Chinese sweet and sour meat is a legend! Chinese recipes for sweet and sour sauce with Chinese pineapples, vegetables, teriyaki


Sweet and sour meat is a very interesting and incredibly aromatic dish that can be tasted not only in Chinese restaurants. It is easy and simple to cook at home, you just need to stock up on the necessary ingredients.

Chinese sweet and sour meat - general principles of preparation

• Meat. It is not subjected to lengthy processing, but is sometimes pickled. Original recipes use medium-fat pork. It can be replaced with veal, chicken, they also go well with sweet and sour sauce.

• Vegetables. Most often, onions, garlic, carrots, peppers are found in recipes. But zucchini and eggplant can be added, tomatoes are often replaced with tomato paste or ketchup. Vegetables are usually cut into strips, fried with meat or separately.

• Sauce ingredients. There are a lot of them, depending on the recipes. Most often soy sauce, honey or sugar, lemon juice or vinegar, ginger and hot pepper are found. In the sauces, you can add any seasoning at your discretion.

• Additional ingredients. Meat is usually cooked in a pan, so butter is required. It is better to take a plant product, as soy sauce can burn. For the decoration of meat in Chinese, you will need white sesame seeds, the addition of fresh herbs is welcome.

Chinese sweet and sour meat with sesame seeds (pork)

The simplest recipe for meat in sweet and sour sauce in Chinese. The dish is prepared very simply; pork tenderloin is used here.


• 400 g of pork pulp;

• 30 g of lemon juice;

• large onion;

• 30 ml of oil;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp chopped ginger;

• 15 g of honey;

• 10 g sesame;

• 15 g tomato. paste.


1. Cut the washed pork pulp into slices, as for goulash or straws, but not very finely.

2. Add to the pork a spoonful of soy sauce and 50 ml of water, stir, leave to marinate.

3. Cut the garlic cloves in half, throw in oil, fry.

4. We take out the garlic, spread in parts the pickled pork so that the pieces do not touch each other, fry in batches until golden brown. Spread in a bowl.

5. Add the onion sliced ​​in half rings to the same oil. Fry until almost done.

6. Return the pork back.

7. The remaining sauce is mixed with honey, add tomato paste to them. Citrus juice, season with ginger and pour 150 ml of water. Dissolve the components of the fill well.

8. Put the sauce in a skillet for meat with onions, cover, cook over low heat for about five minutes.

9. Take out the meat on a plate, cover with sesame seeds. You can pre-lightly fry them, but separately and in a dry frying pan it will be even tastier.

Chinese sweet and sour meat with vegetables

Chinese-style vegetable meat in savory sweet and sour sauce. It mainly uses bell peppers and carrots. The juicier the vegetables, the tastier the dish.


• 300 g of any meat;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 large pepper;

• 35 ml of soy sauce;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• a spoon of honey;

• 10 g of ginger;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 20 ml balm. vinegar

• ripe tomato;

• 2 tablespoons of starch.


1. Cut the meat, pour half of the soy sauce to it, put the starch and 70 ml of water. Well, stir it all, leave for a quarter of an hour. This will be enough for pickling.

2. Saturate the oil with garlic. To do this, simply pour it into a pan, add one clove, cut into several parts. Fry.

3. Take out the garlic, put the meat in one layer, but not tightly. Cook until golden brown, transfer to a bowl.

4. We rub the carrots with large straws, you can use a knife for Korean salads. We put it in a pan after meat. If necessary, add a little more oil.

5. After a minute, we launch the chopped pepper into the carrot. Fry until soft.

6. Return the meat to the pan, stir.

7. Cooking the sauce. We mix the grated tomato (it is advisable to remove the seeds) with soy sauce, ginger and garlic cloves that are left, add honey and balsamic vinegar, pour 150 ml of water.

8. Send the sauce to the pan, cook Chinese meat with vegetables for another five minutes, just warm it up and it's done! Greens are best added directly to the plates.

Chinese sweet and sour meat with pineapple

You can take pork for this dish, but veal is also good, chicken is perfectly combined with pineapple and sweet and sour sauce.


• 150 g of onion;

• 0.7 kg of meat;

• 300 g canned pineapple;

• a spoonful of starch;

• a spoon of flour;

• three tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 2/3 tablespoons of vinegar;

• soy sauce;

• butter.


1. Cut the meat or poultry into pieces. We combine starch and flour, sprinkle, stir, so that the dry mixture is evenly distributed.

2. Now add the soy sauce, the amount to taste. If it is not very salty, then you can pour up to 40 ml. Stir, leave to marinate.

3. Heat a little oil. Canned pineapples need to be removed from the marinade in advance to glass all the liquid. Cut into slices, spread in oil, fry for two minutes.

4. Now you need to remove the pineapples, lay the meat. Cook until light crust and immediately add the chopped onion. You can take it a little less if you are confused by such a quantity. Cook until transparent, return the pineapples.

5. Cooking the sauce. It is enough to mix tomato paste and pineapple marinade, you need about 150-180 grams. Sugar is not necessary to put, stir and pour the food in a pan. If suddenly the paste is concentrated, then one spoon is enough.

6. Stew on low heat until the sauce is half-boiled. You can turn it off.

Chinese sweet and sour meat (teriyaki)

Teriyaki is a wonderful sauce in which you can quickly and easily cook meat in Chinese. This dish has only 4 ingredients, which is its undoubted advantage.


• 400 g of pork;

• 70 g of teriyaki;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• butter.


• We cut meat or chicken, successfully according to this recipe a breast is obtained. We make small plates, slightly beat off on both sides.

• Put the meat in hot oil, fry until golden brown until almost cooked.

• Next put the cloves of garlic, cut in half. As soon as they are fried, discard.

• As soon as we turn the pieces over, we can proceed to the sauce. Dilute teriyaki with half a glass of water. It is better to use boiling water immediately, since meat does not like sudden changes in temperature.

• Pour sauce, cover, make minimal heat, simmer for ten minutes. When serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Chinese Sour Orange Meat Sauce

To prepare the sauce you will need orange juice prepared by yourself. If the citruses are sweet, then add a little lemon juice or a few grains of concentrated dry acid.


• 500 g of meat;

• 180 g of juice;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp honey;

• 30 g of oil;

• 10 g of garlic;

• 10 g flour or starch.


1. Cut the washed meat into slices (pork or veal), sprinkle with soy sauce, just a little bit, leave for twenty minutes.

2. Roll pieces in flour or just pour, stir. Put in a pan, fry the meat until light brown.

3. Combine the remaining sauce and orange juice, add chopped garlic and ginger to them, season with honey, dissolve. You can sprinkle a little pepper for pungency.

4. Pour the cooked meat with orange sauce, quickly bring to a boil. Then the fire must be set to the very minimum, boil the juice half without a lid.

5. Decorate the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Chinese-style eggplant sweet and sour meat

Another vegetable version of delicious Chinese-style meat in sweet and sour sauce. It is advisable to use small eggplants for cooking, which are conveniently cut into strips in length.


• 300 g eggplant;

• 600 g of meat;

• 80 ml of soy sauce;

• 10 g of starch;

• 10 g of sugar, ginger, garlic;

• half a large lemon;

• 150 g carrots;

• greens, oil.


1. First we cut the eggplants lengthwise into two parts, then each one more in half and one more time. It should make long straws. If the vegetable is bitter, then they need to be soaked, leave for fifteen minutes.

2. We also cut the meat into strips, add starch, which can be replaced with flour, stir, pour with soy sauce, about half should go. We also leave for about fifteen minutes.

3. Put the eggplant in a hot frying pan with oil, quickly fry until it is rosy in color and remove.

4. Fry carrots, cut or grated with straws, also lightly fry.

5. Spread the meat, pre-squeeze, bring to readiness, add the prepared carrots and eggplant.

6. Mix 150 ml of water with sugar, squeezed lemon juice, ginger and the sauce that remains. Pour into the pan.

7. Cover, warm foods for about five minutes, the dish can be served at the table.

Chinese sweet and sour meat - tips and tricks

• If the meat of a not very young animal is used for a Chinese dish, then leave it to marinate for a couple of hours, it is also worth doing with beef, which is easy to dry.

• If the sauce begins to burn quickly, you need to pour a little boiling water, stir, set the smallest fire and cover the pan, let the dish simmer until cooked.

• Chinese meat is often sprinkled with sesame seeds, it is very beautiful and looks spectacular, but it turns out not less delicious with chopped walnuts.


Watch the video: Pineapple Fried Rice l Jen Phanomrat (June 2024).