What will be for you on April 16: the exact horoscope and "luck index" for all zodiac signs


April 16 is a rather complicated day, oversaturated with important information. But some signs of the zodiac on this day will be more lucky than others. Who will be lucky that day?

Aries - today you have to feel all the horror of rush, work in a hurry. In the morning you will start your race for the truth. You will want to talk with relatives about frank topics, you will begin to ask tricky questions to your subordinates and colleagues. Do not rush things, just the stars line up on this day just so that you want justice. Look inside yourself, but are you doing everything right? Today you are lucky in love if you do not rush and rush anyone. Rejoice at what you have.

Taurus - Today everyone needs something from you. You are not ready for active work and are more disposed to continue rest. But life will require you to make important decisions. Do not put them aside in a long box, try to get involved in the work, otherwise you will not be very lucky and all your shortcomings will become known to the authorities. Everything is calm in love today. You will quietly retire and do not want to talk about anything. It's time to relax.

Twins - You are in a working mood today, only you will get a few instructions. You will be madly anxious to prove that you are worthy of praise and the work is done at the highest level. Today, you are lucky in relaxation and communication with relatives. But in working moments you have to wait until your merits are noticed.

Crayfish - You are in a creative mood today and it is better not to disturb anyone. You will be actively engaged in yourself, busy with your favorite business. Do not forget about household chores and do not try to prove your importance to relatives. They already know what you are capable of. Be kinder to others and then they will help you in your difficult task.

Lions - you are clearly not ready for serious conversations. Today you are lucky in the financial sector. If you are waiting for the payment of wages - consider that you have almost waited for it. If you expect an increase in salary, you can talk about it today with your superiors. And do not forget to share all your victories with loved ones, they will be very pleased that you share, appreciate them.

Virgin - Today you want to get away from everyone somewhere. Even if in the first half of the day you will have a wonderful mood, then in the second half you will be squeezed out, exhausted. The problem is that you yourself wind up and escalate the situation, come up with problems for yourself and then begin to solve them. Do not rush to conclusions about people on this day, they can be doubtful. Try to take care of your health, do not overwork, do not take too much work on yourself.

Libra - you are lucky today in communicating with the opposite sex. You will be surrounded by attention and care. The work will be in full swing and bring you joy, do not forget to thank your soulmate for a pleasant dinner and a pleasant time together. Today is a wonderful day for communication and negotiation. You can convince anyone of your innocence and persuade you to your side.

Scorpions - Today is not your day, obviously. You can spend it calmly only if you don’t completely pay attention to other people's flaws and claims in your direction. Do not be discouraged if the day begins with a scandal. But you can understand for yourself what exactly you want, what you are ready to refuse. Spending today will be rash and unreasonable. Do not worry - this day will end sooner or later.

Sagittarius - you are very much dependent on the opinions of others. Think for yourself, why do you need it, maybe it’s easier to live your life and be responsible for it yourself? Therefore, you are not lucky in personal relationships, because you share them with others. Try to keep very important events secret, and then luck and happiness will definitely visit your home.

Capricorns - today you are stubbornly fighting fate. You are lucky enough, and you will get what you dreamed about, but maybe later. Do not rush things and do not be nervous, you are on the right track and now, any of your sudden decisions will lead to losses of both a financial and emotional plan. Just be happy because luck is on your side.

Aquarius - you have to decide whether changes are needed in your life, or whether you will leave everything as it was. There will be no luck today, there will be a lot of work and trouble, but if you cope with them, you can have a good rest. It’s better not to make purchases today, they may end in disappointment.

Fish - Today you will be in search of support and mutual understanding. It will always seem to you that a conspiracy has been conceived against you. But this is not so, you just really want everything in your life to change for the better. Change is possible, but a little later. You will be lucky today. You will receive support from where you did not expect it. Get ready for pleasant surprises. Happiness will knock on your house today, make you smile.

"Luck indices" of all zodiac signs for Monday, April 16, 2019


1-2 points: it’s better not to do anything and not try to change the situation. Just take it as it is, but don't be too upset.

3 points: the day will not bring anything important and requiring an urgent solution, but it will bring a lot of minor troubles. Be on the lookout.

4-5 points: a pleasant day in many endeavors. It may even seem to you that the luck never ends. They will call you who should have come, those whom you have long dreamed of. Finance today loves you.

Your mark:

Aries: 3.5 Taurus: 3.2 Gemini: 3.7 Cancer: 4.1 Leo: 3.8 Virgo: 3.5 Libra 4.5

Scorpio: 2.7 Sagittarius: 3.3 Capricorn: 4.7 Aquarius: 3.7 Pisces: 4.1

Total: The day is dynamic, requiring quick decisions and quick analysis of events. Luck will be those who set the stage for success - scheduled meetings, pre-calculated all the costs. If you decide to rest that day - soon a lot of work will fall on you. Do not overwork, allow yourself a little joy, spend an evening with your family.


Watch the video: 10 Unknown Facts about People born in April. Do You Know? (June 2024).