Nutritionists called habits that prevent women from losing weight


Habit of not having breakfast

No matter how many nutritionists claim that breakfast is almost the most important meal of the whole day, not all people and, in particular, girls adhere to this strict rule. Experts are convinced that for the awakened body to fully engage in metabolism, food is needed. Well, rather than having breakfast, you will eat more for lunch.

The habit of having a meal in front of the TV

You may not have noticed, but the doctors are convinced: in front of the TV, when you are focused not on food, but on what is happening on the screen, more is eaten.

It has long been proven that people who spend more than two hours a day watching television are more likely to be overweight. No need to eat in front of the TV, it is much more useful to arrange various physical exercises in front of it: squats, torsion of a hoop, etc.

Habit of riding the elevator

According to scientists, climbing the stairs, you can burn up to 1500 kcal, which can replace several minutes of exercise. So, down with the elevator!

Chronic lack of sleep

If the rhythm of your life makes you go to bed after midnight, and get up with roosters, then this may explain the extra pounds gained: lack of sleep leads to the production of an hormone that causes appetite.

Rush while eating

From childhood we were taught: do not rush while eating. And in this lies the deepest meaning, because in a hurry we eat more than the body wants.

Diet foods

Dietary products are far from a panacea for weight gain, experts say. Most of them contain sweeteners that slow down the metabolism and provoke the deposition of fats in the body.

Alcohol consumption

Alcohol, strange as it sounds, provokes the appearance of fullness. The higher the degree in your alcoholic drink, the more calories it has.

Small snacks

It is known that you need to eat often, but in small portions. These small portions may well be snacks. But what do we “snack” on? Sandwiches, pastries, etc. If you really need a snack, choose fruits or vegetables.

Habit of seizing stress

Sometimes stress causes severe hunger. However, one must remember that food is a rather dubious means to cope with a negative situation, it can still remain unresolved. But the fact that your figure will suffer is for sure.


Watch the video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (June 2024).