Tasty, satisfying, effective fish diet: how it is useful. Learn how to lose weight on a fish diet for 7 and 14 days


Protein diets are the most effective that all nutritionists recognize.

On a fish diet, which is just protein, you can lose weight quickly and effortlessly. For 10-14 days, you can lose up to 6-7 kg of excess weight.

General principles of nutrition on a fish diet

Fish protein is as satisfying as meat protein, but is absorbed more easily by the body. If meat can cause rot in the intestine, then the fish will be fully absorbed, and therefore much better suited for dietary nutrition.

On a fish diet, you need to make the basis of your diet exactly fish. It should not be any special varieties: any inhabitant of river and sea waters is ideal for a diet marathon. Buy pollock, hake, cod, pike perch, flounder, tuna, navaga, capelin, herring, mackerel. Of the expensive varieties you can eat salmon, salmon.

What you need to do to lose weight on a fish diet:

• eat fish every day, combining it with some permitted foods;

• fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, salmon, etc.) to cook without oil;

• cook fish so as not to increase its calorie content: stew, bake, cook in water and steam;

• it is desirable that the fish is fresh. However, you can eat frozen fish, as well as use canned fish. But salty, dried, smoked products are better not to use. Too much salt, which traps water in the cells and prevents weight loss.

The creators of the fish diet recommend using it in the cold season. The body in autumn and winter needs protein, amino acids and vitamins. It is this combination that we see in fish meat. It is important that during the diet you can not only lose weight, but also restore disturbed metabolic processes in the body. In addition, the composition of fish meat has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and has other advantages.

The benefits of a fish diet

Fish meat contains many useful substances. First of all, these are unique amino acids and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems and its general healing.

Among the most valuable substances found in fish meat:

• Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen blood vessels, nervous system, heart, bones, prevent cancer, normalize cholesterol, and ensure normal brain function;

• Among the most valuable minerals rich in fish meat are calcium, fluorine, zinc, and phosphorus. Without them, the normal functioning of the body is impossible;

• fish is rich in vitamins A, D, B, which have beneficial effects on organs and systems.

Absolute digestion of fish protein. This means that such a diet does not slag the intestines, does not overload the kidneys, and fatty fish will not harm the liver. Despite the abundance of protein, there are very few calories in fish, that is, you will lose weight easily without experiencing the pangs of hunger. You can eat a lot, the amount of food will not affect the speed of weight loss.

An important plus of the fish diet is that proteins and amino acids have a beneficial effect on the skin. During the diet, it is tightened, the face is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, and deep skin creases become smaller. In general, such a diet allows you to rejuvenate the body. In addition, due to the presence of fatty acids, women are not threatened with menstrual irregularities, which often happens on diets with limited fat in the diet.

Fish is especially useful for hypertensive patients, people with reduced immunity and metabolic disorders. Doctors recommend including fish in the diet for those who have a tendency to atherosclerosis, ischemia, stroke, angina pectoris.

List of prohibited and permitted products

All types of fish are allowed on the fish diet. Like river - eat carp, bream, crucian carp, pike, burbot, carp, perch. Sea to your liking - buy mackerel, herring, pink salmon, salmon, cod, pollock, flounder, tuna.

On a diet, vegetables, protein and dairy products are allowed.

Here's what fish can be combined with:

• some types of fresh or stewed vegetables, including cabbage, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, beets, spinach, cucumbers;

• Brown rice;

• eggs;

• seafood;

• kefir, bifidoc, biokefir, drinking yogurt;

• unsweetened fruits;

• spices, but not spicy.

Allowed some sea (non-common) salt, 100 ml of red wine per day. All other products are prohibited. You can’t eat flour, sweet, meat. Potato and eggplant are forbidden from vegetables.

Important Nutrition Facts on a Fish Diet

To get the expected result, you need to adhere to a nutrition plan for 7 or 14 days. Choose one or another option depending on how many kilograms you plan to lose during the diet. If you need to lose weight by no more than 5 kg, it is enough to spend a week on a diet. If not more than 2 kg, you can limit yourself to just 3 days.

Important points:

portion size not standardized. Eat as much as you want. But it’s better not to overload the stomach, eat less, but more often, five to six times a day;

drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 liters per day, so that the kidneys excrete products of protein food;

• protein is the material necessary for building muscles, therefore during a protein diet, it is important to give the muscles physical activity. If the weight is very large, walk a lot (you can’t run), do exercises on the buttocks, stomach, arms - as much as you can. If possible, work out on cardiovascular equipment, alternating them with strength exercises.

Additional intake of vitamins is not required, since the fish diet is balanced. It includes not only protein, but fats and carbohydrates.

Fish diet: 7-day menu

Within seven days you need to eat not only fish, sour-milk products, in a limited amount - vegetables into fruits. You can replace the fish with seafood, and the vegetables indicated in the menu can be replaced with others from the allowed list.


• Breakfast: stewed pollock (150 g) with a side dish of boiled cabbage, any tea or coffee.

• Second breakfast: egg with coffee.

• Lunch: pink salmon baked in foil (200 g) with boiled bean asparagus (100 g).

• Snack: a glass of kefir and 10 g of dark chocolate;

• Dinner: pollock with cabbage or one fresh cucumber.


• Breakfast: one stewed or baked flounder, rye or whole grain bread (can be replaced with a slice of bread), tea.

• Second breakfast: one fruit.

• Lunch: steam pike cutlets (can be baked in the oven) with a side dish of asparagus beans (200 g and 100 g, respectively).

• Snack: a cup of kefir.

• Dinner: a piece of pink salmon or trout (150 g), sliced ​​from one tomato.


• Breakfast: canned tuna salad (100 g) with green onions and cucumber.

• Second breakfast: apple or pear.

• Lunch: a piece of boiled carp (150 g), a cup of fish stock, seasoned with green onions.

• Snack: a glass of biokefir.

• Dinner: boiled shrimp (200 g).


• Breakfast: steam cod and boiled cabbage (100 g of both dishes).

• Second breakfast: 100 salmon or pink salmon slightly salted.

• Lunch: bean, onion, zucchini soup with a slice of black or whole grain bread.

• Snack: egg.

• Dinner: pike cutlets steamed or in the oven (200 g).


• Breakfast: a piece of any boiled or steamed fish with one loaf of bread.

• Second breakfast: egg with bread.

• Lunch: a large plate of salmon or common carp soup (300 g).

• Snack: fruit.

• Dinner: baked fish (200 g) with a side dish of boiled or baked zucchini.


• Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese (150 g), tea.

• Second breakfast: fruit.

• Lunch: a piece of sea fish baked in foil (200 g) with grilled zucchini (150 g).

• Snack: cottage cheese (half a morning portion) or an egg.

• Dinner: a piece of boiled pike (can be in the form of steam cutlets) and a glass of biokefir.


• Breakfast: boiled squid salad (200 g) with onions and eggs.

• Second breakfast: one apple.

• Lunch: boiled fish (100 g) and a cup of fish broth with fresh herbs.

• Snack: egg.

• Dinner: baked river fish (150 g), kefir.

From day 8, you need to repeat the scheme again. The longer the program, the greater the effect it gives and the more benefits it brings.

Diet for 3 days fish diet

This is a lightweight version of the main diet. It is used if you need to lose weight slightly or simply bring the body back to normal after long holidays or excessive consumption of carbohydrates.

The diet for all three days is as follows:

Breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt without sugar and fruit, a hard-boiled egg, a cup of low-fat cottage cheese, green or herbal tea.

Lunch: a piece of fish baked in foil (200 g), one orange, or one kiwi, or one grapefruit.

Dinner: fish cakes (250 g) or a piece of boiled fish of the same weight with a side dish of boiled asparagus beans, cucumber, bell pepper and cabbage. Salad can be seasoned with sour cream sauce.

Dinner: Repeat the lunch menu. Instead of fish, you can boil shrimp, squid or even eat a can of canned fish. It is good to take boiled brown rice for a side dish.

At night you can drink a glass of kefir. Before each main meal you need to drink a glass of hot water. In between meals, you can drink green tea and clean water.

Menu for 10 days - fish diet

To lose weight by 5 pounds, you can try a 10-day version of the fish diet. Every day the menu will be the same in nutrient content and food combination. You can vary this pattern in your own way, for example, using different methods of cooking fish.

First breakfast: boiled egg, a glass of kefir or bifidoc.

After half an hour: one grapefruit, 100 pomelo or one orange.

Lunch: boiled pollock (250 g) with vegetable slices, granny apple (or any green), mineral water without gas.

In an hour: two cups of green tea.

Dinner: a piece of fish in any form (250 g).

High tea: a cup of natural cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve or grained (150 g) or 2 cups of biokefir (500 ml).

Dinner (no later than 19.00): boiled seafood (250-300 g) with grilled vegetables or stewed zucchini.

Eat allowed vegetables, cook casseroles, vegetable patties, soups from them. Instead of fish, boil squid, shrimp. You can buy a sea cocktail and stew it with vegetables in a pan or in a cauldron.


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