April 4: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 4th.


Holidays April 4

International Internet Day

The event is timed to the Catholic holiday - the Day of St. Isidore. He is considered the patron saint of the Internet. Saint Isidore of Seville was a bishop, a man of God, but this did not stop him from being a man of broad views, loving and developing science. According to legend, many of his works and studies concerned science, for example, the books he wrote on etymology. Saint Isidore was a great philosopher, he is considered the "father" of the Latin Church. Many historians declare him the most educated person of his time, they are sure that the saint had a great influence on the further development of science.

As noted above, the bishop has written several books on etymology. In fact, these were the first encyclopedias of mankind. In them, the author concentrated a huge amount of information explaining the essence of many things. In 2003, St. Isidore was officially recognized as the patron saint of the Internet and computers. Why exactly him? Yes, because the network contains a huge amount of information, exactly the same as his books. The analogy, of course, is exaggerated, but still. At the time of the holy bishop, his directories were the only source of information, and now society uses the Internet.

International Internet Day is an unofficial holiday, but more and more people learn about it from year to year. And who knows, maybe in the near future it will take root in the international calendar!

Webmaster Day

Look at the date 4.04, does it remind you of anything? Right! It resembles a common error on the Internet 404 - Page not found. Well, to someone, but to the "holders" of sites this problem is familiar firsthand. In addition, in order not to “run far”, Webmasters' Day was timed to the International Internet Day, which is also celebrated annually on April 4.

The profession of a webmaster has appeared recently, and it consists in the development and management of a website or corporate application on the network. For the first time the concept of "webmaster" was introduced by the progenitor of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee in 1992. The functionality of a modern webmaster is very diverse: it includes the responsibilities of a web designer, and the responsibilities of a moderator, and a programmer, and a system administrator. Responsibility for high-quality and informative content posted on the site also lies with the webmaster. So this work is not at all easy, as many believe, it requires enormous endurance from itself, so that the project can develop, move forward and generate income.

April 4 on the folk calendar

Vasily Solnechnik

On April 4, Christians commemorate the holy Great Martyr Basil of Ankir. The reverend lived in the fourth century.

In Russia, Vasily was given several nicknames: who called him Warm, someone - Kapelnik, Greenhouse or Solnechnik. All nicknames are associated with the onset of heat and sunny days. “Vasiliy was sick of winter,” people joked about this. Vasily people paid attention to the sun: if the dawn is red this morning, then the harvest in autumn will be good. They also watched the sky. The blue clouds floating in it symbolized the rains. The snow melting on the anthills said the same thing. Mistresses on Vasily fussed in the kitchen. A compulsory treat on this day was the warm fist that personified the spring sun.

Historical events of April 4

April 4, 1147 - The first mention of the word "Moscow" in historical chronicles

Moscow is the largest metropolis of the Russian Federation and one of the largest cities in the world. The first mention of Moscow is attested in the Ipatiev Chronicles. The date of April 4, 1147 is indicated in the annals as the day of the meeting of two princes in the city - Yuri Dolgorukov and Svyatoslav Olgovich. “Come to me, brother to Moscow,” the source says of the invitation of the prince of Chernigov. Although, in fact, Moscow was founded much earlier than the specified date. After the princes met, a war broke out between them for the Kiev throne. Ten years later, the victory went to Yuri Dolgoruky, although it cost him his life. Immortality Yuri earned not due to the seizure of the throne, but thanks to a feast arranged by him on the edge of the principality. Dolgoruky entered the history of Russia as the founder of Moscow.

In those days, the city was not so large, but rather, a small settlement, spread out at the turn of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russia, the city was destroyed and completely plundered. However, this circumstance did not prevent Moscow from becoming the capital of Moscow Russia. Today, about 10 million people live in the capital.

April 4, 1719 - The construction of the Ladoga Canal has begun

The canal is a waterway laid along Lake Ladoga. He connects the Neva and the Volkhov. In general, there are two channels: Staroladozhsky (18th century), which is currently not used due to drying out and overgrowing, and Novoladozhsky, dating from the 19th century and still in operation. The construction of the Staroladozhsky Canal began in 1719, during the reign of Peter the Great. Only eleven years later, the construction was completed. Due to the fact that the canal did not meet certain standards (its depth was not more than one meter), locks were built in Novaya Ladoga and Shlisselburg to maintain normal “navigable” depth. The Staroladozh Canal was the largest hydraulic structure in the Russian Empire and all of Europe.

April 4, 1932 - Vitamin C is highlighted

The man who first isolated ascorbic acid from lemon was the American scientist Charles King. It is well known that vitamin C plays a significant role in maintaining human health. It activates the production of collagen - a building material for cells, and also participates in the process of absorption of iron and maintaining the immune balance in the body.

The existence of vitamins was first mentioned in 1880, after experiments by Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin. In his scientific works, he repeatedly pointed out the effect of some, so far undiscovered, micro-substances necessary for normal functioning of the body. However, the conclusions of Lunin at that time were accepted skeptically. Everything has changed thanks to the Hungarian biochemist Albert Saint-Dieri. It was he who in 1927 proved the existence of vitamins.

Born on April 4

- Andrey Tarkovsky (1932-1986) - famous film director, screenwriter. The son of an outstanding poet Arseny Tarkovsky. After graduating from the Moscow Institute, he got a job at Mosfilm. Soon he wrote his first famous works: “Beware, Snake”, “One Chance of a Thousand”, “Antarctica”. World fame brought him the movie "Ivan childhood", which received many awards. Later Tarkovsky began making films based on famous works ("Stalker", "Solaris", etc.)

- Yuri German (1910-1967) - Soviet playwright, screenwriter and writer. Having become a professional writer, German devoted most of his time to his favorite craft. During the Second World War he was assigned to the Northern Fleet, where he served as a war correspondent. Throughout his creative life, he created several dozen works.

- Ilya Reznik (born in 1938) - songwriter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Creativity Reznik - a whole era. Who doesn’t know his hits such as “It’s not yet evening”, “Maestro”, “Starry Summer”, “Antique Clock”, “Crane”, “Vernissage”, “Charlie”, “I Pray for You”, as well as many others? Since childhood, Reznik dreamed of a theater, and he managed to realize his dream. The fame brought him a song called "Cinderella." Since 1977, he begins to write songs for operas, and three years later his collaboration with A. Pugacheva begins.

April 4th

Appolinaria, Daria, Vasilisa, Vasily, Isaac, Taisia.


Vladislav Pavlov 01/18/2016
forgot the most important thing - April 4th MY birthday! This is the most important thing.


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