Cottage cheese appetizer - delicious and healthy! Recipes of different appetizers from cottage cheese with vegetables, cheese, crab sticks, avocado and chocolate


Curd snack - it is incredibly healthy, tasty and very simple. Most quick recipes and the process does not take more than ten minutes. If we take into account the availability of ingredients, then there is simply no price for such snacks.

Must definitely try!

Cottage cheese appetizer - general principles of preparation

The main characteristics of cottage cheese are moisture and fat content. Most recipes are designed for a medium consistency product. It should not be dry or too wet. If there are a lot of grains and lumps, then the cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve or ground with a combine, a blender. If the mass is soft, then you can simply knead with a spoon or fork.

What cottage cheese is combined with:

• cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables;

• greens, garlic;

• fish, crab sticks;

• nuts, dried fruits.

Usually, homogeneous masses are prepared for snacks, that is, they simply mix everything. Then they are used in addition to bread, pita, pancakes, tartlets. Often curd masses stuff various vegetables, such as tomatoes or peppers. There are different options for diet cabbage rolls from lettuce or Peking cabbage, one of the recipes below.

Cottage cheese appetizer with garlic for sandwiches

A variant of a wonderful and well-known snack and cottage cheese. It can be used for various sandwiches, tartlets and pita rolls with such filling are delicious.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 50-100 g of sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• salt and pepper;

• 0.5 bunch of dill.


1. Cottage cheese can be interrupted by a blender, but it is better to grind. Such an appetizer will turn out more tender.

2. Grind the garlic, add to the cottage cheese, salt and pepper.

3. Chop dill, add to the total mass.

4. Season with sour cream. But do not add all at once, preferably in parts, achieving the desired consistency. The mass should not drain from the sandwiches, but you do not need to make dry either.

5. Use immediately or poke in a container and put in the refrigerator for a while. In a warm room, you can not keep the mass.

Appetizer of cottage cheese in crab sticks

To prepare such an appetizer from the cottage cheese, you need to take the sticks, which unfold in a flat cloth. This can be seen when buying through the packaging.


• 8 sticks;

• 100 g of cottage cheese;

• two branches of dill;

• clove of garlic;

• small cucumber;

• a spoon of sour cream.


1. Remove the sticks, let them thaw for now.

2. Grate the cottage cheese with a spoon, add the finely chopped clove of garlic, herbs, add sour cream and mix thoroughly.

3. Rinse the small cucumber, grate or cut into thin and small cubes, add to the curd cream.

4. Expand all sticks at once, spread out in front of you.

5. Divide the filling between all the plates to get the same amount, and the finished rolls did not differ in size.

6. Gently spread the cottage cheese. No need to rush so as not to break the wand.

7. Twist the stick back.

8. You can put the rolls on a dish like this, but it’s better to keep them in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the filling gets stronger. After that, you can cut each stick in half or 3-4 parts.

Appetizer of cottage cheese and pickles

Pickles and cottage cheese? A very strange but amazingly tasty combination. It makes an excellent spread for sandwiches, dip for crackers, meat, crackers. If you add more yogurt to the cottage cheese snack, you will get a wonderful sauce for the bird.


• 120 g of cottage cheese;

• 60 g of pickles;

• 2 branches of greenery;

• yogurt.


1. Cut the cucumbers into pieces, pour into a blender bowl or just into any other dishes in which it will be convenient to chop.

2. Add cottage cheese.

3. Beat everything together until smooth.

4. Open, evaluate the density. Add some yogurt.

5. Beat again. Try on the salt. If it is enough from cucumbers, then you can not add. Pour a little pepper if desired.

6. Cut the greens very finely, mix with the mass. It is undesirable to chop it with a blender, as the color of the curd will not be beautiful.

7. The appetizer is ready! We use immediately, as in the composition of fresh herbs.

Cottage cheese snack with nuts

Another version of cream cheese appetizer with nuts. It is very fragrant, has a deep taste. This mass can also be used for various purposes. Walnuts are used, with other types of taste will be different.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 2 tbsp. l nuts

• 1 small clove of garlic;

• 1.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Better to start with nuts. Pour into a frying pan, fry, cool and chop. You can grind to small crumbs or leave small pieces, a matter of taste.

2. Combine the cottage cheese with mayonnaise, put a clove of garlic, salt and grind until smooth.

3. Add chopped nuts.

4. Stir the mass and you're done! Lubricate toasts, fill tartlets, use as a filling for pita rolls, pancakes, crab sticks.

Appetizer of cottage cheese with avocado in a salad

A variant of an unusual appetizer of cottage cheese in leaf lettuce. Stuffed cabbage will appeal to people who adhere to a healthy diet or are on a diet. If the appetizer will be prepared for breakfast, then you can not add garlic.


• ripe avocado;

• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley;

• one clove of garlic;

• lettuce;

• 0.5 lemon;

• salt and other spices.


1. It is advisable to choose a ripe avocado. Cut the fruit, remove the stone and take out the pulp with a spoon, knead in a bowl with a fork. If the avocado is not ripe, then just finely chop the pulp pulled out into cubes. We pour over.

2. Add the cottage cheese, you can use a low-fat product, as the avocado perfectly smooths the taste.

3. Cut a little zest from the lemon, chop finely and also add it to the snack. Squeeze the juice into it. But, if the cottage cheese is sour, then you can limit yourself only to the zest, which gives an incomparable aroma.

4. Chop a small clove of garlic, chop the greens, send in a bowl to the avocado and cottage cheese, slightly add salt and mix thoroughly. If the avocado fruit is hard and the mass is rather dry, then you can pour a little yogurt or put sour cream of low fat content.

5. Rinse and dry lettuce leaves. Put in each two teaspoons of the filling and curl with an envelope, like cabbage rolls or pancakes. But you can make rolls.

6. Transfer the appetizer to the plates, serve immediately, as the salad leaves wilted during storage.

Cottage cheese appetizer with red fish

The original recipe uses slightly salted salmon. But this is optional. Feel free to take pink salmon and other similar species. Although, some prefer to cook with light-salted mackerel and even herring. Why not? Great everyday option.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 80 g of slightly salted fish;

• 1 tsp lemon juice;

• small cucumber;

• dill greens;

• a little sour cream.


1. Grind the cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream, but we do not do the liquid mass. If it is soft, then add a little bit of sour cream.

2. Cut the cucumber and greens, pour to the cottage cheese.

3. Also cut slightly salted fish, sprinkle with lemon juice. We shift to the bulk.

4. Stir, taste, if necessary, add spices to the curd snack.

5. We lay out the mass in small silicone molds and send it to the freezer for 40 minutes.

6. Take out on a plate, decorate with herbs.

Cottage cheese appetizer with cheese in tomatoes

A recipe for stunning stuffed tomatoes with cottage cheese and cheese. Choose small tomatoes of the same size, it will be more beautiful.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 100 g of cheese (any);

• sour cream or mayonnaise;

• a bunch of greenery;

• spices and garlic to taste.


1. Grind the cottage cheese until smooth. If the product is not dry and without lumps, then you can just knead well.

2. Add grated cheese. You can use soft cheese, in which case we just lay it out of the jar.

3. Add the garlic, herbs, salt and pepper, stir.

4. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. The quantity is at your discretion; liquid filling is not necessary.

5. For each tomato, cut off the lid on the side of the stem. With a small spoon, select the whole pulp with seeds.

6. Fill the prepared vegetables with cottage cheese, smooth the back of the spoon to make it look beautiful. You can put a small twig on top.

7. Put stuffed tomatoes in the refrigerator for an hour.

Sweet cottage cheese snack with chocolate

A chic version of a chocolate snack, which is perfect for dessert, but it cooks very quickly. As a result, the taste is very similar to glazed curd cheese.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 30 g sour cream;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 1 tsp cocoa;

• 40 g of chocolate;

• tartlets.


1. Grind cottage cheese, add cocoa and granulated sugar, season with sour cream.

2. Chop chocolate or grate.

3. Fill the curd into tartlets, pour the chocolate chips on top.

4. You can melt the chocolate in a microwave with 1 tsp. oil and pour cottage cheese with glaze.

Cottage cheese appetizer - useful tips and tricks

• Curd sweet snacks are actually a huge amount. You can add jam, berries and fruits, nuts, marmalade, small sweets to the main product and come up with goodies yourself.

• If the cottage cheese is dry, then it is always wiped, and fatty sour cream or cream is added to smooth the taste.

• Cottage cheese is not very fresh, is there any concern? With the addition of other products, the growth of bacteria will accelerate, the risk of poisoning increases. It is better to cook the product, for example, to cook casserole, cottage cheese, tortillas from it.


Watch the video: Cucumber Subs. Healthy Snack (June 2024).