Why and how women lost weight in Russia


For a long time in Russia there was no standard of feminine beauty: the concept of "beautiful" had a social connotation. For example, a woman who had a reputation of "positive", automatically ranked among the first beauties. And some ancient sources call the "beautiful" wife the one who sours cabbage in the subfield and silently blows up the beating of her husband. Want to be such a "beauty"? Hardly…

By the way, if you adhere to the ancient views on beauty, then contemporaries have nothing to hope for even the modest status of a “pretty person.” You do paint lips, eyelashes, eyebrows? Blush cheeks? This is a demonic influence! Those women that surmi themselves eyes and eyebrows, painted lips beetroot, called "witches". But this is one of the worst curses in Russia. Why? Yes, because it was the witches who invented the first means of contraception, called the "love potion." It was worth discovering such a "potion" in a woman, and be quilted with her whips, regardless of who she is by status — a noble boyar or a usual servant. And this is at best ...

A man - not a dog, does not rush to the bones?

But what is the true Russian beauty? As a rule, the "positive" wives were complete, and what else could they do? Husband to please, give birth to children yes to eat. Naturally, you get fat. By the way, did the saying go: "There must be many good people"?

However, beginning somewhere from the XVIII century, under the foreign influence, the nobility abruptly changed their ideas about beauty. Thinties came into vogue, and therefore the ladies began to lose weight rapidly. Nobody thought about the benefits and dangers of diets, that it can be harmful to health. Without looking back, everyone was guided by a foreign ideal - wasp waist, slender neck.

"Who would like it," grumbled the merchants, "when there is nothing to pinch the woman for?" Well, to each his own. However, there are not too many lovers of “donuts” today, and this is not surprising - it’s enough to turn on the TV, and there is a solid “propaganda” of skinny, athletic girls. Take the same super popular models or actresses - not an ounce of excess weight. Now, as well as three hundred years ago, a thin girl is considered beautiful, and therefore, 90 out of 100 percent of women are eager to lose weight. Only now, quite often, refusal to eat does not lead to anything, and in the worst case, you get exactly the opposite result - those extra pounds grow like mushrooms after rain. And then your own appearance begins to seem disgusting, summer turns into a period of quiet hell, and the beach - into an obsessive nightmare.

That it was not painfully painful ...

If the extra weight prevents you or you think that because of its fullness, you miss the best chances in life, in general, if thoughts of a thin waist do not give rest either during the day or at night, then you just need to lose weight. At least then, so that “it would not be painfully painful for aimlessly lived years” ... But seriously, you yourself do not notice that when you go into lengthy reflections on how thin everyone is, you automatically begin to feel sorry for yourself, blaming your your opinion, the lack of all mortal sins. Say, I am so fat, ugly, no one loves me, does not give flowers and does not even smile by chance, passing by ... In other words, as soon as you go on a diet and go with a confident walk to your goal, the excuses will disappear and you will be able to look at their problems from a different angle, through the eyes of a self-confident woman.


Watch the video: How To Lose Weight Long-Term in RUSSIAN Style Success Academy (June 2024).