The best books of the fantasy genre - be sure to read! Acquaintance with fiction is better to start with these books


When the routine got bored, it was science fiction that gave a chance to abstract oneself from reality and to feel chosen to save the world and save humanity. This genre provides an opportunity to show actual problems through the prism of the incredible.

The Invincible, Stanislav Lem

Not to be imbued with this story is impossible. This is one of the author’s best works, in which he enables the reader to discover the unusual world of Regis III, which has absorbed not a single ship. In search of the remains of the deceased "Condor" threw the crew of the "Invincible". There are almost no traces of life on a quiet but gloomy planet and it is difficult to determine the cause of the disaster. Regis is not so simple and to reveal the secret that he keeps becomes the main task of the ship's commander. According to the writer, we are only part of the universe. The book belongs to the category of science fiction, which is relevant to this day.

"1Q84", Haruki Murakami

A mysterious story about alternative Japan by the famous Japanese author. The main characters are interesting and vibrant personalities: a novice writer Tengo and trainer for fitness and martial arts Aomame. The country has a sect "Vanguard", which has established contact with powerful supernatural beings who do not have a human idea of ​​morality. The book covers the topics of sect and domestic violence. Nevertheless, the book is about true love, which has no barriers, even if the lovers have been separated for 20 years. The reader will find an atmosphere of mysteries, fantasy and the Japanese national mentality.

War of the Worlds, Herbert Wells

This novel is rightfully included in the list of the best science fiction books, which brought not only world fame to the author, but also made him the founder of a new trend in science fiction. According to the story that has become a classic, aliens attack the earth, causing terrible damage, and then almost by accident lose. The author managed to create a behavioral model of people in extreme conditions of the threat of total annihilation hanging over them. Hundreds of writers and directors wrote books and made films about the invasion of ruthless aliens from outside the Earth, but it is Herbert Wells's novel that is the actual prediction of the development of society during the upcoming world wars. Any self-respecting fan of science fiction is simply obliged to read it!

Dune by Frank Herbert

The novel, awarded a number of literary awards, repeatedly screened and influenced modern culture, entered the world treasury of fiction and is still considered one of the most striking and interesting works in its genre. This is a story about a distant sandy planet, on which there is no vegetation, and in the sands there are huge worms that can swallow a small spaceship as a whole. The protagonist is a teenager with super abilities who can easily and quickly manage the most incredible things. At the age of 15 he is a high-class fighter, at the age of 17 he is already a religious leader and emperor. The book deserves to be read.

False Blindness, Peter Watts

The best science fiction book necessarily includes a meeting with an alien mind. Such a classic of the genre was this novel by an American writer. In the future, humanity will have to learn that it is not alone in the universe. The purpose of the Theseus team is to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilization. And all would be well, but the crew of the ship was hastily composed of completely different and sometimes inadequate persons. So the main character Siri Keaton and part-time storyteller as a result of lobotomy in childhood, half of the brain is replaced by a microcircuit. He lacks the ability to empathy. Since then, Siri has been forced to analyze everything that happens in the world of people, determining acceptable and unacceptable patterns of behavior, calculating the reactions accepted in society. It will be he who will be the link between the Earth and the team. The plot is so swift that from riddles the head will go round, because the fate of humanity is at stake.

Under the Dome, Stephen King

This work of the legendary king of horrors, which is a recognized pillar of science fiction, cannot be omitted from the list of the best science fiction books. The novel is powerful, incomparable in scale and power of influence. The story of a small town, which once covered with a mysterious dome, which does not allow either to leave the city or to get there from the outside. Now everyone will show their true face, being torn off from the real world. Happen in any other city where there is a guarantee that the action will not unfold according to this plan. The author shows the reader how cruel people can be, how strong the will to power and life can be, how good triumphs over evil, but at a great cost. Special thanks to King for the finale of the novel, for the fact that it makes you look at everyday things for everyone from a new angle.

Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card

This book is for those who are not a fan of science fiction, because it is with this work that their love for this genre will begin. This is the story of a brilliant boy named Andrew, on whose shoulders from early childhood lay responsibility not only for his chosen fate, but also for the future of all mankind. On Earth, a restriction on the birth rate in the family has been established, and in conditions of overpopulation of the planet it is completely unacceptable to have more than two children in a family. Andrew was the third child. The reader will survive the interstellar war and understand why people are fighting. Maybe because they can’t talk? This novel is definitely a bestseller, for which he was awarded two prestigious awards in the United States.

Many dream to see the picture of the future and feel the perfection of the human mind. Reading fiction develops intelligence and creative imagination. This is an opportunity to break out of a given rhythm of life and experience truly incredible adventures.


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