Is pepper red hot and good or bad? Red pepper: the benefits and harms, calories and properties


Add pepper?

Universal phrase.

It is used in a conversation about the most intimate, when discussing plans for the weekend, clarifying the relationship.

But today we will not delve into the psychology of the human soul, but talk about what is pleasant and close for each of us - about foodand, more specifically, about red pepper, its benefits, harms, calories and consumption.

The main varieties of red pepper: vegetable (sweet, Bulgarian, paprika - all the names of this fruit familiar to us), cayenne or chilli (spicy). These peppers belong to the annual herbs of the Pancake family. Acute or sweet taste depends on the substance alkaloid capsaicin - the higher its content, the pepper is "more powerful". The color of the vegetable depends on ripeness and harvest time (there is still white, green, black pepper), red is the ripest.

Red pepper: different types, calorie, how to apply

Conventionally, red pepper can be divided into two types (because there are more than 700 subspecies):

1. Red sweet or Bulgarian (paprika);

2. Red Cayenne, spicy, hot (chili).

Red sweet or bulgarian. The benefit of this red pepper, in high content of vitamin C, is 250 mg (more than that of lemon). Also in this fruit contains carotene, all B vitamins, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, silicon, lycopene.

Calorie red bell pepper per 100 gr.:

The energy value- 27 kcal

Proteins - 1.3 g;

Fat - 0.0 gr .;

Carbohydrates - 5.3 gr.

In medicine Red bell pepper juice is used in the risk and prevention of benign tumors, cancer of the prostate, lung, and stomach. Red sweet pepper normalizes lipid metabolism, which is a remedy for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension. Useful red sweet pepper after a stroke, pulmonary embolus.

The use of this vegetable is indicated for eye diseases - retinal detachment, lens opacity. In diabetes, it lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes the work of the pancreas, thyroid glands.

In cosmetology masks from fruits and juice of red sweet pepper are used to whiten the skin, remove age spots, brighten unwanted hairs. Baths with the addition of paprika juice will strengthen nails, relieve burrs, stratification.

Red hot pepper not inferior in terms of the amount of nutrients to his fellow man, it contains: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C, K, E, PP, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, phosphorus.

Calories of hot red pepper per 100 gr.:

The energy value - 40 kcal

Proteins -1, 9 grams;

Fats - 0, 44 grams;

Carbohydrates - 7.31 gr.

Hot red pepper is widely used. in medicine: based on it, they make warming tinctures, ointments for the treatment of joints. Oil and patches from this vegetable treat colds, nasal congestion, flu, rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis.

This extract helps with muscle spasms and cramps. Drinking red hot pepper is indicated for diseases of the circulatory system, blood vessels (diabetes, hypertension, varicose veins, atherosclerosis), problems of the urinary tract.

ethnoscience treats tincture of red pepper vitiligo (large white spots on the skin).

In cosmetology Hot pepper oil has found its application - it improves the skin condition (eliminates cellulite, flabbiness, stretch marks), eliminates bruises. The irritating component of pepper (capsaicin) stimulates the growth of new hair and fights baldness.

Cooking He does not imagine his existence without red pepper (hot and sweet). Its powder, fruits, seeds are used as a spice in meat, vegetable, fish dishes, salads, added to rice and other side dishes to give a savory sweet or sharp shade. Sauces and gravy with red pepper get a rich taste, color, aroma. Fruits are used in canning, not only for a more complete taste of tomatoes and cucumbers, but are excellent natural preservatives, preserving all the benefits of products.

Ground red pepper (hot, sweet) is combined with fermented milk products, in Asian and Eastern traditions it is considered even a separate dish or served as a sauce for meat and fish.

Red pepper: what is the benefit for the body?

Red sweet pepper has special benefits for the body:

  • The high content of vitamin C (250 mg per 100g) has an antihistamine property - relieves allergy attacks, facilitates breathing. The same vitamin has antiviral, antimicrobial effect, even prevents the development of oncology;

  • Beta-carotene, beneficial sugars, nitrogenous compounds and essential oils of sweet red pepper treat diseases of the stomach, relieve indigestion, improve digestion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);

  • The benefits of red pepper for the body - the binding and removal of nitroxides - carcinogens;

  • Lycopene of red sweet pepper normalizes the heart, circulatory system, reduces the risk of leukemia (anemia), thin the blood, prevent the formation of clots;

  • The vitamin complex of this fetus relieves fatigue, irritation, relieves depression, insomnia;

  • thanks to vitamin PP, blood sugar levels are reduced, and vascular walls are strengthened;

  • Alkaloid capsaicin in the composition of red pepper stimulates the stomach, intestines, improves digestion and stool. This substance also cleans the blood, normalizes circulation, reduces cholesterol levels;

  • Beta-carotene of this vegetable improves lung function, cleans them from tobacco and other harmful effects, facilitates pneumonia, colds, bronchitis;

  • Red pepper is useful at increased visual loads: it relieves stress and dry eyes, supplies the retina with vitamin A;

  • Iron improves the production of hemoglobin and thyroid hormone;

  • This vegetable has an anti-aging effect, slows the aging process, improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails, because promotes the production of collagen.

Hot red pepper is no less useful for the body:

  • Reduces nervous irritability and irritability;

  • This vegetable has capsaicin, vitamin C, beta carotene, which together gives an analgesic effect;

  • Stimulates the production of gastric secretion, improves digestion, speeds up metabolism;

  • Nitrogenous compounds and dietary fiber of red pepper have a laxative effect;

  • Suppresses appetite;

  • Normalizes hypertension;

  • Helps with infections, fungi, dysbacteriosis;

  • It is scientifically proven that red pepper restores the gastric mucosa, prevents the development of ulcers (contrary to popular opinion);

  • It has a tonic immune-modeling effect. The hotness of hot red pepper does not withstand many viruses and bacteria. The juice of this vegetable cleans the intestines well even where "where the activity is powerless." A healthy intestine is a beautiful skin, strong hair, an established metabolism, no excess weight.

Red pepper: what is the harm to the body?

Despite the obvious beneficial properties Red pepper has some harm to the body, in particular:

1. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, increased acidity of the stomach may be aggravated due to alkaloids and phytoncides;

2. Any red pepper is harmful in chronic diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, liver;

3. Imported peppers may be covered with pesticides - cause cancer;

4. Hot red pepper is dangerous for burns of mucous membranes and eyes.

5. Individual allergy and intolerance of red fruits and vegetables can cause itching, redness of the skin, exacerbation of dermatological diseases.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of red pepper

Sweet red pepper is useful during pregnancy, thanks to its vitamin formula and irreplaceable chemical elements. This vegetable will relieve pigmentation, normalizes an unstable emotional state of the pregnant woman, relieves from depression, nervousness, relieves anxiety.

Consuming red pepper (hot and sweet), future mom protects herself from infections and colds, reduce swelling, prevent hair loss, loosening of teeth, fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, clean the intestines from harmful accumulations, improve blood formation.

This product reduces toxicosis, normalizes digestion, and the chair of a pregnant woman. Also this pepper helps to produce serotonin - hormone of joy. In addition, alkaloids reduce the risk of thrombosis and other problems of the future mother’s circulatory system.

Harm of red pepper during pregnancy - aggravation of gastritis, heartburn, flatulence, bloating.

Restrictions on the use of sweet red pepper does not exist, but the sharp allowed to use no more than 10 grams. per day in order to avoid unwanted problems.

In the first month of breastfeeding, red pepper should not be consumed - vitamin C and rutin are strong allergens.

Sweet red pepper can be gradually introduced into the diet of a young mother 6-8 weeks after delivery. Hot red pepper is not recommended for breastfeeding during the first 6 months - the baby’s stomach and intestines will not cope with this “acute” problem, severe colic and indigestion may occur, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and convulsions are possible.

Red pepper for children: useful or harmful

Sweet red pepper is very useful for children from the first year of life. It prevents anemia and leukemia. Lycopene and anthocyanin stimulate blood formation.

Vitamins and alkaloids of red pepper (burning and acute) stimulate the growth and development of bones, strengthen the immune system, prevents infectious respiratory diseases.

Vitamin C ensures gum health, the rapid development of soft tissue and cell division. Red pepper helps children to normalize sleep, remove hyperactivity, improve memory and perception. It also prevents the development of vision problems.

The harm of red pepper for children - idiosyncrasy and allergies. Hot red pepper is not contraindicated for children, but will they voluntarily eat this spicy vegetable?


Watch the video: 5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Red Peppers (June 2024).