A 7-day diet of doctors is an effective way to combat overweight. An approximate diet menu for doctors for 14 days and a week


The diet of doctors is a unique development of doctors, designed for patients with obesity, who have surgery, where excess weight will provoke serious problems. It is worth noting that the system is considered one of the most stringent, if improperly observed, not only kilograms, but also health will leave.

Before you start following the basic rules, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages, weigh everything and determine whether this method of weight loss is suitable for a person individually.

Diet of doctors - reviews and results of those who have tested the nutrition system, prove that with it you can get rid of 10-13 kg in a short period of time.

The benefits of a medical diet

In addition to the fact that the diet of doctors guarantees effective weight loss, it has other advantages.

1. Availability. No need to purchase expensive products. Everything on the menu is available to everyone.

2. Subject to all the rules, the kilograms left do not come back.

3. The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, which accumulate over time.

Diet of physicians: the essence of the nutrition system and its features

Nobody undertook to challenge the effectiveness of the diet, if you follow the menu for 7 days, you can really lose up to 10 kg. In case of following the diet for 14 days - up to 15 kg. The power system is very simple, so there will be no problems with the selection of products. The most important thing is to have willpower, then the result will not be long in coming.

The essence of the technique is that during a selected period of time a person will have to eat very little, and on some days even starve. It is important to drink a lot so that toxins and toxins are removed.

The first few days will be very difficult, as nutrients will not enter the body. A strong feeling of hunger and slight dizziness, weakness can not be avoided. If you stand this time, the body adapts to the new diet and its observance will no longer be a burden.

Features of the diet of doctors

1. It is really difficult to maintain the diet of physicians for 7 days (or 14), these are only possible for patient people who have developed willpower.

2. The first days will have to starve and consume only clean water, the next day, the portions of consumed dishes are minimal.

3. The first 2 days of the power system - the most "powerful" and effective spurt. A large amount of fluid will enter the body, which will speed up the process of cleansing from toxins, slag and other harmful trace elements.

Contraindications and shortcomings in the diet of doctors

The diet of doctors is not suitable for everyone, this program has a number of contraindications.

The power system is not recommended in the following cases:

• with problems with the liver and kidneys;

• for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• with low blood pressure;

• with individual intolerance to the products included in the menu;

• for problems with the cardiovascular system.

Another important nuance - the weight loss program is not suitable for athletes and that category of people whose lifestyle is associated with high physical activity. The body in this case requires constant energy supply, which the diet of doctors will not be able to give.

Despite the proven fact of the effectiveness of the nutrition system for overweight people, it also has disadvantages.

1. The weight loss program is very tight. If a person breaks, then excess weight can return back in even greater quantities.

2. The technique of losing weight is not balanced, no nutrients enter the body, which can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the individual.

3. If a person is predisposed to chronic diseases, the weight loss system can provoke their exacerbation.

The diet of doctors for 14 days (or for a week) is shown only in a critical case, when there is an urgent need to quickly lose weight. Repeating a weight loss program more than once every 3 months is strictly contraindicated.

Allowed and forbidden products for the diet of physicians

As already mentioned, the medical diet is very strict. If a person decided to stick to its menu, you need to know which products are allowed to be consumed and which are not.

Medical diet permits:

• low fat milk;

• green apples;

• celery, fresh carrots, herbs and seasonal vegetables;

• canned peas;

• mineral water without gases;

• kefir 1%.

A medical diet prohibits:

• sauces (including ketchup and mayonnaise);

• fast food;

• very fatty foods or smoked;

• semi-finished products.

It is very important to strictly monitor what a person eats. The diet of doctors actually gives an amazing result. Depending on the initial weight and lifestyle of the individual, you can quickly find your dream figure. However, for someone who does not have willpower, this method of losing weight is not suitable.

Diet of doctors for 7 days: a sample menu

The menu for 7 days will allow a person to get rid of 5 to 7 kg, if clearly followed.

Approximate diet for a week

1. Day 1 is the most difficult. During the day it is allowed to drink only one bottle of mineral water without gases, dividing it into 6 receptions.

2. Day 2. A person may feel a slight feeling of hunger and weakness. On the second day, it is allowed to drink 0.8 liters of skim milk, and eat one green apple before bedtime.

3. Day 3. The same as on the first day.

4. Day 4. A vegetable salad is being prepared (about a kilogram of the dish should be obtained). For it, seasonal vegetables, celery and cabbage are used. Also, one should not forget about the drinking regimen.

5. Day 5. Repeat the second day, only without an apple before bedtime.

6. Day 6. 100 grams of canned peas for breakfast, vegetable broth for lunch. Before going to bed, one green apple is allowed.

7. Day 7. 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese in the morning. During the day you need to drink a liter of water and 1 bottle of kefir 1% fat.

The diet of doctors for 7 days promises to lose weight by at least 5 kg. Depending on the initial weight, the number of kilograms lost may be greater.

Diet of doctors for 14 days: a sample menu

A two-week medical diet is a little harder to sustain. It is recommended for those who urgently need to deal with overweight.

Approximate diet for 14 days

1. Day 1. A bottle of mineral still water, divided into 6 receptions.

2. Day 2. Green apple before bedtime. Drink 0.8 liters of milk during the day.

3. Day 3. Repeat the first day.

4. Day 4. Fresh vegetable salad seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

5. Day 5. Repeat the second day.

6. Day 6. For breakfast, one boiled egg, for lunch, vegetable broth. Before going to bed, a glass of kefir is drunk.

7. Day 7 - milk. Allowed 100 grams of cottage cheese for breakfast, low-fat milk and plain water are drunk during the day.

8. Day 8. Repeat the first day.

9. Day 9. Repeat the second day.

10. Day 10. Repeat the first day.

11. Day 11. Salad of fresh herbs and seasonal vegetables. It can be seasoned with olive oil.

12. Day 12. A liter of skim milk, divided into 6 doses.

13. Day 13. For breakfast, two quail boiled eggs and 200 grams of cottage cheese during the day.

14. Day 14 - on the water.

The diet of doctors for 14 days is difficult to tolerate, since it takes a lot of time to starve. However, the result is worth the effort - you can get rid of about 10 kg (depending on the initial weight).

Diet of doctors: reviews and results

Each person who managed to maintain the principles of nutrition of the diet of physicians speaks positively about the system of weight loss. Despite the fact that the technique requires the mobilization of patience and strength, it gives an effective result.

It often happens that a person breaks down, and lost kilograms come back. In order to avoid these unpleasant consequences, you need to learn how to "exit" the diet.

1. You can’t lean on carbohydrates immediately after the weight loss technique.

2. It is necessary to continue to observe the drinking regimen.

3. It is important not to overeat so that the stomach does not "stretch out".

4. Do not eat after 18-00, because at night the stomach will not be able to process eaten food.

The diet of doctors, whose reviews and results are only positive, is the most stringent system of weight loss today. Before proceeding to its menu, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences (nausea, overwork, weakness, dizziness).

Important points in the organization of the diet for the diet of physicians

1. Since the diet does not receive nutrients, it is recommended that you also take multivitamin preparations. This will help get rid of a feeling of weakness.

2. During the period of weight loss one should not allow strong physical exertion; sport is not recommended. It is also very important to get enough sleep.

3. If in the process of losing weight a person feels a strong malaise, he can no longer continue the diet.

4. It is best to adhere to the methods of losing weight during the period of rest and vacation, so that there is no overwork.

5. During and after the diet, it is imperative to observe the drinking regimen, otherwise the body will not get rid of toxins and toxins.

Each person individually chooses for himself which menu is more suitable for him - for 14 days or a week. Before a medical diet, it is very important to consult a doctor so that he examines the patient and decides whether he can adhere to such a strict diet. In the case of a positive answer, new opportunities open up - getting rid of extra pounds and getting closer to your dream (slim and beautiful body).


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to help overweight kids get healthier (June 2024).