A gift for christening for a girl idea


Christening is a joyful holiday in the life of each of us. Newborn godparents pledge to protect the baby from the hardships of life and trouble. The closest people, friends and relatives are invited to the baptism of the child.

As with any celebration on Christening, it is customary to give gifts, on which the future happiness of a newly baptized baby largely depends. A gift presented on this day should not only have spiritual value and remind of a bright event, but also have a practical purpose.

Here are some gift ideas for christening for a girl:

  • Icon with the image of a saint who patronizes the little one. This is a traditional gift. Such a gift usually becomes a talisman and is located next to the baby’s crib.

  • A good symbolic gift for a girl - silver spoon (“Silver spoon on the first tooth”), on which the baby’s name and christening date can be engraved.

  • Great presentation idea - a bag of things for every day and pampers cake. It looks bright, original and most importantly practical.

  • Decorations for small. Give the baby silver chain or earrings. Do not forget to make sure that there are no sharp elements on the jewelry.

  • Carved casket or memorable Photo album. It is well known that parents carefully keep the memory of their offspring about the early age. So these souvenirs will definitely come in handy.

  • Practical gifts for every day. These can be toys, bedding, a large fluffy towel, or clothing.

What to give to the christening girl guest list

  • Elegant clothes. Very relevant gift for little princesses.

  • Toys are interactive, educational or soft. The choice is yours.

  • Remarkable surprise for the girl will be a small graceful Golden earrings.

  • If your income allows you and you are aware of the needs of the family, you can donate more serious things. Such as a stroller, children's furniture or a bicycle.

  • Order or bake beautiful and unusual cakeProvide assistance with a banquet after the ceremony.

  • Also, guests usually donate to baptism. personal icon with the patroness of a girl or silver spoon "On teeth".

What to give to the christening of the cross ideas

During the ceremony, the godmother plays one of the main roles - she holds the baby in her arms and passes it to the priest for bathing in the font.

What should give the godmother:

  • Baptismal costume. Includes a cap, long dress and kerchief. It is believed that such an outfit will bring the goddaughter happiness.

  • Kryzhma. This is a white canvas in which the baby is wrapped after being washed. You can embroider the name of the goddaughter and the date of the memorable event on it.

  • Practical gifts. It can be for example clothes for every day or a bright beautiful toy.

  • Gold or silver jewelry. The main thing that they were light and safe. You can give a graceful pendant, a chain or earrings to the girl from the godmother on Christians.

What to give to the girl from the godfather

The Godfather has a special position at the christening ceremony, and therefore the gifts from him should be special:

First of all, the godfather assumes all expenses for the ceremony itself and must not forget to take the initiative in this matter.

To give to christening a girl from the cross of the cross should have a cross. It can be both gold and silver. The most important thing that the baby was not able to swallow or lose it.

A gift for baptism - what you need to give the child

In the tradition of the sacrament of baptism, guests and relatives bring gifts to the girl. What can you give to Christening ideas :

  • Ladanka or icon. Such things will protect the girl and protect her from the evil eye.

  • Measured icon. Corresponds to the size of the baby and is made to order

  • Bible for children. Be sure to sign the book.

  • Silver spoon

Gift for christening from grandparents

Grandparents are usually very sensitive about the choice of a gift to their granddaughter.

So for them, too, there are many gift ideas for christening:

  • Church paraphernalia. Icons, amulets.

  • Dining items or decorations made of precious metals. You can give a silver table set or a golden pin against the evil eye for a girl to be given a gift from the grandmother.

  • Unusual memorable toys. For example, a silver bell or rattle.

Present a girl with her own hands for baptism

You can give a girl a christening and gifts made with their own hands. Traditionally, such gifts are considered the best and most expensive.

This can be a baptismal set for a baby, linked or sewn by you.

The original decision will be to make an unusual cake of pampers or make a beautiful decoration. Becoming an adult girl will certainly be very cherish such crafts.

What you need to buy for the baptism of the child

In the temple where the little ones will be baptized, they will surely tell what is necessary for the ceremony. The list may vary slightly. To buy a girl for christening, you need a special baptismal shirt, a kryzhma (such a baptismal diaper decorated with embroidery). pectoral cross.

The best option would be to order a cake with the initials of the baby.

Remember that baptism is one of the key moments in the destiny of a person and the gift made on this significant day can become a talisman for the girl and a guarantee of her good luck in the future.


Watch the video: 10 Best Baptism Gifts for Girls 2018 (June 2024).