Fruits of the "tree of life" - pistachios: useful or harmful? Reliable data on the benefits and harms of pistachios for children


The Tree of Life - not a biblical invention, but a real tree on which nuts, popular all over the world, are growing - pistachios.

They are called nuts in cooking, and from the point of view of botany, pistachios are called seeds.

The trees on which these nuts grow are given such a loud name because of the beneficial properties that pistachios are endowed with.

These nuts were considered a sign of wealth.

In the East, in ancient times, pistachios were even used as a bargaining chip. But is such a special attitude to these nuts justified? What more - benefit or harm will bring the use of pistachios for the human body? To answer these questions, it is worth examining the composition of these nuts.

Calorie and pistachio composition

The beneficial properties of pistachios are explained by their composition. These nuts contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water, mono- and disaccharides, starch and ash. And the largest part are proteins, fats and starch. Therefore, calorie pistachios 556 kcal per 100 g. In view of the high calorie content, these nuts should not be used in large quantities for those who protect the figure. In addition, pistachios contain a large number of amino acids.

As for vitamins and minerals, pistachios contain a huge amount of them.

Vitamins contained in these nuts:

• Vitamin PP

• Vitamin B1

• Vitamin B2

• Vitamin B5

• Vitamin B6

• Vitamin B9

• Vitamin E

• Vitamin H (biotin)

• Choline

In one serving of 100 grams of pistachios is more than half the daily requirement for vitamin B1 and PP, and more than a quarter - vitamin B5, B6, E and H (biotin).

But some micro and macro elements in one portion of pistachios are contained several times more than what a person needs to consume per day.

These nuts contain the following substances:

• Calcium

• Magnesium

• Sodium

• Potassium

• Phosphorus

• Chlorine

• Sulfur

• Iron

• Zinc

• Iodine

• Copper

• Manganese

• Selenium

• Molybdenum

• Bor

• Vanadium

• Silicon

• Cobalt

• Nickel

• Tin

• titanium

• Strontium

• Zirconium

• Aluminum

An impressive list, right? Iron, manganese, vanadium and silicon are contained in one serving of pistachios (100 g.) In an amount far exceeding the daily requirement of the human body for these substances. Therefore, pistachios have many useful properties.

How are pistachios used?

Thanks to its taste and healthy composition, pistachios have long won the love of consumers. These nuts are popular. as a beer snack. But beyond that pistachios are eaten in various forms.

Pistachio ice cream, sweets with pistachios - Popular sweets using this nut. Pistachios are combined with meat dishes and salads. They will help give an exquisite flavor to any dish.

In addition, pistachios are used and in cosmetology. More precisely, not the nuts themselves, but the oil that is made from them. Pistachio oil helps to whiten the skin, therefore it is part of bleaching agents that help to get rid of age spots and freckles.

For hair is used pistachio oil in its pure form, or combined with other oils, for example, with jojoba oil. Pistachio oil helps to make hair more shiny and strong, acts on hair follicles firming, and therefore helps to overcome the cause of hair loss.

Using pistachio oil, you can get rid of facial wrinkles and refresh your complexion. For the skin of the face, pistachio oil is used as a base oil in which essential oils are added - chamomile, rose, orange oil, etc.

Useful pistachio oil and for nails. It is used, as is the case with the skin, as a base oil, to which other oils are added. A mixture of oils is applied to the nail plate and massaged. This procedure will help strengthen the nails and make them less fragile.

The health benefits of pistachios are undeniable as well as their appearance. In ancient times, these nuts were used to treat diseases, but how do pistachios affect various systems of internal organs? About this further.

The benefits of pistachios for the human body

The beneficial properties of pistachios have been known since ancient times, and therefore these nuts were valued quite high before. Today, at the time of availability of any products, most people do not know what health benefits will come from eating pistachios or another product.

1. Vitamin PP, which is contained in pistachios, is good for the body. He takes part in digestion and in normalizing the hormonal background of the human body. This vitamin is officially recognized as a drug and is sold in its pure form in pharmacies. Vitamin PP is involved in blood formation and helps to remove cholesterol from the blood.

2. Vitamin B1, or thiamine contained in pistachios, is necessary for people whose body is exposed to additional loads - pregnant women, athletes, the elderly and people who perform heavy physical work. This vitamin helps to restore strength and enhance mental alertness. Therefore, it is important to consume this vitamin in the postoperative period and after illness so that the body can recover faster. Like other B vitamins, thiamine has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia and depressive states.

3. Riboflavin or Vitamin B2, which is contained in these nuts, is called the beauty vitamin, as it helps the skin to remain firm and elastic. In addition, vitamin B2 helps the body convert sugars, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Riboflavin is necessary for the growth of tissue, a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

4. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is essential for the human body, since this vitamin helps the absorption of other vitamins. Therefore, older people in particular should pay attention to their diet and prevent the occurrence of vitamin B5 deficiency, since in old age the nutrients are absorbed much worse. In addition, pantothenic acid helps to burn fat, for which he received the name - "architect of a slim figure."

5. Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 useful for diabetics, as it helps to normalize blood glucose levels and restrain the abrupt increase in the substance. In addition, pyridoxine helps to digest fatty acids, improves metabolism in brain tissues. Together with other B vitamins, vitamin B6 has a healthy effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. This vitamin helps to avoid the occurrence of atherosclerosis, ischemia and myocardial infarction.

6. Vitamin B9 or folic acidwhich is contained in pistachios, is extremely necessary for pregnant women. After all, with a lack of this vitamin, the fetus has severe malformations. Therefore, gynecologists recommend consuming folic acid even at the stage of pregnancy planning. In addition, vitamin B9 helps to strengthen the immune system and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Folic acid has a positive effect on the liver and digestive system.

7. Tocopherol or Vitamin E Contained in few foods, but pistachios are among them. Tocopherol helps slow the aging process in the body. Due to the effect of this vitamin, the skin becomes elastic and elastic, less prone to stretch marks, the risk of scarring and scarring is reduced, and the skin is less prone to the appearance of “senile” pigmentation. This vitamin helps improve tissue regeneration, lower blood sugar, and boost immunity. Vitamin E helps to lower blood pressure and ensure normal blood clotting.

These are just some of the beneficial properties of pistachios, due only to the presence of beneficial vitamins in their composition. Besides, pistachios are good for the intestinesas their structure includes a large amount of cellulose. These nuts help to improve peristalsis and cleanse the body of toxins and slags.

Lutein, which is part of these fruits of the "tree of life," helps to increase visual acuity. Pistachios - strong afrodziakwhich is able to increase sexual desire.

In addition, pistachios are recommended for use by people who suffer from respiratory diseases. The positive effect of pistachios on the work of the heart is noted - with tachycardia, the use of these nuts will help reduce the heart rate.

The use of pistachios for the nervous system is undeniable - these nuts are recommended for use by people whose work is associated with increased brain activity and constant stress. The use of pistachios will help to normalize sleep, get rid of nervousness, irritability and chronic fatigue.

Are pistachios harmful to health?

There are many useful properties of pistachios, but the use of pistachios will be harmful? It is worth remembering that these nuts are a strong allergen. Therefore, if a person is prone to allergies, you should refrain from consuming pistachios, or introduce these nuts into the diet carefully.

The use of pistachios in large quantities will not bring benefits to the body - nausea and dizziness will appear, as this is a high-calorie product. Only a small amount of pistachios will help lower cholesterol. If you eat a large number of these nuts, this will affect the figure.

Salted pistachios are not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

In other cases, you can eat these healthy nuts, because the benefits of their use are much more than harm.

Pistachios for children: useful or harmful?

Pistachios - a strong allergen, so do not enter them into the diet of a small child. Ideally, nuts are introduced into the diet from 5 years. But you can give it a try at 3 years old, starting with one thing. Previously, this should not be done, as the use of pistachios can cause various body reactions - from itching to anaphylactic shock.

But pistachios also have many useful properties. They contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. Pistachios have a positive effect on the immune system and the nervous system, so these nuts are recommended to be included in the diet of children who interact with other children in kindergarten or at school.


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