Broken mirror: omens. How to avert trouble?


Many secrets, mystical and mysterious stories, signs and superstitions are associated with mirrors. This item has long been used in various ceremonies, rituals, and fortune telling. Our ancestors treated mirrors with caution, guarded them, monitored their condition. If a mirror broke, it was usually perceived as a negative event, warning or entailing something bad, a disaster awaited in the house. Even in our times, if you ask someone: “Is a broken mirror good or bad?”, They will answer you that this is definitely not good. Let’s figure out where such negative superstitions came from, what is true, and what is fiction, is it possible to resist signs and avert disaster.

Portals to the Twilight World

You must understand that most signs about mirrors appeared for a reason, proved by esoterics, taken into account in everyday use. It has long been known that any reflective surface accumulates in itself information received from the outside world, both negative and positive. This property is the strongest in mirrors. In addition, they are able to share this information. Not for nothing that many psychics use mirrors to read information.

For this reason, it is not recommended to have antique mirrors in the house. Can you imagine how much has accumulated on their surface, what powerful energy do they have?

Only it is unlikely to know for sure what is more in them - good or bad.

Another fact - mirrors are portals to the twilight, other world. Because of this property a lot of signs have appeared. For example, in a house where the dead person is still, all mirrors must be closed. Otherwise, the soul of the deceased may fall into the mirror corridor, get lost there and not find a way out. A young girl should not look in the same mirror with her friend, this will lead to rivalry and quarrels. Esoterics also do not recommend sleeping in front of mirrors. There are countless such superstitions. We’ll talk about the signs associated with broken mirrors.

Classic interpretation

Of course, in all signs, the interpretation depends on various conditions. As for broken mirrors, there are basic basic interpretations and options. A classic sign - a man broke a mirror, he expects seven years of misfortune.

Another interpretation portends adversity for all family members living in the house where the mirror broke. These superstitions are associated with the property of mirrors to accumulate negative energy within themselves, and this has been happening for years, generations.

It turns out that the mirror breaks and releases all the negativity, which, in turn, pours out on all family members. Therefore, it is especially dangerous to break old mirrors.

Esotericists believe that the most unfavorable option is that the mirror shatters into many small fragments. There is a belief that the event promises serious misfortunes, illnesses, the loss of a large sum of money, even the death of one of the family members.

The mirror cracked

This situation is not at all dangerous, one might say, just unpleasant.

It is important to remember that you can’t look in a cracked mirror, otherwise it will fill you with negative, worsen your mood, well-being, add minor setbacks and annoying situations.

As soon as the mirror cracked, you need to get rid of it - just throw it in the trash. Nothing terrible should happen in the family; there is no cause for concern.

The mirror fell

It happens that a mirror simply falls, for example, from a table or a nightstand, no one approached it, did not hold it in hands. In this case, there are signs too.

If the mirror fell and remained intact, thank you for your luck, forget about what happened, try to put the mirrors more accurately.

The fallen mirror itself is divided into several parts - a magical negative effect was directed at your family and home.

Higher powers warn you of this. The negative directed at you was accepted by the mirror, it could not withstand the load and crashed. It is necessary to carry out an energetic cleaning of the house, to check all households for signs of damage, evil eye or even a curse.

Important: often parents think, and what if the child broke the mirror? Do not worry! Children are under the energy protection of their mother, a broken mirror is not dangerous. You just need to throw away the fragments and forget about what happened.

The place where the mirror crashed

There are interpretations associated with the place where the mirror was broken. For example, if this happened in an apartment or a house, troubles await all family members. However, here everything is not so simple and unambiguous.

A mirror in the hallway was broken - one of the family members expects a dangerous acquaintance that will lead to trouble. Broken mirror in the bathroom bodes disease, in the bedroom - a breakdown in relations, a married couple can even get a divorce.

If you broke your personal mirror at work or service, beware of imminent quarrels in the team, difficulties in moving up the career ladder.

An awkward movement on the street, the mirror slipped out of my hands and shattered into fragments - achieving the set goals will be difficult, the path to the desired will be thorny and not easy.

Good signs

Broken mirrors are associated not only with negative, but also with positive signs. By the way, they are also associated with the property of mirrors to accumulate information in themselves.

For example, a broken mirror accumulated too much negativity, accidentally crashed and stopped radiating it. The house will no longer have a source of negative energy.

If someone in the family has been ill for a very long time, the mirror that the person looked into is specially broken - so the family gets rid of the energy of the disease so that it does not harm anyone else.

And you can count the number of broken fragments. If the number turned out to be odd, soon the family’s wedding chores will begin. Good omen, isn't it?

What to do with a broken mirror

So, the mirror still broke. How to get rid of it in order not to aggravate the consequences? Do not panic, much depends on our mood.

You need to find a dark dense fabric, carefully collect all the fragments and wrap them in it.

It is very important not to look at the broken fragments, not to be reflected in them.

You cannot touch the shards with your bare hands. Moreover, this is not only due to possible cuts, it is better not to allow direct contact with negative energy.

Now you can put everything in a bag and throw it in the trash. It is best to leave the rest of the mirror away from home.

If during the collection of fragments any of them broke into even smaller fragments, this can lead to aggression from men living in the house.

In order to avert misfortune and neutralize a bad omen, read a prayer while collecting fragments of a mirror. Prayer can be any protective. Sprinkle the place where the mirror crashed with holy water. The fragments can not only be thrown into the trash, but thrown into the water or buried in the ground, the best place is a crossroads.

Positive attitude

Finally, I want to say that under any circumstances it is necessary to set yourself up for positive things, try to see the good in everything.

No wonder they say: "Everything that is done is all for the better!"

For years, your mirror has accumulated negativity, your bad mood, illnesses, failures, quarrels with relatives. And now it crashed, freed it all, now you just took all this energy garbage out of the house.

We talked about this above, mentioning positive signs.

Buy a new mirror and charge it only with positive energy: look into it only in a good mood, do not think about bad, dream and enjoy good events, being in front of the mirror.


Watch the video: I Keep Breaking Glass!!! What it Symbolizes (June 2024).