November 19: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


November 19 is a professional holiday celebrated by workers in the glass industry. This date was not chosen by chance, it coincides with the birthday of the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, who created one of the recipes for glass for mosaic paintings. In fairness, it should be noted that for the first time humanity received glass over five thousand years ago. However, despite the rather rich history of glass, the glass industry began to develop only at the end of the 19th century, sheet glass appeared in the 20th century.

To commemorate the merits of the missile forces and artillery in the fight against the German invaders near Stalingrad, November 19 was declared in Russia as the Day of the missile forces and artillery. The holiday was established in 1944 and was called - Artillery Day, two decades later it was renamed the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. Perhaps no one will argue with the fact that artillery is one of the most significant branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. November 19 is the day when the military’s merits can be appreciated by the public, since on the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery it is customary to arrange parades, demonstration exercises and firing.

November 19, the world community celebrates International Men's Day. For the first time, an official men's holiday was initiated in the United States in the distant 60s of the XX century, but "did not take root." Since 1999, it began to be celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago, then the traditions of its celebration began to spread across the planet, residents of Australia, North America, Asia and Europe joined a small African country. International Men's Day arose as an analogue of International Women's Day, because with all their strength men also need attention, care and warmth. Gradually, gender discrimination began to level, to some extent due to the holiday, it became possible to assess the role of men in the family, his participation in raising children, which, of course, is important.

World Toilet Day is one of the most unusual holidays, it was first held in 2002 and since then it has been celebrated annually in many countries of the world. “Designate” November 19th as World Toilets Day was decided during an international conference held in 2001 in Singapore. Representatives of different continents - Asia, North America and Europe, which were part of national toilet organizations, took part in a large environmental forum. During the conference, certain normative acts were adopted, in particular, the World Toilet Organization was created, and it was its newly-minted members who initiated the holding of such an unusual holiday as World Toilet Day.

Today, according to the folk calendar, Pavel Ledostav.

Saint Pavel the Confessor, whose Day is celebrated on November 19, was considered the patronage of military sailors, it was he who should pray on this day, which the representatives of the Russian fleet did. In 1797, the St. Paul's Church was consecrated in Russia, within the walls of which relics related to the history of the Navy were collected and stored. The name of Ledostav was not accidentally received by St. Paul’s Day, it was on November 19th that the first ice was chained to rivers and lakes. With Ledostav, the peasants gradually began to prepare for winter fishing, while it was too early to go out on the river, the men repaired the tackle. From the state of the ice on the rivers it was possible to determine what the next year's crop would be like, for example: “If the ice is heaps, then the bread will be piles. If it’s smooth, then the bread will be smooth.”

Popular weather forecasters noticed that the snow on Pavel Ledostav portended a snowy winter, the absence of wind - a quick frost. It was possible to judge the prospects and the condition of the animals, for example, if the horses on Ledostav have a good appetite, you do not have to worry that they will hurt in the winter, good milk yields from the cow foreshadowed a lot of milk until spring.

Alexandra - It can become unbearable if she is the only child in the family. A girl with this name is active, positive about reading, purposeful, can become a successful person, for whom others will reach. Housekeeping is definitely not Alexandra’s skate, she will find any reason to somehow avoid it. Alexandra’s appearance can make people unfamiliar with her think that she’s “on her mind”, but the isolation of a woman is just a character trait, in his soul Alexander is a very sensitive, kind and fair person who will not allow himself to do something contrary to the laws of conscience. Alexandra is a sexy woman, but she marries late, because she takes a responsible attitude to choosing a satellite. She loves active sports and outdoor recreation, with her beloved husband she becomes an excellent hostess and a loving mother.

Anatoly - a person is sociable and sociable, it is not difficult for him to find a common language with other people, even if they are relatives of his wife. Anatoly is almost always the leader in the family, the wife happily gives up this role to her husband with the name Anatoly, since he copes with it perfectly. Judiciousness, poise and charm are the weapons with which Anatoly goes into battle if it is required to conquer a woman. One of the main drawbacks of Tolik is his addiction to alcoholic beverages, often because of an extra glass he can behave ugly and spoil the opinion of others about himself.

Arseny - a very kind and open person. As a child, boys with this name adore animals; stray dogs and cats periodically appear in their house. Despite the sociability of Arseny, they do not call each other a friend, this honor must be earned. However, if Arseny called you his friend, be sure that he will put his heart on the altar of friendship. Arseny often choose a creative path, they make good writers, artists and even clergymen.

Vasiliy - a person is not demanding and unbiased, he is almost always satisfied with everything in life, so there is no need to perform sharp maneuvers. Vasily cannot be called a man of apathy, he always carefully fulfills his duties, whether at work or in his family, he is ready to help even a stranger in a difficult situation. In communication with women, Vasily Knight, therefore, has success with them.

Hermann - This is a copy of her own mother, both spring and internally. At the same time, it’s rather difficult to be the husband of a person with that name, since he is not constant in relationships and affection for him is very rare, but in friendship you can always rely on Herman.

Claudia - a calm and gentle woman who always reverently treats her parents, the same fate awaits her husband and his parents. Claudia will never allow herself to humiliate or even make a petty remark to her husband in the presence of his colleagues or friends, with such a woman you can be calm for your family hearth.

Nina - a very ambiguous person, insanely stubborn and emotional, if something is not according to her, Nina will definitely not be silent, she will break off relations. However, a woman with that name also has a lot of advantages - Nina is fair, she will always stand up for the weak, smart, purposeful, hardy, good mother, in general, this list can be continued for a long time.

Mikhail Lomonosov (1711) - an outstanding Russian scientist who made many discoveries in the field of natural history, chemistry, physics, mathematics, mechanics and other fields. Lomonosov had considerable achievements in the field of literature, he was a bright reformer under Catherine II, it was on his initiative that Moscow University (1755) was founded, which today bears the name of Lomonosov.

Calvin Klein (1942) - a famous trendsetter, author of the legendary men's and women's coats (PeaCoat women's coats - a squeak of fashion from the 1970s), fur products, calvins designer jeans (recognized world classics). The author of several lines of perfume. Winner of the title "Best Designer of America".

Indira gandhi (1917) - an outstanding political figure, the head of India. She did not participate in military blocs and advocated the planned development of the economy. Under Indira Gandhi, relations between the Soviet Union and India reached an unprecedented peak.

November 19, 1190 - during the Crusades in Palestine, the German Catholic spiritual chivalry of the Teutonic Order was founded. The order was ruled by the Pope, his main goal was to help the German knights and fight against the enemies of the Catholic Church. Representatives of the Teutonic Order constantly raided the Baltic and Russian lands. A large feudal military colonial state of the Teutonic Order was formed on the territory of the Baltic states, the local population was exterminated in the occupied territories, immigrants from Germany came. The Teutonic Order was defeated during the Battle of Grunwald (1410), the expansion of the Order was stopped.

November 19, 1819 - In Madrid, the legendary Prado Museum opened, which is considered one of the world's largest art treasures. Currently, the picturesque collection of the Prado Museum includes more than 8600 paintings.

November 19, 1824 - The largest flood in the history of St. Petersburg, reflected in the work of the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, The Bronze Horseman.


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