Fantasy virtual sculptor


Sculptor ... It somehow doesn’t sound very much, I agree, but it clearly indicates gender affiliation. The sculptor - he, the sculptor - she, everything is logical! I wanted to, you know, feel like a lady in whose hands the heap-like material easily takes shape, turning into a masterpiece. I didn’t suddenly feel like there was a background.

Rebellious Ivanova *

* Surname changed 🙂

A classmate is calling:

- Have you heard the news? Ivanova is getting married again!

Oh how! My classmates and I almost make bets on the social network of the same name, for how many days-months-years once again our Ivanov will be enough. For the sixth time officially! How many without painting, it seems, and the culprit of numerous bets herself was confused. He assures us that now it is reinforced concrete: in sorrow, joy, health, sores, until the end of the century.

But I was at her first wedding. Oh, nice gulnul in a picturesque village - the estate of the groom. The young girl blossomed and grew younger, with aspiration she shared her plans, she called the bridegroom an angel. The indigenous townswoman survived the rural idyll for exactly five days. It turned out that you take away the clothes of the faithful figs from the solarium, pigs stink, mother-in-law curses, roosters do not let them sleep ...

The second husband charmed the exact opposite of the first. Unrecognized (for now) genius, with a bunch of abstractions and alimony. Ivanov had enough for three months - it took so much to realize that she did not understand anything in the subtle soul of a hysterical spouse. We liked the third one: thorough, businessman, but without expansion, with money connections. They were no longer present at the wedding, but Ivanova so painted her beloved! ... It’s a pity, but she didn’t grow together again. The fourth, fifth, now here is the sixth ... And what do we women lack? Why do Gorky petrels rush over the ocean of life, looking for the very-most? ... So I wanted to imagine what my ideal exchange would be like, give me the freedom to cook it up from spare parts.

I blinded him from ...

No, I don’t need what is like Alyonushka Apina — give me the best! So, I would definitely have equipped Mikhail Porechenkov with light brutality. Beauty, it is known, is not the main thing, but the face and figure a la Brad Pitt will not hurt. Well, remember what he was like in Troy? Go ahead. Alesha Nemov would take the will to win, and in general he is a charm! A sense of humor from Garik Martirosyan. Unlike his compatriot, Evgeny Vaganovich, he does not have banal jokes and silly tricks - the improvisator is awesome.


Fidelity would be borrowed from Nikolai Drozdov. Never a man has been seen in ambiguous situations. Respect! Business acumen from any business mover - from the creator of Facebook to the owner of a cool car concern. Intelligence from all connoisseurs of the club "What? Where? When?" put together. Devotion to the work - from the guru of medicine Leonid Roshal. Voice timbre from Igor Petrenko, without options. In such a voice, what kind of beauty do you want to chat! Sexuality from David Beckham. Velvet in the view from Mashkov. Stylishness from Vanya’s Urgant, as well as the ability to keep himself in public. Expressiveness from his namesake Okhlobystin. A smile from Pavel Bure, and unfading from Kharatyan. Is he sleeping in the freezer?

Cutting off excess

Now from what will be completely superfluous in Superman of my dreams. Without hesitation, the sweetness of the favorite of exalted young ladies Stasik Mikhailov. I don’t understand what it takes ?! Otherwise, as a general psychosis, I can’t explain ... The effeminacy and pouting lips of the Star-In-Shock are also sweeping away - I sculpt the ideal, not the parody. Kirkorov and Baskov are not impressed by the narcissism, although the latter, it turns out, is still the prankster. However, it is not yet ready, alas, to take it as a specimen. Sorry, Kolya!

I understand that in many cases excessive weight is a consequence of malfunctions in the hormonal system, but I don’t want to see a swaying block next to me. Without names, thank you, I'm not so bizarre. I leave the whims under Marilyn Manson, who demands a set of popcorn, sweets and a bald toothless prostitute on tour. I respect Sir Elton's talent, only I will sprinkle on a man. A man in every sense. Ignore the rottenness of Dibrov, which increases self-esteem due to young companions of life.

Something like this ... I examined the "masterpiece" from all sides, to be honest, the result was not impressive. If individually the pluses of each are a highlight, then the heap resembles a vanilla mass without character and a damn thing. Sorry, dubious goodness is not thirsty. Let my man without Gibson's eyelashes, the relief of Tarzan and the dimples of Darling Leo, but real. Even with a lot of flaws, but I'm not a fairy from marmalade either. And my hero has plenty of advantages. Which ones? And I won’t say that they won’t be overpowered!

Oh yes. Ivanova, happiness to you! I wish that the sixth spouse turned out to be the ideal.
