What the palm itches for - folk signs. Find out what events are waiting for you if it is scratched left or right palm.


In the world there are many legends, superstitions, tales and various signs. And contrary to the common stereotype, not only older people believe in them. Remember how scared you were when a mirror was broken, or did a black cat run across the road before an important event? And when the nose itches, everyone knows that a grand booze is coming. Omens spread in the people with the speed of the virus, tirelessly passing from mouth to mouth. We believe them, because it’s easier. After all, I want to think that we can control at least a part of our future.

For example, many people know why the left hand is itching. If your left hand is itching, put your pockets in - soon there will be money. Some superstitions associate this sign not with finances, but with a meeting of acquaintances. And someone performs a special ritual, after combing his left hand - he is scratching his palm, beats his forehead three times and hides his hand in his pocket. Superstitions on this subject there is a huge amount. Today we will find out why it is itching and what could be the reasons. Consider two points of view: medical and folk.

What is itching to palm - medically explained

Itching of the palms, as a rule, we rarely take it seriously. If the palm itches occasionally, there is no reason for concern. This is completely normal and happens to all people. But if you feel that the itch has recently begun to plague, it’s not a matter of folk omens. The palm may itch due to certain impairments in physical and mental well-being. The most common causes of itch palms:

• Allergy - a common allergy can cause the itching of the palms. If only your palms are itching, you can suspect an allergic reaction to hand cream, powder, soap, or any other chemical that you have touched with your bare hands. Sometimes a slight rash can join the itch. It may also be allergic to wool, dust or certain foods. With an allergic reaction, the human immune system attacks the allergens with excessive activity, hence the unpleasant symptoms.

• Eczema. This disease is usually not accompanied by itching alone. Over time, other symptoms join in - redness, blistering, peeling. If you have noticed similar symptoms in yourself, sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist.

• Stress. After a strong emotional overstrain a person can itch his palms. The next time you ask yourself, why does it itch your palm, remember if you were nervous the day before. If the other day you had a fight with a loved one, or with someone from relatives, you shouldn’t read on the Internet why it hurts and look for signs. In this case, itching is caused only by emotional overstrain.

• Scabies is not the most fun cause of itching in the palms. But the scabby mite just loves the area of ​​palms and fingers. The mite selects places with thin and delicate skin - usually between the fingers. A few days after the onset of itching, a rash of watery structure appears on the palms or fingers. A characteristic feature of this insidious sore - increased itching in the evening and at night. By this key symptom, itch mites can be suspected. These symptoms may intensify with excitement. In some people, the rash is completely absent, which greatly complicates the search for the root causes of itching. If you suspect scabies, immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Preparations for scabies need to be properly applied to the skin, otherwise it can be burned. The doctor will determine the cause and select the necessary drug.

• Other possible causes are liver disease and fungal diseases.

To distinguish a simple itch from an itch caused by a disease, watch your well-being. If the palms are itchy all the time, then the point is clearly not in popular beliefs.

What does the left palm scratch to - folk beliefs

Popular beliefs are an extremely interesting thing. They predict future events and quite often come true. Everyone knows when a sleeping cat hides his face - wait for the cold. If you are wondering what the left hand is itching for - read on.

Since childhood, we have heard what itching for the left palm. It combed the left palm - the money will be more than a little. But there are beliefs that say that the left palm can itch not only for profit, but also for losses - for example, repair or breakage of things.

Various signs and beliefs are closely settled in our subconscious. Even the biggest skeptics believe in signs. And optimists notice only favorable signs. And the itchy left palm refers specifically to favorable signs.

The lion's share of the people's will, says that the left hand itches for profit. It does not have to be money, it may be an unexpected gift from a spouse. If we talk about money, this is what the left hand is itching for: a bonus, an increase in salary, a return of debt or a win in the lottery. Or an unexpected cash find on the street or in a store. Here are the main reasons why the left hand is scratched. In order not to frighten luck, the next time you brush your hand, brush it towards yourself. So you attract financial luck. Or, scratch your left palm with a coin or a banknote so that the money will stick to your hands. You can put money in the wallet with this particular hand, so as not to scare away luck.

What does the left palm scratch by day of the week:

• Monday - easy to find money, easy and lose;

• Tuesday - old debt will be returned to you;

• Wednesday - if you find money, give it to charity better, they will not bring happiness;

• Thursday - you will make a profit, but quarrel with a loved one;

• Friday - a high probability of a cash find;

• Saturday - to an unexpected increase in salary;

• Sunday - for a luxurious gift.

What the right palm itches for - folk signs

If you are wondering what the right palm is itching for, stay with us. Our ancestors treated their hands very carefully. They believed that in human hands there is a special power. It is difficult to disagree with them. With the help of hands everything is created: objects, culinary dishes, works of art. In our hands is the powerful energy of creation. What is the right palm scratching for? When the hand begins to itch, it tries to warn us about a specific event. Energy gets out of hand and with the help of such signs is trying to tell us something. It is only necessary to correctly interpret these signs. Answering the question why the palm is scratched, one can say that this happens before an important event in a person’s life.

For a long time, the right hand was considered a taker, and the left hand was a giving one. Based on these beliefs, signs of itching were born in the hands.

Do you remember the famous phrase: "Fists combed oneself"? It very vividly illustrates the cause of itching in the right palm. If you do not know what the right palm is itching for, remember if you are saving up for someone to be hurt or angry. It was the hidden anger, anger, resentment or rage that could cause such an itch. If there is a person who is extremely unpleasant to you, the hand may begin to itch involuntarily. When you accumulate negative in yourself, energy involuntarily stagnates inside you. Therefore, begin to itch palm. This is especially true of closed people who do not give way to their emotions and experiences. Energy builds up and literally tries to break through the body. No need to allow negative energy to accumulate inside. Try to find a way out for her. Go to a concert, to a club, to a terrible attraction. Need a place where you can shout loudly. When the steam has cooled inside, the palm will gradually stop itching.

Some signs say that the right hand can itch before an important event in your life. This event will require a responsible decision from you. If you have an important event ahead, take it seriously. After all, what itches to palm, points to a difficult decision that you have to take. Most often this applies to the business sphere of life.

In some cases, itching in the right hand can serve as a harbinger of a friendly meeting. So, what is itching right palm: to meet with a loved one, to meet with a family member, close friend or relative. In other words, with a person close to your heart. In order not to frighten off the upcoming meeting, when the palm is combed, squeeze it into a fist and hide it in your pocket. Then you will meet this person in the coming days. But if for any reason you wish to avoid a meeting, wash your hand under cold running water and hold your palm open for a while. True or not, this is what popular wisdom says.

The right palm may itch in anticipation of a good deal, a promotion at work, or some good deal.

There is a legend according to which itching in the right palm can be a harbinger of a romantic meeting. For young girls, itching in their right hand often predicts a date. At the same time, the day of the week is very important. What does the right palm scratch by day of the week:

• Monday - you are waiting for a rendezvous with a man whom you know;

• Tuesday - unexpected date with an old friend;

• Wednesday - meeting a potential bridegroom (the most auspicious day of the week);

• Thursday - beloved will be back ahead of schedule;

• Friday - to meet with the former;

• Saturday - a romantic meeting with a stranger;

• Sunday - meeting with a rich man.


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