Goat milk for babies: pros and cons. How to introduce goat milk for infants in the diet, the basic rules of feeding


There is nothing more important for a newborn than breast milk.

However, very often women have problems with lactation, and they cannot provide for the needs of their baby. The question arises about how to feed your child.

Of course, now there is a huge selection of infant formulas from various manufacturers. What is more useful - dry powder or goat milk for babies?

It is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this product, its effect on the body of a small child and the basic rules of feeding.

Benefits of Goat Milk for Infants

The digestive system of the newborn is undeveloped; it lacks enzymes that help digest food. If the mother cannot provide the child with natural feeding, pediatricians recommend switching to adapted milk powders. However, in the event that the parents do not trust the artificial product, you can resort to an alternative option - this is goat’s milk.

What are the benefits of goat milk for babies?

1. There is no allergy to this product.

2. The composition contains folic acid, important for a small organism, vitamin A and B6, calcium and potassium.

3. The use of goat milk prevents the development of rickets, as calcium is very well absorbed.

4. Ideal for those children who do not tolerate lactose, since it practically does not have this substance.

5. The product contains fatty acids, which are also important for the normal development of the child's body.

6. Helps strengthen the immune system of the newborn.

7. Goat milk for infants is necessary if the baby often spits up food. The product is well absorbed and improves the digestive process.

Goat milk can be given to the baby, both in pure form, and to cook its cottage cheese, cook porridge based on the product.

If we compare goat milk with cow milk, we can say that the first is much more useful. However, this product has some disadvantages that must be considered before introducing it into the diet of your child.

What are the disadvantages of goat milk for babies?

1. The composition contains casein. When it enters the stomach, this substance turns protein and a dense lump, similar in texture to cottage cheese. In a child under the age of one year, this can provoke colic.

2. Mineral salts, which are quite a lot in the composition, burden the kidneys, so the baby may urinate too often.

3. Goat milk has a lot of fats that slow down the digestion process.

There is much debate about whether goat milk can be introduced into the diet of a newborn, or if it needs to be done a bit later. In any case, the final decision must be made by the pediatrician after examining the baby.

Goat milk powder for babies

Milk formulas for young children are produced using the latest technology. For babies who are deprived of natural feeding - this is a great alternative. The composition of the product is very similar to human milk, so it is useful for newborns.

Benefits of Goat Milk Powder

1. Helps strengthen bone tissue.

2. It is well acquired, does not load kidneys and organs of a gastrointestinal tract.

3. All dry mixes have a certificate of quality; they undergo a thorough check.

4. The composition contains many nutrients that are important for the child’s body.

5. Normalizes stool, reduces the risk of pain in the abdomen and child.

6. The composition contains prebiotics that improve the digestive system.

Introduction to the diet of mixtures made from goat’s milk is recommended in several cases:

• the digestive system is disrupted;

• there is no way to feed the baby with breast milk;

• if small is gaining weight poorly;

• with constipation;

• in the presence of individual intolerance to milk protein.

Optimum feeding period

In order for the child to properly develop the work of the digestive tract, pediatricians recommend introducing sour-milk products into his diet.

If you are allergic to cow's milk, it is replaced by an alternative. It is permissible to give goat milk for babies from birth, if the mother does not have the opportunity to provide natural feeding.

When the baby becomes a little older (3-4 months), you can give the cottage cheese a try. This product allows you to create a favorable microflora in the intestine and relieve problems with stool. Curd from goat milk is much more tender and tastier than usual, so the child will surely like it.

The recipe for delicious cottage cheese based on fresh goat milk

Preparing cottage cheese from goat milk for babies is not difficult. The recipe presented describes each step in detail. The reward for mom will be the smile of her child when he tastes a treat. Tasty and healthy cottage cheese will not leave the baby indifferent.

Step by step recipe

1. Fresh goat milk (1 liter) is poured into a deep enamel pan, it must be heated over medium heat to a temperature of 40 degrees.

2. Without rushing there, non-fat yogurt (about 700 grams) is laid out, everything is mixed until a uniform consistency is formed.

3. The pan is removed from the heat, wrapped tightly in a warm towel and left to stand for the night.

4. In the morning, opening the lid, it will be possible to note that the mass is a little thickened. It will need to be mixed again and put on a slow fire.

5. After 20 minutes, the contents of the pan are again stirred. The intensity of the action depends on the desired consistency of the finished cottage cheese. The more often you interfere, the thinner it will turn out.

6. When the mass reaches a temperature of 80 degrees, the pan is removed from the gas and placed in a basin filled with cold water. It is advisable to replace it so that the contents cool quickly.

7. The colander is covered with a dense gauze. The contents of the pan pour into it. At night you need to clean in the refrigerator.

8. Serum will be released through a colander, and then the finished cottage cheese will remain in the gauze.

Of course, the procedure for preparing cottage cheese from goat milk for babies takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. The product prepared at home will turn out to be incredibly tasty, most importantly, useful.

The basic rules for introducing goat milk for infants into the diet

1. Whole goat milk may not appeal to children under the age of 6 months. The fact is that it has a slightly specific smell and taste. First you can try to cook porridge based on the product to introduce your child to it, then give it to drink.

2. The first few times, goat milk for babies should be diluted with warm water, so that it is better absorbed and does not cause constipation. On 1 part milk 3 parts water.

3. When the baby gets used to the product, it will already be possible to add less boiled water, and after some time completely give the child undiluted goat milk. Also, a child by this period will be appreciated by cottage cheese made from this product.

How to choose goat milk for babies: the rules you need to know

If it was decided that goat milk will be given to the baby from birth due to the lack of lactation in the mother, you need to know how to choose the right product and what to look for at the same time.

1. Buy the product only from trusted people. Be sure to ask for a certificate from the veterinarian for a goat, because the condition of the baby will depend on this. Do not be shy if the seller is sure he will provide all the information.

2. Goat milk for babies should be boiled, but not in a metal pan. It is desirable to store it in glass dishes in the refrigerator.

3. When you purchase goat's milk in the store, the expiration date must be looked at, in order to avoid food poisoning. You also need to study the composition so that it is as natural as possible and does not contain a lot of chemical additives.

Goat milk for babies is very beneficial. However, you should not use it as a full-fledged source of nutrition if the mother has the opportunity to feed her child in a natural way for several months. In order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the child's body to a new product, before introducing goat's milk into the diet, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.


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