Dermatitis caused by the fungus Malassezia in animals. How to treat malaysia in pets at home


Malassesia is an animal disease caused by the yeast Malasseziapachydermatis. The presence of fungi on the body of a dog or cat is normal, while the immune system does not allow the yeast to colonize and stops the infection from entering the body. Because malaysia dermatitis, the phenomenon is usually secondary, that is, it occurs as a result of an existing disease that weakens the pet.

Most often, an accelerated increase in fungal colonies is preceded by diseases such as otitis media, hormonal disorders, and allergies. However, the specific reason Malasseziapachydermatis takes on a morbid form has not yet been determined. But the predisposition of some dog breeds to the development of infection is obvious. So, for example, at risk are basset hounds, cocker spaniels, poodles, terriers, dachshunds and sharpei.

Healthy dogs of the selected group carry on their skin the amount of Malasseziapachydermatis, which is much higher than the number of this fungus in their relatives of another breed. At the same time, the protective functions of the skin of such pets are significantly reduced. In cats, cases of infection are extremely rare, because it is generally believed that malaysia is a canine disease. Fortunately, this ailment is not contagious to humans.

The manifestation of dermatitis in different animals

In dogs malassesionny dermatitis is manifested in external otitis media, the appearance of red spots on the skin caused by overflow of capillaries with blood (erythema), pathological hair loss in individual parts of the body (alopecia), thickenings and growths resulting from constant combing (lichenification), hyperpigmentation. At the same time, the animal clearly feels discomfort, suffers from itchy skin and smells bad of mold or yeast.

In cats problems with itching are less common, but the symptomatology, in general, is not too different from the canine one. Symptoms of malaysia dermatitis are otitis externa, seborrheic and scaly dermatitis, peeling and erythema, purulent inflammation of the fingers (paronychia) with discoloration of the nails. The Devon Rex breed is the most common victim of the latter symptom.

Malassezia most often affects the auricles, muzzle (especially lips), folds of the neck, armpits, paws (preferably between the fingers), the area under the tail and stomach. In this case, lesions of the skin can be both localized and randomly scattered throughout the body, in advanced cases very extensive.

The chronic course of the disease often results in hyperpigmentation and a sharp thickening of the skin with an increase in its pattern. The pet in its suffering usually begins to actively lick painful places. This only exacerbates the situation and leads to the appearance of redness, scratching, wounds and plaques on the skin, thereby helping the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

The diagnosis of malaysia dermatitis at the veterinarian’s appointment goes in several stages. First of all, the pet is carefully examined. Then, with the help of adhesive tape, the fingerprints of infected skin areas are removed. The material collected on the tape is examined under a microscope for the presence and amount of fungus, as well as secondary infection in the problem area. This method is called cytology and is the most informative.

Examination of the affected areas of the skin can also be done with a biopsy. Practice has shown that in a healthy pet, the amount of fungus in the axillary region per 1 square centimeter will be less than 1 CFU (colony forming unit), while more yeast can be contained on the lips and between the fingers.

Treatment of dermatitis caused by fungus in pets

Treatment, as a rule, begins with the elimination of the root cause, that is, the disease that affected the increase in the number of fungus. If the underlying disease is not treatable, then the only possible option is symptomatic treatment. With extensive lesions and advanced cases, the doctor may recommend complex treatment.

Acceptance of antibiotics designed to combat infection that has come as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin. As a rule, the course of taking medications is long and is completed only with the permission of the dermatologist.

The use of shampoos and solutions for external use with 2% miconazole and 2% chlorhexidine helps prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Elizabethan collar limits the mobility of the animal, does not allow reaching the problem areas, eliminates combing and licking.

Antifungal drugs are prescribed extremely rarely due to their poor tolerance to animals. Before prescribing such therapy, a series of tests are taken from a sick pet in order to confirm normal liver function and the possibility of treatment.

If the root cause of the spread of pathogenic yeast on the skin of the animal is eliminated, then treatment guarantees the weakening or complete disappearance of the disease. But since in many cases the source of relapse remains unclear, lifelong monitoring of symptoms of malaysia and maintenance therapy may be required.


Watch the video: Dr. Becker Discusses Yeast Infection in Dogs (June 2024).