April 15th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays April 15th.


Holidays April 15

Environmental Knowledge Day

The main task of the Environmental Knowledge Day, which launches the annual Russian campaign in honor of environmental protection, is to inform the public about the current state of affairs in the environmental sphere, to promote programs to improve this state with the involvement of the population, and to form a common environmental culture. The Day of Environmental Knowledge is an important and very important event, and it is dedicated not only to those who work and are engaged in the field of ecology, but also to all the inhabitants of our planet. Any conservation measure should be supported by certain environmental knowledge.

Currently, Russia is developing programs to form the environmental education of the country, to educate the public about the importance of protecting the environment, and what needs to be done. Indeed, timely vaccination of eco-culture is the guarantee of the health of our future generations. Environmental Day knowledge is annually reinforced by various seminars, conferences and round tables, the main purpose of which is to discuss environmental issues. As a rule, such actions are carried out as part of the All-Russian educational program and are organized by educational institutions of any level, from kindergartens to universities, with the approval of local authorities.

Valentine's Day in Kazakhstan

In 2011, Kazakhstan decided to celebrate its own national Valentine's Day, dedicated to the famous poem of the Kazakh epos (13th century) about the beautiful, pure and tragic love of its characters. And although in many countries Valentine's Day is traditionally celebrated on February 14, the people of Kazakhstan continue to be skeptical about it. Participants in one of the youth movements even organized an action against Valentine's Day, sending written statements about the ban to schools and demonstrating the mass destruction of Valentine's cards. The leadership of many schools was in solidarity with the youth.

The organizers of the "new" Valentine's Day in Kazakhstan claim that they not only transferred the event from one date to another, but also gave it their own national flavor, showing the beauty and purity of true love. In addition, the holiday is now held annually in the spring, and the spring time, as you know, is the time of love, romance and inspiration.

April 15 on the folk calendar


April 15 Christians commemorate Titus the Miracle Worker. The reverend lived in the ninth century. People called him Icebreaker, because on this day, as people noticed, there is a final "opening" of water from the ice. If the process has not yet begun, then the year will be difficult, especially in terms of fishing. Birds were also watched on Icebreaker: screaming quails portended a good harvest and plenty of grass in the meadows. Titus-Icebreaker Day falls on the period of Great Lent, and, not without reason, the people have a huge number of jokes and sayings on this subject, for example: "Our Titus is also fornication in fasting" and many others.

Historical events of April 15

April 15, 1912 - The largest airliner of the first half of the 20th century “Titanic” sank in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean

In 1912, the largest marine disaster of the twentieth century occurred on the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean - as a result of a collision with an ice block, the Titanic sank from Great Britain to the USA. Hundreds of essays, dozens of books were written about the tragic incident, and several films were delivered later. According to various estimates, about one and a half thousand people died in this disaster, and only 700 passengers managed to escape. The machine team, trying to save the life of others, completely died.

The Titanic, the most luxurious airliner of the time, was built by order of the White Starline shipping company. Its dimensions are truly impressive: the length of the "Titanic" from "nose to nose" was equal to the length of three quarters, and the height to the height of a 4-storey building. The White Starline company promised the strength of the ship and, consequently, the safety of its passengers, but these promises were empty, during the first flight the Titanic crashed and sank.

April 15, 1951 - For the first time in London, the Miss World beauty pageant was held

On April 15, London hosted the first ever Miss World beauty pageant. Thanks to this event, London has transformed into the capital of world beauty. Thirty girls participated in this contest, who, proudly striding across the stage in a bikini, made a huge splash. In Russia, for the first time, a beauty contest was held only in the late 80s, a sixteen-year-old model named Maria Kalinina won it. By the way, the Miss Universe contest is also a "native" of Great Britain.

April 15, 1989 - Ninety-six spectators died during a soccer game in Sheffield

On that day, one of the most terrible tragedies in the history of British football happened at the forty thousandth Hillsborough Stadium, where the Notting Forest and Liverpool teams met - in the square in front of the stadium ninety-six people were killed and about 300 were injured - various injuries . The tragedy occurred due to the carelessness of the police: it was they who allowed more people to attend one of the stands than they should (although the authorities until recently accused drunken farewell fans of breaking police control).

The spectators, pushing behind, simply did not imagine what was happening in front, where the fans literally pressed into the bars that protected the stands from the playing field. As a result, 82 people died on the spot, and another 14 died in the hospital. The youngest victim was barely ten years old. After the tragedy, British football leaders insisted that the safety bars be removed altogether.

Born on April 15

- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - a brilliant Italian artist, inventor and scientist. Recognized as a universal genius of the Renaissance. The father’s attempt to accustom Leonardo to family business (da Vinci’s father was a notary) was unsuccessful, the young talent realized his talents in painting, and his parent sent him to a prestigious art workshop, where he did not stay long. Leonardo da Vinci, first of all, is known to the public as a great artist. But few people know that he did not consider himself as such, since he did not devote too much time to painting. Leonardo was most interested in science and inventions. He owns the first prototypes of a parachute, bicycle, tank, catapult, searchlight and many other engineering ideas that the master captured on paper in the form of diagrams, drawings, sketches and drawings.

- Theodore Russo (1812-1867) - French artist, founder of the Barbizon school. Throughout his conscious life, the artist portrayed nature - as it is, without embellishing or engaging in gag. She, according to Rousseau, and so perfect and does not need embellishment.

- Boris Strugatsky (1933-2012) - science fiction writer, translator and screenwriter.

- Nikolay Gumilev (1886-1921) - an outstanding poet, literary critic and traveler. The founder of the school of acmeism.

- Nikolay Semenov (1896-1986) - Soviet chemist, Nobel laureate. Semenov developed the theory of thermal explosion, discovered branched chain reactions, and also found ways to put them into practice.

- Alla Pugacheva (born in 1949) - a prima donna of Russian pop music. People's Artist of the USSR. Today, Alla does not tour anymore, but eagerly writes new songs and actively participates in many musical television projects.

April 15th

Name day on April 15th will mark: Titus, Polycarpus, Vasily, Anastasia, Caesar, Amphian.


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