The development of the brain of the baby directly depends on the love and attention of the mother


Many mothers touch their child comfortingly, empathizing with him in certain difficult moments for him, whether it be psychological stress or even a minor injury received from falling on his bicycle. It turns out that the manifestation of care and a sense of understanding on the part of the parent are not only excellent ways to calm the child, but also effective means to increase the size of his brain.

This statement was made by researchers at Washington University in the United States. Their study consisted of comparing x-rays of the brain in children aged 2 to 4 years. Some of them were brought up in dysfunctional families, often without even the slightest love on the part of woe-mothers, others were always extolled by their nurse and never lacked attention.

At the very first stage of the examination, experts saw that the differences between the brain images of the two groups of children not only exist, but are also visually distinguishable. So, babies who were cared for by a loving mother from birth had a much larger and brighter brain than their peers, who were under the protection of inattentive parents - this organ was relatively smaller and had much more dark areas, which indicated the absence of some of the fundamental elements for a child

According to the researchers, the consequences of such a brain development can be varied - among them, as a rule, student failure, immoral behavior, a tendency to violence and drug use, low intellectual abilities, as well as negative character traits. Of course, a large and well-developed brain cannot act as a one hundred percent guarantee that in the future all these shortcomings will bypass the side of a baby who is brought up by an attentive mother, but in such cases the risk of acquiring them is extremely small.


Watch the video: Love is not Enough (June 2024).