Coccyx hurts - why and what to do? Is the pain in the tailbone a consequence of a serious illness or will it go away


An important component of any organism is the spine, it is quite vulnerable and fragile. It is he who takes all the main load.

Often patients come to the doctor with a common question, why does their tailbone hurt and what to do about it.

Coccyx hurts - why?

The sensation of pain in the tailbone is a common situation. Pain syndrome is accompanied by different conditions, blood circulation is disturbed in the coccyx, and as a result, a neurological disease may occur.

Often, pain characterizes many different diseases, and is not at all a consequence of a tailbone injury. That is why, in order to determine the cause of the pain, you need to undergo a thorough examination.

Among the common causes of coccyx disease, the following can be distinguished:

1. The most common causes are, of course, injuries. They can be professional and seasonal. When professional, injuries occur during work, for example in athletes. Seasonal injuries often occur in winter, for example, when people fall on the ice and hit the tailbone.

2. Muscle pathology. For example, there is a pinched nerve fiber during myopathy, in particular this applies to the coccygeal region.

3. Pathology of the sigmoid and rectum, hemorrhoids, fissures in this area, as well as many other diseases of this kind.

4. Cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

5. Coccygeal cyst.

6. Injury during childbirth, in particular this refers to the prolapse of the perineum and extension of the coccyx.

7. The patient experiences frequent stress and overwork.

8. Diseases of the skin. If as a result of such pathologies, damage to the nerve endings occurs, then the sensation of pain becomes very strong. It can be a fistula in the anal area, pressure sores. If no action is taken in time, then deeper tissue will be damaged.

9. Idiopathic pains, they arise for no apparent reason. This happens quite rarely.

Pain in the coccyx can be of a different nature and localization. So, for example, if the pain is sharp and is observed only at the time of rising, then this is a consequence of a recent operation.

The tailbone can get sick even during menstruation, but most likely the woman has a gynecological or neuralgic disease. That is why, only a gynecologist or neurologist can examine the patient in such a case.

Lack of calcium, genital inflammation - these are another cause of pain in the tailbone.

Coccyx hurts - what to do?

The treatment will be carried out successfully only if the cause of such a painful condition is accurately established. First of all, you need to visit a doctor of a proctologist, after a thorough examination, he can refer the patient (s) to a gynecologist, surgeon or neurologist. In rare cases, the intervention of a psychotherapist is required.

It is not always possible to immediately establish the cause of the pain. That is why, until it is clarified, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Cortisone injections can be given, or drugs such as thioctic acid can be administered internally. Severe pain can be relieved by novocaine blockade.

All patients are prescribed sedatives, as well as vitamins C and B. At the doctor's recommendation, rectal suppositories are used. The doctor will recommend a sedentary lifestyle, and under the buttocks you must definitely put something soft.

It is unlikely to take any actions independently, as it is necessary to establish the exact cause of this condition.

Help cannot be provided only to pregnant women, since they can not take either painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs. X-ray examination is also excluded. That is why, such patients have to endure pain until their baby is born. All that can be done is to put cushions on the seat.

Coccyx hurts: medicines and devices

There are several ways of therapeutic treatment of coccyx pain.


For minor pain, experts prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. Drugs are administered in the form of microclysters or suppositories.

But if severe pain occurs, it will not be effective. In this case, novocaine blockades are used, the solution is injected with a syringe around a painful place.

Manual therapy

To relieve pain in the coccyx can be a finger massage of the rectum. All manual therapy techniques should be performed by experienced professionals. As a result of the procedures, blood circulation will be improved, blood stasis will be eliminated, muscle spasm will be relieved, the range of motion of the coccyx will be restored.

Acupuncture is actively used, due to this, pain can be significantly reduced.


Of all the methods of physiotherapy, the following are used to eliminate pain in the tailbone:

• UHF;

• healing mud;

• laser therapy;

• ultrasound treatment is performed;

• Darsonval.


Exercise, exercise in the morning, a person with a sick tailbone is not only possible, but also necessary to do. But there are some limitations: running, jumping, brisk walking, straining and any sudden movements are completely ruled out.

Basic gymnastics for the treatment of pain in the coccyx should include the following:

1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and then spread them apart. Place your palms on the inside of your knee joints. Try to bring your knees together, but with your hands create an obstacle. Repeat exercises up to 12 times.

2. While in the same position, squeeze the ball between the legs. Put your hands, namely your palms, on your stomach. Strongly squeeze the ball with your knees for 5-7 seconds, with your palms rest on your stomach so that it does not protrude.

3. Lie on your back, legs straighten, between the feet hold the ball. Start squeezing it, do the exercise up to 8 times.

4. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and spread them to the side. Carefully lift the pelvis up and hold it in this position for several seconds. When performing this exercise, the gluteal muscles should tighten.

Each exercise should be performed carefully, without rushing, between them you need to take a short break. In order to achieve greater effectiveness, exercises should be performed up to two times a day.

Little fellow hurts: folk remedies

The tailbone is an almost imperceptible zone on the human body, but so far it makes itself felt, as it is vulnerable. Even with minor bruises, serious problems can arise.

The cause of pain can be a long-standing injury, which may well manifest itself even after a month. After identifying the cause of the pain, you need to start treatment. Today they use not only traditional methods, but also traditional medicine. As practice shows, many of these recipes are really effective, and the positive effect is achieved faster than when taking medication.

Vinegar and honey for the treatment of tailbone

The painful sensations caused by inflammation can be removed with a solution of vinegar (one part) and honey (two parts). The exact number of procedures can not be called, it all depends on the degree of inflammation. If the pain is moderate, it is enough to carry out 5-6 procedures, if severe, then you need to rub the product every hour.

In between such treatment, the area around the coccyx is smeared with vegetable oil. Instead of vinegar, you can take alcohol.

Iodine and Vishnevsky ointment

Every evening, before you go to bed, smear your coccyx with iodine, then put on something warm and go to bed. This procedure is performed several times a week. It is not recommended to cool off at this time.

Instead of iodine, you can use Vishnevsky ointment. Take a soft cloth and apply ointment on it, then attach to the coccyx, and cover with cellophane on top. It is enough to do this procedure for several days in a row in order for the pain to recede.

Geranium leaves

Taking baths with geranium leaves can relieve pain. The broth is saturated with useful substances. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of leaves and fill them with a liter of water. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the gas and cook for another 5-10 minutes. After the remedy is ready, strain it and add to the bath.

Treatment of pain in the coccyx with ointments

Any tailbone injury is always a long and painful treatment. Regardless of what caused the condition, the disease or just a bruise, you can use ointments that will relieve pain and contribute to the speedy elimination of the problem.

1. Mummy based ointment. Buy one bag of mummy at any pharmacy and rub it with rose oil. The resulting product is gently rubbed into the coccyx.

2. Resin ointment. Take spruce resin in the amount of 20 grams, one onion (pre-ground), 15 grams of copper sulphate, 50 grams of olive oil. Stir everything, set on fire, heat, let cool slightly, and then apply to the coccyx. After that, you will feel a slight burning sensation, but do not worry, the therapeutic effect due to this will only increase.

With timely treatment, serious complications can be avoided, and all unpleasant sensations can be eliminated. Be sure to follow all doctor's instructions.


Watch the video: Tailbone Coccyx Pain Relief - Ask Doctor Jo (June 2024).