Doctors have named the reasons why pregnant women should not eat fried food


Scientists at Harvard University have found that daily consumption of fried foods dramatically increases the likelihood of diabetes in pregnant women, which entails the risk of premature birth, the appearance of obesity in an unborn baby, and even death.

In the experiment, which lasted more than ten years, more than 15 thousand future mothers took part. Doctors studied in detail their diet, habits, lifestyle.

It turned out that the daily consumption of fried (chicken with a crust, scrambled eggs, etc.) increased the risk of developing diabetes in pregnant women by 88%. For comparison, those women who ate fried food 5 times a week, on average, risked their health 16% more than a supporter of healthy food, who allowed themselves to “indulge” in fried food only once a week.

Doctors warn: fried foods block the body's ability to independently control sugar levels. Weaken the effect of insulin and trans fats present in fried foods.


Watch the video: Why Health Experts Say Not To Eat Tilapia & Salmon (July 2024).