The first signs of pregnancy. How to determine pregnancy.


This article tells about the first signs of pregnancy (symptoms of pregnancy) that will help you determine the probability of pregnancy at the earliest possible time. By comparing your symptoms with the signs of pregnancy listed below, you can more accurately assess your condition.

Pregnancy is a unique phenomenon when a new life unexpectedly or long-awaitedly arises within you. This is an amazing, inaccessible feeling that every woman should experience at least once in her life.

And many people think that they will be able to “feel” the onset of pregnancy, suggesting that something will begin to move in their tummy from the very first day. But in fact it is not so. Almost no woman who has given birth before can instantly determine what actually happens to her. The complexity of determining the symptoms of this condition is faced by young girls and older women. Young people are usually not informed about the early signs of pregnancy, and women of mature age either forget about them or simply attribute them to age-related changes in the body.

So, we give the main symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages.

The first sign of pregnancy is irritability.

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is increased nervousness and irritability. Moreover, a woman begins to poorly control her behavior, even if she understands that her behavior is not in line with the norm. Outbreaks of aggression can be of such strength that no PMS can compare with them. Excessive unreasonable nervousness and irritation should lead you to the idea of ​​a possible pregnancy. You yourself at this moment will feel that everyone around them "behaves like complete idiots and cretins." But in fact, this condition is caused by hormonal changes in your body, which precedes all other processes and more obvious signs of pregnancy.

The second sign of pregnancy - pulls on salty

The popular expression “pulls on salty” appeared for a reason. Distinct craving for salty foods (or rather, a change in taste preferences) is indeed one of the symptoms of pregnancy. All food will seem fresh and under-salted to you, but to wash five salted cucumbers one by one will seem to you the most natural thing.

The third sign of pregnancy is nausea.

The third most common manifestation of a new life inside a woman is nausea or nausea. This is called early toxicosis, and it can manifest as a pronounced sensation, accompanied by vomiting at each meal, or as mild nausea, dizziness (nausea) at a specific time interval during the day.

The fourth sign of pregnancy is breast swelling.

Breast swelling. With simultaneous bleeding of the veins in the mammary glands. Usually it happens already in late terms, but sometimes it manifests itself in early ones. Feelings may occur in the chest, which can be described as “pulling the chest.”

Fifth sign of pregnancy - delay

And, of course, the most obvious and reliable sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation at the prescribed time. The delay in menstruation is so commonplace that every woman knows about this symptom, of course. And for good reason. It is the absence of menstruation is the most reliable confirmation of the beginning of the process of pregnancy. And, by the way, if the pregnancy is really confirmed, then you can say goodbye to the monthly for a very long period - nine months of pregnancy plus about six months or even a year after giving birth, which is very nice.

Specific signs of pregnancy

The first specific symptom of pregnancy (which is far from all) is an increase in the activity of the vaginal microflora, accompanied by abundant flocculent white secretions.

The second specific symptom of pregnancy is a change in the perception of odors or aversion to any food.

The third on the list of similar symptoms is the appearance of a “metallic taste” in the mouth.

The next sign of pregnancy in this series is increased drowsiness and fatigue of the future mom, or vice versa, sleep disturbance.

When such symptoms appear, it is impossible to accurately diagnose the onset of pregnancy, since the female body is extremely complex and the hormonal system often surprises us. To accurately determine this state, you should use modern diagnostic tools, such as test strips, sold in any nearby pharmacy.

After receiving a positive result, you should immediately contact your doctor to start procedures and examinations related to the management of pregnancy.

The information contained in the answers to the most frequently asked questions may partly repeat what has already been stated above, but it will still be helpful for you to read it.

What signs of pregnancy occur before the delay of menstruation?

At the slightest delay in menstruation, we usually fly to the pharmacy to check the only thought about pregnancy with the help of a test. However, tests, as a rule, reliably show the result after the period when menstruation should begin. In a situation where you want to know about it in the earliest terms, even before menstruation, you should pay attention to several possible signs. They can be expressed subtly or quite strongly, however, they will point out that it is possible that a miracle of pregnancy has come to you.

First of all, examine your chest. If she reacts more sensitively or painfully than when critical days are approaching, this may indicate that you are expecting a child. Chest may increase significantly. The main symptom is the darkening of the alveoli and the dark pigment band in the inguinal region. Pigmentation can also appear on the face. Small pimples may form on the nipples.

In addition, you may feel severe nausea or dizziness, not only in the morning, but during the day, hypersensitivity to odors and changing eating habits. Appetite can sharply increase, however some women feel rather strong rejection from food. Premenstrual syndrome in the form of tearfulness, bad mood, uncontrollable anger may increase. These signs are explained by the same hormonal changes, when the rebuilding organism adapts to the carrying of the child.

In addition, there may be nagging pain in the abdomen and slight bleeding, which is often mistaken for early periods. The thing is that in the interval of 8-10 days the fertilized egg, having passed its way through the fallopian tubes, is attached in the uterus, causing these rather unpleasant symptoms. It is rather difficult to determine pregnancy at this time, however, it can be accurately understood that a woman is not pregnant by measuring the daily basal temperature. As you know, after ovulation, the basal temperature is somewhat elevated, and upon the occurrence of pregnancy, it remains above 37 degrees. However, if the temperature has fallen sharply, you can expect the onset of menstruation.

It is necessary to note that nature has created us so different that the signs manifest themselves very individually. In some cases, you will not notice any changes at all, and sometimes the woman knows before the menstruation that she is expecting a baby. This is our famous female intuition (the main thing is not to confuse it with suspiciousness).

Is it possible to notice pregnancy in the first week?

The first week to determine pregnancy is even more difficult. A fertilized egg moves for a week through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. At this time, the process of division constantly occurs and the placenta and umbilical cord is formed. At this time, the embryo has the shape and size of a pea. A week later, it is attached to the walls of the uterus. You can feel the birth of life only intuitively, as well as observing the very first signs.

First, you should keep a diary of basal temperature. In pregnancy, it is higher than 37 degrees, however, this only indicates a high probability of an “interesting position”. Other signs: drowsiness and fatigue, headaches, migraines throwing it into heat, then into cold - all this is possible with the restructuring of the body to bear offspring. Pulling back pain, noticeable processes of breast augmentation and swelling, nausea.

Do not rush to draw conclusions and rush to extremes, all this may be just the usual symptoms, not related to pregnancy. You can accurately determine your condition using a blood test, and it is best to wait. Only a few days, and medicine or nature will be able to answer you more definitely.

What feelings arise in the first month of pregnancy?

The conception took place can be determined by several individual trait. Many do it on different terms, independently or with the help of tests. Symptoms only help determine the probability of conception, since many factors can only be symptoms of a "false pregnancy" - a condition experienced by many nervous ladies, wanting to bring their dream closer to having a baby. Only a gynecologist at a later date, about 4-5 weeks, can finally confirm this fact completely.

According to statistics, during the first month after conception, 90% of women experience changes in the state of the breast. Sensitivity increases, some soreness appears. The chest seems to swell up, becomes more voluminous, the mesh of the protruding veins is clearly visible. Of course, in all the fault of hormones. In addition, the areola and nipple become dark brown. It is possible that colostrum is released from the nipple when pressed.

Some women experience toxicosis even before the expected period of menstruation. Statistics tell us that during the first month, more than 60% of women observe toxicosis - nausea, aversion to food, vomiting, more often in the morning. The sense of smell changes. Some smells become simply unbearable, others are strangely very attractive.

Too rapid growth of the uterus can cause pain in the lower back or near the sacrum. During the last week of a month of pregnancy, the fetus, increasing in volume, may press on the uterus, causing frequent urge to urinate. Salt can linger in the body, so slight but noticeable swelling is sometimes observed on the arms and legs. Small discharge pink color, indicating the exit of the embryo from the fallopian tubes and its attachment in the uterus is often almost imperceptible, but can also remind scanty periods.

In any case, you should not trust your intuition too much. The first weeks are the most responsible. If you assume that you may be pregnant, go as soon as possible to the gynecologist to become under observation in time and provide yourself and the child with comfortable conditions for carrying.

What are the signs of a pathological pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With increasing temperature or even without it. The appearance of such even not too painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of a life-threatening woman's ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, a woman is urgently examined and, if indicated, is operated, as the delay can lead to serious problems with women's health and even death. What happens very rarely so do not be intimidated in advance, but just see the gynecologist in time.

For the rest, tune in positively. After all, the process of pregnancy is full of interesting and enjoyable moments. And the birth of your baby will open a whole new world for you and become a new page in your life.


anastasia 12/28/2016
girls, please tell me. what to do? the delay is two weeks, no nausea, mood changes, tastes change, incomprehensible beige discharge, who did it have ???

Marina 12/19/2016
What do you do? Tell me! Today I had sex, but we have a condom torn (can we take a pregnancy test today?

Varya 11/29/2016
I have all the symptoms that coincide ... besides one "delayed menses"! I don’t really think that I’m pregnant, just because there is no "delay"!

Christina 11/11/2016
Even the absence of menstruation can not be an indicator of pregnancy. Possible and failure in the body, so it is not a fact.

marina 07.11.2016
Could there be the first two signs of a girl who is sure that she is not pregnant ... because the guy was preoccupied?


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