Slavic conspiracies and spells


In the days when magic was only born, it was inaccessible to ordinary people. The ancient Slavs had magi - people with a magical gift. They drew their strength from everywhere: from nature, from faith, from signs considered divine. Thunder, lightning, rain, eclipse - all this was considered the will of the gods and carried its color - good or evil. Slavs diligently worshiped the gods, confessing sacrifice in exchange for patronage, and this practice has been preserved to this day.

The most popular Slavic prayers and conspiracies

Slavic magic is considered one of the most ancient and the most powerful conspiracies reached our times. They were carefully preserved by our ancestors: grandparents, passing into the hands of the older generation. Now often there are rituals based on Slavic magic. Their main difference in the treatment and use in the rituals of the forces of nature, such as land, water, air, plants, animals.

The most popular are Slavic conspiracies to protect, health, wealth, luck, from disease and ailments. This article discusses the fundamental conspiracies taken from the arsenal of Slavic healers.

Before reading any Slavic conspiracy, remember the basic rules:

  • Properly chosen time conspiracy increases the power of magic. Friday, Wednesday, and Tuesday are considered favorable days;
  • For greater effect, compliance with the post is shown. Before the ritual, give up alcohol, cigarettes and meat;
  • Most conspiracies, with the exception of prayers for health, cannot be carried out in a painful state. Weakened health can adversely affect the outcome of the conspiracy and your own condition;
  • The plots are read in a whisper or a half-whisper, in the absence of extra ears. Non-observance of the mystery of magic is unacceptable;
  • The lack of faith in the power of the word will bring to naught all your efforts.

Health Conspiracy

This conspiracy is one of the easiest in Slavic practice. It is necessary to read it with the first rays of the sun. All alone, sit near the window and, looking at the dawn, in a half-whisper say:

“In distant lands, beyond the seas-oceans and crests-waves, there is an unknown stone on the island, whitish and combustible, then Alatyr-stone. A man stands near that stone, and before him are his three sons, he himself is a great sovereign. And the sovereign will get a sharp knife, cut ailments and illnesses. Even if (your name) has diseases and cuts, it will hide the Alatyr stone under the fuel, close the stone with a key, and throw it into the sea. The power of my word is strong, the power of my divine saint! ”

Conspiracy to wealth

It should be noted that the Slavs have practically no conspiracies for money. In the old days, they were not in demand; instead, there was an acquired good, harvest, furs, woven goods and jewelery. However, conspiracy on the welfare of the Slavs abound. Before you conduct a ritual to attract money, you need to tune in and focus on getting the desired result. To do this, sit down and meditate: you can at home or in the woods, but the best thing to do is on the grass.

A plot of wealth is carried out on a coin, following the common practice of "money attracts money." Find a male tree not far from the house: maple, walnut, chestnut, oak. The male tree symbolizes an oak tree from the island of Buyan, at the foot of which lies Alatyr.

At its roots, dig a small hole and dig a coin into it. Then read the plot:

“Grow, my coin, grow with woody roots, with fresh underground water. Return to me with rains, waters, natural forces, bring with you a pack. How do I let you go, so I want to see you soon. With wealth, with strong income, I implore you! ”

Immediately after the ritual, go back home, without looking at anyone and not speaking to anyone. Soon you will notice an improvement in your well-being.

On love

For the Slavic conspiracy to love, take the red candle and the branch of the female tree. In the rites of love, regardless of the sex of the magician, the tree should be female: apple, cherry, birch, pine, spruce. The branch must be brought into the house and left in the secluded place until the evening. Then retire and light the candle in complete silence. Put a branch nearby and sit briefly, looking at the flame of a candle. Imagine your wish come true. This conspiracy perfectly helps your desperate hearts to find their love.

Take a branch in the palm of your hand and say a conspiracy to the goddess Lada:

“Giver of life, love and happiness, hear the call of a suffering heart. With your help I call you, the one that sows love and balance in the house. Accept my gift, and reward me with your favor. Send me love, send warmth to my heart, for that I will forever be grateful to give thanks. Let it be so".

Sit a little more. Mentally give the goddess as a gift a branch from your hands. If you feel that it is accepted, hide it in a secluded place where no one will stumble upon a gift to the goddess. It is he who will attract bright feelings to you. Candle leave burn out.

Good luck

The strongest Slavic ritual to get rid of failures and gain success in undertakings, is carried out in the forest. Find in it an unfinished, overgrown place. Dig a hole and place your belt or belt in it. This belt symbolizes the sorrows and sufferings that have sucked you in. Having dug the belt, say the plot:

“Goy thou art mother earth, strong your wind ears the ears and does not howl. Goy thou art mother earth, appeals to you your daughter. I pray you to give me your strength, to protect me with the protection of maternal, sacred love. Bring success in my undertakings, save from adversity and curses, save your strength ”.

Scoop a handful of earth and bring it home in a kerchief. Such a charm will give you strength and save you from misfortune.


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