition improved, and the percentage of body fat decreased over a 12-week study period. However, there is nothing wrong with exercising longer.

Soreness is a bad sign

Men train more often under the motto "No pain, no gain." This means a little soreness after playing sports is a good sign for them. However, health experts disagree.

Experts are still not quite sure about the causes of muscle pain.

It is usually assumed that pain occurs when individual muscle fibers are torn. Muscle pain is a sign that the body needs to rest.

Strength training is strongly discouraged, as the muscles need more time to recover. The opinion that stretching before training can prevent muscle soreness is not discussed by professionals now. There is no scientific research for this assumption.

Some athletes sweat more than others

The suggestion that sweating in sports is a sign of a worse condition is one of the sporting myths. Sweating does not say anything about a person’s condition, because it is a very individual trait.

However, with the growth of training, the body learns to quickly launch its “conditioners” and use them effectively. This protects the heart and blood circulation because peripheral vessels expand faster.

Accelerated sweating helps maintain body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure at a normal level. For an untrained athlete, adaptation takes longer. Therefore, untrained people often lose too much electrolytes and fluids.

Inside or outside?

Whether you need to play sports better indoors or outdoors depends on various external factors. However, it’s usually good to run outdoors. Depending on particulate contamination, running can also be life threatening.

Even at high temperatures or severe frosts, it is recommended that you focus on playing sports in the gym. Physical activity in open cold air increases the risk of pharyngitis and laryngitis.

Exercise causes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Analysis of the data showed that physical activity throughout life was associated with an increased risk of sclerosis. Researchers explain that this increased risk persists after potential factors have been taken into account.

Researchers explain that the higher the load, the higher the risk. Other studies previously found that among former professional athletes, the prevalence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is higher.


Watch the video: Calories In Vs. Calories Out Fat Loss Myth Or Fact? (June 2024).