May 27: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 27th.


Holidays May 27

All-Russian Library Day

On May 27, Russia annually celebrates the professional holiday, Library Day (or Librarian Day), which was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - Boris Yeltsin - in 1995. According to the main points of this document, Russian libraries make a huge contribution to the development of national culture, science and education, so the introduction of this holiday was very advisable. And the All-Russian Day of Libraries is timed to the founding of the first state library in Russia in 1795 (today it bears the name of the Russian National Library).

By the same Decree of 1995, executive authorities, local authorities, as well as various cultural organizations and movements are recommended annually within the framework of the Day of Libraries to conduct thematic events aimed at enhancing the role of libraries and books in the historical, cultural and socio-political adaptation of the Russian population. In addition, it is important to address aspects related to the development, improvement and strengthening of libraries of the Russian Federation.

It is believed that the very first "book" in Russia was founded in 1037 in Kiev (at the St. Sophia Cathedral) during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

Memorial Day in the USA (date for 2013)

National Day Memorial Day in the United States is traditionally celebrated every year on the last Monday of the month of May. On this day, as a rule, all residents of the United States of America remember and pay tribute to those who died as a result of wars and other armed conflicts - former US citizens. Initially, this holiday was referred to as Decoration Day (literally translated from English) and was not officially approved in the United States.

Before the end of the war between South and North, the American poetess Nelly Sweet composed the song "Let us kneel where our loved ones sleep" in honor of the victims. Since then, all the women of the South began to decorate the graves of relatives and friends with wreaths, flowers, flags every year. Northerners did not celebrate Decoration Day. On May 5, 1868, General John Logan officially proclaimed May 30 as National Memorial Day and reinforced the event with a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the graves of the fallen Confederate and Allied soldiers. The ceremony was led by Logan himself. In 1971, Congress passed a law to extend Memorial Day to the last Monday of May.

May 27 on the folk calendar

Sidor Bokogrey

On May 27, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Isidore. In Russia it was renamed Sidora, and was called Bokogrey, since from this period, as the peasants noticed, the cold northerly winds, which the people called "sivers", stopped blowing. Our ancestors joked about this: "All sivers will leave for our Sidor." It was believed that on this day from the warm edges swallows and swallows flew. These birds, according to legend, brought with them summer and joy.

The early return of swifts and swallows prophesied a good and happy year. Also on Isidore paid attention to some signs. For example, if the day was set clear, then a plentiful harvest of pumpkin and cucumbers was expected. Bad weather testified that almost the whole summer would be cool. The fog established in the morning promised an abundance of berry-fruit crops.

Historical events of May 27

May 27, 1606 - The beginning of the uprising in Moscow against the Polish invaders. Execution of False Dmitry I

At the beginning of the 17th century, a very difficult period took shape in Russia. The situation of the peasants deteriorated sharply, crop failure provoked hunger, disease and high mortality among the general population. While the ruling class speculated with bread. Peasant discontent grew. In 1605, Grigory Otrepiev (False Dmitry I) arrived in Moscow and, taking advantage of the weakening of Godunov’s power, impersonated his son Ivan the Terrible.

After the death of the king, the right to reign was transferred to his son Theodore, but the young prince was soon killed. Then False Dmitry entered the throne. He tried to find support in the face of the boyars who suffered during Godunov. Conducting pronounced, tough feudal measures, the new king turned against himself all the lower classes. The denouement of his reign was predictable, and on May 27, 1606, a peasant uprising arose. A crowd of ruined Polish interventionists rushed to the Kremlin. The false Dmitry was seized and burned, and the mass extermination of the interventionists began. When everything calmed down, the boyars who participated in the plot immediately began to strengthen their political position.

May 27, 1703 - Peter the Great laid the Peter and Paul Fortress, which laid the foundation for the foundation of St. Petersburg

In 1703, the laying of a fortress took place on Hare Island, which gave "life" to a new city - the first Russian port on the Baltic Sea. The name of the city was invented in honor of the Apostle Peter, and the construction work was led by a close assistant to the emperor Menshikov. The laying of the fortress was carried out by peasants, soldiers, captured Swedes. Workers were supplied from each province. Already in October of that year, the construction of the fortress was completed. In 1924, a museum was opened at it; in the 1990s, the building was declared a historical and cultural reserve of Russia. By the way, it is the Peter and Paul Fortress that annually on May 27 becomes the venue for the celebration of St. Petersburg Day.

May 27, 1930 - American R. Drew patented Scotch tape

In 1923, the inventor got a job at 3M, which specialized in the production of sandpaper for cellophane products. Once, while working in a car repair shop, Drew noticed that when painting vehicles where two or more colors had to be used, the dividing strip turned out to be uneven, which the craftsmen didn’t like. Then Drew was puzzled by the idea of ​​something to come up with in such a case. A few days later he brought the master a wide ribbon with a band-aid at the edges. To improve his invention, Drew took about five years, and in 1930 he created and patented a transparent adhesive tape called adhesive tape. Today, the company "3M" produces about a thousand different types of adhesive products.

May 27 were born

Lars nilson (1840 - 1899) - Swedish chemist, follower of Mendeleev. In 1879, he discovered the chemical element of scandium. All the properties of this element were predicted and described nine years earlier by Dmitry Mendeleev.

Alexander Lorch (1889 - 1980) - an outstanding breeder who bred many varieties of potatoes. In 1919 he founded a potato breeding station in one of the villages near Moscow, which today is the All-Russian Research Institute of Potato named after Lorch.

Christopher Lee (born in 1922) - an English film actor, one of the most sought-after actors of that time. Such films as "Dracula", "Gremlins" (second part), "The Lord of the Rings" (magician Saruma), etc. brought him fame.

Maria Shukshina (born in 1967) - Russian actress and TV presenter. Awarded the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree.

Name Day May 27

Name days on the indicated date: Julius, Nikita, Leonty, Isidore, Maxim, Serapion, Makar, Ivan, Alexander, Tikhon, Mark, Peter, Maria, Cyril.


Watch the video: May 19. Event, Birthday, and Holiday (June 2024).