How to make a wish card with your own hands and how to use it. Can fate be changed by making a wish card?


Fulfill any dream?

Get everything you want from life?

Turn a dull reality into a magical world filled with colors? Is all this possible?

Easy! But only if you know how to make a wish card.

How to make a wish card: what is it?

Visualization is a very powerful psychological method of bringing what you want into your life. When a person visually imagines something concrete, he purposefully attracts this something into his life. The Wish Card (it is also the Visualization Board, it is also the Treasure Board) - this is the practical implementation of the method. It’s a kind of “order to God,” which the Universe must hear and fulfill.

The wish card exists in several forms: on paper, on a cork board, and even on a computer monitor. Blackboard is an office option, suitable for workaholics, whose working day smoothly flows into a working evening. Well, or for those who do not have the opportunity or do not want to post their card at home. The computer version is for the lazy. And in general, all these computer features are nothing more than a substitute for real Magic.

Because the true Wish Board must be made with your own hands, on a paper sheet. All your desires in a visualized form should not be located randomly, but in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui - the Eastern doctrine of the symbolism of space and its influence on the harmonious course of human life. The essence of the card is to formulate the main desires, turn them into goals, symbolically present on the sheet (in the form of pictures, photographs, diagrams, motivating inscriptions) and nourish yourself with your own energy.

Thanks to the visual representation of the goals, the brain is tuned to achieve them, launching a powerful subconscious program. You need to understand that magic is not in the map itself, but in the work of the brain. Having tuned in to a certain wave, you will consciously and subconsciously isolate the necessary information and use it to your advantage.

Having learned how to make a wish card, you can completely change your life, make it happy and joyful, achieve success, prosperity and generally turn into another person. All you need to find the right pictures, place them correctly on a piece of paper and ask the Universe to give you all this.

How to make a wish card: what materials and tools will be needed

The simplest and most effective card is a paper one. A thick sheet of cardboard in A3 or A4 format is suitable. The format depends on desire and does not affect the effectiveness of visualization. Some even threaten to create huge colorful paintings on whatman paper. If you like and where to hang - why not?

In addition to the paper base, old (and preferably new) magazines, scissors will be needed to cut the necessary pictures from them, glue (understandably for what), felt-tip pens. You will need a photograph of the card holder: happy, laughing, in a good mood, healthy and beautiful.

Why are new magazines better than old ones? Only by the fact that they can be used to cut a snapshot of a new, not antediluvian automobile, a modern house, an interior, an actual model of a dress, etc. The subconscious mind does not know the conditional mood: if the retro Volga flaunts on the map, you hardly have to rely on a brand new Honda. If your desires are not related to technological innovations, then there are no restrictions at all.

If the card is not a card at all, but a board (that is, it is an office option), the pictures do not stick, but are pinned to the cork surface. But it is imperative to follow the distribution order by zones. This option, by the way, is not bad due to its mobility. Reached one goal (took the boss’s chair, for example) - you can unpin the picture and change it to another.

Before you start to cut pictures, it’s good to think over your goals. This will save time, and will help you tune in the appropriate manner, and will not distract from the main thing. The more labor is put into the card, the more powerful the effect will be. Therefore, by the way, electronic versions of the wish card are ineffective. In addition, universal access to your secret goals is good only if all visitors to the page are on your side and simply die from the desire to make your life happy. Alas…

It’s best to make your wish card in an atmosphere of complete concentration when no one is around. It is especially important to consider this point in the event that the family is skeptical about your idea. But calm beautiful music does not hurt.

How to make a wish card and what can you wish for?

Correct zoning of the card field is an important and indispensable condition if you want to make a wish card in full compliance with all requirements and rules. Some psychologists say that in reality it is not the harmony of space that works, but visualization, so you can stick pictures randomly. The main thing is to be in front of your eyes all the time.

However, if you want to completely immerse yourself in the world of household magic, Feng Shui should not be ignored. According to the philosophy of this teaching, living space is divided into ten zones oriented to the cardinal points. Since the wish card is symbolic, the ideal scheme is simply superimposed on it. Each of the nine zones is responsible for a specific area of ​​life.

It happens that a person is satisfied with everything in his life, with the exception of a single "square". For example, everything is in order with happiness, health, love, but there is not enough money. Is it possible to fill with photographs of bags in gold-diamonds only this section of the map? It is impossible. Feng Shui is a harmony, so the plots of all spheres of life should be fully framed.

How to make a wish card? Cut pictures from magazines that depict specific objects, images, people. Images must be positive, photos must be solid (avoid images where part of the subject is cut off).

Under each picture, you can write affirmation (positive thought form), which concretizes the goal relative to you. Moreover, voices should be drawn up in the affirmative, in the present tense, without the use of negative particles. You need to write as if you already have this subject. The more specifics, the faster the goal is realized. This technique works especially well with money: as much as you write and want, you will receive as much.

In the center of the map you need to stick your own photo. Then sequentially fill all sectors of life. Too many pictures and inscriptions are not a virtue, but a disadvantage. The card should not be overloaded, but there should also not be empty places on it.

1. In the health zone it is better to stick your photo in the best years of life. Come up with an inscription like "I feel great, look great, full of strength and energy."

2. In the financial zone you need to put your idea of ​​material success, prosperity, profit. Traditionally, photographs of rich interiors, houses, expensive cars, money, etc. are glued here. The inscription will suit your desire, for example, "I attract financial flows, money flows to me like a river."

3. The zone of glory visualizes ambitious aspirations. Even if they are not, stick here the symbols of recognition by other people (cups, medals, certificates).

4. In the zone of love you need to put pictures that indicate harmony in this area. If you want to get married, add the attributes of the wedding.

5. The family zone is a harmonious relationship within the family circle. This is not only a spouse, but also parents, relatives, friends. You can simply paste it here from a photograph, placing it as close as possible to each other, and write "I am loved by my family."

6. The area of ​​children is filled according to the real state of affairs in the family. If they are, photographs of their own children, plus what they would like for them. If the couple is childless - a photo of any little one that is sympathetic.

7. In the knowledge zone, you can stick pictures that symbolize intellectual development. If you want to go to college, stick a photo of him and make the appropriate inscription. If you need to get a diploma, take a photo of the test with solid fives.

8. The career zone affects the job: its choice, career growth, plans and accomplishments. Here you can put the symbols of money, so that the material return on labor becomes higher.

9. There are no restrictions in the travel area. Where the soul calls, direct your thoughts there. The symbols of a successful business trip and a safe return home are placed here. You can even place an image of your saint and guardian angel.

To assess whether a wish card is made correctly, you need to catch the emotion that it evokes when you randomly look at it. A smile, warmth, pleasure, joy - a signal that everything is done correctly.

How to make a wish card and when will dreams come true?

To fill the wish card with cosmic creative energy, it is better to make it with the growing moon. During this period, the body is aimed at energetic replenishment, renewal, therefore, all new things are recommended to start in the first two phases of the lunar cycle.

It is believed that the ideal time to make a wish card is the New Year's Eve or the interval between January 1 and the date of the New Year on the Eastern calendar. Indeed, it’s convenient to plan your business for the year that has started. But there’s no point in becoming attached to these dates. Make a card when it really becomes necessary.

There is another sign. According to astrological ideas, the first 12 days after the birthday symbolize the 12 months of the year that will follow. Therefore, you can deal with the card these days.

To give a symbolic impetus to the created map, you need to hang it on the wall and attach something pleasant, bright, causing joyful emotions. Flower, textile butterfly, etc. From this moment it remains only to notice how the necessary people appear in life, opportunities, strange meetings occur, which ultimately lead to the goal.

A stable positive thought form begins to work immediately. Look at your wish card every morning and every evening. View pictures, talk about your intentions out loud, read affirmations. When exactly the desire is fulfilled depends only on its strength and proper installation. Someone gets the result the next day, but someone has to wait a year or two.


Watch the video: How to make a wish come true overnight - manifest subliminal video (June 2024).