Low-calorie foods for weight loss: what to cook? Secrets of delicious and low-calorie slimming dishes


Most overweight girls often cannot cope with their eating habits.

The human body, which suddenly finds itself limited in tasty food, begins to demand it with tripled strength.

Sooner or later, most losing weight can not stand the diet and returns to the usual regime, which means to your favorite buns and sweets.

How to overcome yourself?

There is only one way out: to accustom your body to proper nutrition. Moreover, it should be understood that this is not a temporary measure. Limit yourself to junk food will have to constantly. However, one should not be afraid that a life in which there is no place for cakes, pastries and other harmful products will become boring and uninteresting. After all, today there are many low-calorie foods for weight loss. Among them there are even desserts, practically indistinguishable in taste from their unprofitable analogues, only they will be prepared from natural and high-quality products without food additives and preservatives.

Features of cooking low-calorie foods for weight loss

One of the reasons for weight gain is oil-fried foods. For example, healthy and low-fat chicken, turkey or beef cooked in this way becomes an enemy to health and body. Therefore, low-calorie foods for weight loss should be steamed, in the oven or in a non-stick pan. Grilling helps to avoid the use of oil. It is compact, does not take up much space in the kitchen and saves time. The meat is grilled much faster than in the oven. In addition, it can fry fried eggs, cheesecakes, vegetables, fish. If possible, do not skimp on the purchase of various kitchen appliances. It will allow you to diversify the diet with a large number of low-calorie foods for weight loss and reduce the temptation to eat junk food. Instead of the usual molds for the oven, silicone ones should be used, which do not need to be oiled. They can cook pies, various casseroles.

However, the oil contains healthy fats. How to do without them? Flaxseed or olive oil can serve as sources of healthy fats as salad dressings. They are also found in nuts, fish. When heated, the oil loses some of its properties, but a harmful carcinogen is released. Therefore, the rejection of frying in oil will only benefit the body.

Flour is used as one of the ingredients in low-calorie slimming dishes. Replace Wheat Flour can be buckwheat, oat, rice, rye. You can make some of its types at home. So, it is enough to grind oatmeal or buckwheat in a coffee grinder or using a blender to get flour.

As part of most finished products, sugar: it is added to pastries, desserts, sauces, drinks. Many drink tea and coffee with him. Addiction to sweet dishes often happens in childhood, when, to make eating unattractive, but such useful cereal or semolina porridge, mothers sprinkle it with sugar. You can overcome yourself and abandon this product using various substitutes. They will make low-calorie slimming dishes sweet, as close as possible to traditional counterparts that contain sugar. Dried fruits can serve as substitutes: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates that complement well any pastries, casseroles. If there is no allergy, suitable honey. Due to its natural origin, this product contains a large amount of vitamins and substances necessary for the human body. But it is also important that it is quite high-calorie. Using it to add sweetness to food, one should observe the measure.

If dried fruits and honey for some reason are not suitable, you can find ready-made sugar substitutes in the pharmacy or ordinary supermarket. FitParad, which is practically free of calories, helps to achieve the greatest sweetness. This substance will need 5 times less than sugar to achieve the same taste. The substitute does not contain genetically modified components, so it will not cause harm to health, but you should not abuse it either. "FitParad" is presented in different packaging, small bags with it can be carried with you, adding to tea or coffee outside the house. The composition of this sweetener contains stevia, which is used as an independent substitute. You can also find her at the pharmacy.

The main feature of cooking low-calorie meals for weight loss is to get tasty, but healthy food from natural ingredients. It is important to experiment and look for custom solutions. After all, constant attempts to overpower yourself and quickly accustom your body to eating unloved food can ultimately lead to stress and a lack of result. Therefore, you should not be afraid to try new flavor combinations, and at the first stages take the proposed recipes as a basis.

Recipes for Low-Fat Diet

Right pizza

Recently, they began to equate this traditional Italian dish with fast food, because in most establishments low-quality products are used as ingredients for it, and often their stale leftovers. Pizza is not only high-calorie, but also dangerous for the body. Therefore, losing weight and anyone who cares about their health, it is better to cook it at home. It will require chicken fillet (500 g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Eggs (2 pcs.), Some cheese, favorite spices, and for the sauce - natural yogurt without fillers, mustard, garlic and salt to taste. Pizza will turn out low-calorie, as it will have a protein base instead of the usual test.

Chicken meat is ground in a blender, after which eggs, salt and spices are added to it. Using a wet spoon, the resulting mixture is laid out on a baking sheet, on which you first need to lay a sheet of parchment paper or food foil. Bake the base for pizza in the oven for no more than 10 minutes, until it hardens. After that, it should be greased with sauce made from yogurt, mustard and garlic, and on top lay the tomatoes and grated cheese sliced ​​in rings. Bake in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until cooked. To minimize calorie pizza, you should choose low-fat hard cheese.


You can cook the dish in a non-stick pan, grill or in a waffle iron. Thus, oil is not required, which will reduce calorie content. For the sake of this dish, it’s worth even spending money on a grill or waffle iron, so the pancakes are tender and tasty. Especially if you serve them with condensed milk or honey.

For the test, oatmeal (6 tbsp.), Bran (3 tbsp.), Egg (1 pc.), Milk (3 tbsp.), Water (1 tbsp.) Are mixed in a homogeneous mass. , half a small banana (about 50 g), add a little baking powder there and bake one of the proposed methods. Ready pancakes can be poured with condensed milk, but not the one sold in the store, but cooked in accordance with all the rules of healthy eating from whole milk (200 ml), corn starch (1 tbsp.), Milk powder (4 tbsp.), sweetener and vanillin to taste. Beat all the ingredients with a blender and simmer until the desired consistency is obtained.

Cinnamon strudel with apples

Among low-calorie slimming dishes, there was a place for sweet pastries, but in its composition there are only healthy ingredients that do not harm the health and shape. Whole grain flour (140 g), water, salt, olive oil (2 tbsp.), Table vinegar (1 tsp.) Will be required for strudel. Add salt and vinegar to the flour, mix, and then, gradually adding water, knead the steep dough. Leave it for an hour, covering with a film.

At this time, you can make a filling of apples (2 pcs.), Honey (20 g), walnuts or almonds (40 g), cinnamon and sweetener to taste. The dough should be rolled into a thin layer, put the fruit-nut mixture on top and bake for half an hour in the oven, greasing the top of the strudel with an egg. Pie is not recommended immediately serve to the table. If you hold the finished strudel a little longer in the oven off, it will be juicier and more tender.


This salad, beloved by many, due to improper preparation of ingredients, is harmful for those who want to lose weight. A slightly modified recipe allows you to make it one of the low-calorie foods for weight loss.

First of all, you need to cook the right sauce. In many institutions it is even replaced with mayonnaise, which not only spoils the taste, but also makes Caesar unhealthy. The sauce for the low-calorie version of this dish will consist of natural yogurt (400 g), garlic (2 cloves), salt, paprika, mustard. He should infuse well in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. For Caesar, chop the lettuce with your hands, chop the breast, fried without oil, tomatoes, grate the cheese finely, add the olives. Mix all ingredients and pour the sauce.

Chicken sausages

Junk food often gets into the diet due to lack of time. In such cases, semi-finished products, such as chicken sausages, which belong to low-calorie slimming dishes, always help out at home. They will be a good alternative to ordinary meat, diversify the diet.

Grind half a kilogram of chicken into minced meat, add milk (100 ml), eggs (1 pc.), A tablespoon of tomato paste, salt, spices, finely chopped fresh herbs. Put the resulting base on a plastic wrap. For each sausage, you need about two tablespoons of cooked minced meat. The edges of the cling film are important to securely fix, giving the desired shape. Boil such sausages for 10 minutes, dipping in boiling water. They can be frozen so that you can quickly cook a hot lunch at any time.

Berry casserole

Cottage cheese in combination with fresh fruits, nuts, honey allows you to achieve a delicate taste in desserts. Of the low-calorie slimming dishes based on this product, you should definitely try to cook a berry casserole.

Mix cottage cheese (500 g) with eggs (2 pcs.), Rice or oatmeal flour (4 tbsp. L.), Milk (6 tbsp. L.) And sweetener. At the end, add your favorite fresh or frozen berries. For flavor, you can put a little vanilla in the casserole and bake in the silicone form in the oven. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes. Like pancakes, casserole can be poured on top with homemade condensed milk or honey.


Cold summer soup, properly cooked, will not hurt when losing weight. For a “correct” okroshka, cut radishes, cucumbers, boiled chicken breast, eggs, potatoes into cubes. Such a mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, adding fresh greens and dressing to it before use. This low-calorie slimming dish is poured with kefir with mustard, a little vinegar and salt, or a mineral water with a spoon of sour cream and spices. Such kvass substitutes are used because of its high energy value.


Watch the video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (June 2024).