Scientists: women have a genetic predisposition to adultery


The relationship between the genotype and the presence of various deviations in the human body has interested scientists for more than one year. Recently, Australian experts were able to prove that the transformation of the AVPR1A gene in women significantly increases their likelihood of adultery.

Scientists conducted an anonymous study, which was attended by 7 thousand people. Of these, 400 were allocated to those who at least once cheated on their lover. It turned out that among these people the AVPR1A gene was encountered much more frequently than in other volunteers.

Genetics say: although men's DNA also contains the AVPR1A gene, it, unlike women, has no effect on male behavior. So far, scientists can not argue that it is precisely this segment of DNA that is responsible for treason. Perhaps the cause of infidelity is a consequence of a whole complex of factors - genetic, social and moral.


Watch the video: Cheating Is in Our Genes: What Science Says about Monogamy (June 2024).