Masks with gelatin for hair. How to make a gelatin mask. Recipes


Beautiful hair is the dream of every woman. Of course, the condition and density of hair is determined mainly by hereditary factors. If you naturally got thin and sparse hair, then you won’t be able to radically fix the situation, no means will help you turn them into a luxurious mane. Nevertheless, even such hair can be given a healthy and flawless appearance, make them more luxuriant and attractive. It also happens that hair that is naturally good for one reason or another loses its appearance, grow dull, become brittle.
If you have problems with hair, do not rush to resort to expensive salon procedures or buy well-advertised expensive products that may not meet your expectations. Try to make your hair beautiful and grow faster with affordable home remedies. Today, on the Internet or other sources, you can find many recipes for homemade hair masks, the effectiveness and safety has been tested by more than one generation of women. For example, they are very popular. gelatin masks.

How do gelatin hair masks work? It is known that gelatin is made from a protein of connective tissue - collagen. Therefore, it has a lot of protein that can significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. That is why gelatin is widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine as a means that can strengthen hair and stimulate their growth.

The effect of using a gelatin mask will be noticeable after several times of its use; with prolonged use, the hair thickens, becomes strong and healthy, their growth is accelerated.

Gelatin masks are considered very effective for restoring damaged hair structure, giving them volume and shine. Such masks can be used with every shampoo, applying them to wet hair. Especially in gelatin masks need dry, damaged and brittle hair. To thin and too soft hair they add volume and make them more magnificent. In general, they are useful for all types of hair, as they protect them from the negative effects of the external environment and damage associated with styling, as they create an invisible thin nourishing film. At the same time, unlike oils, gelatin is washed off very easily.

It is very simple to prepare and apply masks with gelatin, and you will be convinced of this by using one of the recipes given by us.

Gelatin Hair Mask Recipes

Recipe 1: Gelatin Mask (for hair volume)
Dilute a tablespoon of gelatin in 70 g. warm water, mix well and let stand a little (so that the gelatin swells). Then add to the mixture a teaspoon of shampoo and apply it to the hair. Covering them with a plastic hat, hold the mask for about half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Recipe 2: Gelatin Mask with Apple Cider Vinegar (for strengthening and moisturizing hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with 100 gr. warm water, add to the mixture a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a couple of drops of sage essential oil. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse, taking moderately warm water.

Recipe 3: Egg Yolk Gelatin Mask (to restore the structure and strengthen the hair)

After mixing a tablespoon of gelatin and yolk with 3 tablespoons of shampoo, thoroughly whip all the ingredients and leave the mask for half an hour to swell the gelatin. Then we cover her hair and leave for about half an hour. Wash off by taking water at room temperature.

Recipe 4: Gelatin Mask with Egg Yolk and Onion Juice (to eliminate excess hair oil)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin, yolk, 4 tablespoons of squeezed juice from onions and a tablespoon of shampoo. We apply the resulting mixture to wet hair, covering them with polyethylene, and on top with a warm cloth. After an hour, rinse with warm water.

Recipe 5: Gelatin Mask with Egg Yolk, Mustard and Henna (for the volume of hair and accelerate their growth)

We raise a teaspoon of gelatin in two tablespoons of water, wait until the gelatin swells. Mix the resulting mass with a teaspoon of colorless henna, a teaspoon of mustard and egg yolk. After stirring well, apply to hair and hold for about half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe 6: Gelatin Mask with Vinegar and Oil (to repair damaged hair)

Having dissolved a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of water, add a teaspoon of vinegar with a few drops of any essential oil. After thoroughly whipping the resulting mixture, apply it to washed wet hair. After 10 minutes, wash off, taking warm water.

Recipe 7: Fruit Gelatin Mask (for nourishing hair)

Dissolving a tablespoon of gelatin in 50 g. juice, leave the mixture for half an hour to swell gelatin. Then, having thoroughly stirred it, we put on hair. After half an hour, wash off, taking warm water. It is better for owners of fair hair to use lemon or apple juice, dark-haired women are better suited for carrot.

Recipe 8: Gelatin Mask with Almond Oil (for moisturizing and healing very dry hair)

Mixing a tablespoon of gelatin with 70 gr. water, add to them a teaspoon of almond oil. Having received a homogeneous mixture, apply it to the hair. After half an hour, wash off, taking warm water.

Recipe 9: Gelatin Mask with Herbal Broth (for moisturizing and nourishing hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of a decoction of chamomile flowers (nettle, sage, etc.). After letting it stand for about 20 minutes, apply it to the hair, rubbing it into the roots, cover our head with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. After half an hour, wash off with warm water.

We have already said that thanks to masks with gelatin, even the dullest and brittle hair has a chance to become shiny and silky in just a few procedures. However, this effect can be achieved with the help of another agent prepared on the basis of gelatin - shampoo.

In fact, it is the same gelatin mask, but with a lot of shampoo. To prepare it, it is best to use a mild shampoo.

Recipe 10: Gelatin Shampoo

We prepare a herbal decoction (you can use chamomile, nettle and other medicinal plants). Then we take 70 gr. (a third cup) of the prepared broth, add gelatin (2 tablespoons) and 70 gr. your usual shampoo. Mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin dissolves. The resulting mixture can be refrigerated and stored for up to 7 days. I wash my hair with such a shampoo as usual, leaving it on my hair for 10 minutes, then rinse it off using warm water.


Lucy 04/02/2016
Gelatin masks have long been known to me for their effectiveness. My mother did them, and her hair was up to the waist. Moreover, not any split ends, smooth and beautiful along the entire length. Of course, you need to consider the type of hair itself, but it’s still worth a try.

Masha 04/02/2016
The only thing I did not like from everything that I did with gelatin on my hair was lamination, or under it. After this procedure, the hair is very dirty quickly, they need to be washed on the same day. And I didn’t feel much effect.

A gelatin mask with yolk and onion juice is just lovely! Hair becomes strong, stop falling out, do not split. Other gelatin masks are worth a try. You can only stop at them and not look for other means.

A gelatin mask with yolk and onion juice is just lovely! Hair becomes strong, stop falling out, do not split. Other gelatin masks are worth a try. You can only stop at them and not look for other means.

Alesia 04/02/2016
I made gelatin masks, and I assure them of their effectiveness with responsibility. I didn’t need any other means! Gelatin strengthens, and the hair becomes obedient, not fluffy. Very happy with gelatin masks.


Watch the video: DIY GELATIN FACEMASK for blackheads, oily skin, dry skin. Luchi Loyale (July 2024).