Why do we need a girl: what motives do the guys follow. How to clearly explain to a young man why a girl is needed?


Young people often enter into a relationship without thinking about why they are needed. However, this is a rather important issue that must be resolved before meeting a particular girl. Indeed, otherwise, a couple may expect a pain of disappointment or a broken heart.

In fact, at different ages, men have their own needs and requirements. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of why a guy needs a girl at each age stage of becoming a man. It is worth clarifying that there are always individual cases. Here we will analyze the basic needs and motives that guide young people in relationships with girls.

Why do I need a girl to a guy under 20

Most often during this period of time, young people do not think about the prospect of developing a relationship with a girl. They live today. Let's analyze the main reasons why guys start relationships at this age:

1. Relationships to satisfy sexual needs.

2. The desire to find some kind of peace of mind at the expense of his partner.

3. The desire to stand out against the background of peers, having won the location of a beautiful girl.

4. The desire to share your hobbies with a girl.

5. The desire to experience first hand what relations are, to find out what love is.

Why do we need a girl for a guy from 20 to 25 years old

After 20, the guys begin to think about their future. This is a period of finding oneself in the professional field. Sometimes, at this time, the guys do not have enough time to maintain a really serious relationship with a regular girl.

In addition, young people feel incapable of relationships in terms of money. After all, a girl needs to be looked after, taken to a movie, cafe. Guys of this age have long been separated from their parents, but are still financially unstable.

The main reasons that young people have relationships with girls at this age:

1. Sexual satisfaction remains the first priority.

2. Some young people tend to show to society (colleagues, their parents) that they are already mature enough for a serious relationship. In this case, it is even possible to create a family.

3. Some of the guys just want to come after school or work to the cozy nest where his beloved lives. This motive is the key to a really serious relationship.

4. The inability to make numerous acquaintances, due to lack of time, money, self-confidence.

5. The desire to live at the expense of someone, including on the girl’s living space and partly at her expense.

6. The desire to dominate someone in this life, to be authority in someone’s eyes.

Why does a girl need a guy from 25 years old

After 25 years, men finally think about the prospect of a relationship with a girl. They try on her image with the ideal of the future wife, which was formed in them by this time.

In addition, many men begin to represent the girl in the image of the future mother of their children. Moreover, guys most often do not plan to have a baby in the near future, but it is important for them to know that over time, the girl will be able to give birth and raise their common children.

Most guys of this age have already found themselves in the profession. Therefore, it may also be important for them to look representative in the eyes of superiors and colleagues.

The main reasons why men have a relationship at this age:

1. The desire to create a strong union, with the prospect of marriage and family.

2. Satisfying sexual needs.

3. Creating an image of a person successful in all areas of life.

4. The desire to spend free time with a loved one, in order to take a break from pressing problems.

5. The desire to find a mistress for your home. It is always more convenient for a man to live with a woman than without her. Sometimes, for this reason, guys do not move out of the parent nest for a long time, because there they are taken care of by their mother.

6. The desire to be forgotten in a new relationship, so as not to recall the old. Such a motive rarely becomes a good start for a relationship.

How to explain to a young man why a girl is needed

What to do if you meet a person who himself does not know what he wants from a relationship and from his girlfriend? We will give you basic tips on how to solve this problem.

1. You can call him for a frank conversation, where you can make out with him the main reasons why a girl needs a guy. After that, it will be easier for the guy to select for himself those items that are relevant to him now.

2. If a young man likes to read, give him a selection of popular science books about the differences between a man and a woman, as well as psychological books on the topic of relations. In any case, after reading them, he will bring out something useful for himself.

3. Go with him to a live psychological training on the topic of relationships. In such classes, people usually transform, they have insight, and they more clearly begin to understand their life path and their goals in relationships.

4. Watch a really good romantic relationship movie together. Men rarely watch such films themselves - they are not interested in them. But guys are usually condescending to such views to please the girl. And if the film is really good, then a man can take something out of it for himself, and then share it with you.

5. During friendly gatherings, inadvertently raise the topic of relations. The man himself will not notice how he gets involved in the conversation, and, one way or another, express his opinion on this matter. After that, you can discuss this topic in private.

6. Come together to an interactive performance in which the problem of the relationship between a man and a woman comes to the fore. In this performance, viewers partially participate in the performance, so you can get the opportunity to learn more about your boyfriend.

Guys rarely really think about why they need a girlfriend. They do not do this because of the peculiarities of their thinking, and not because they consider this not an important area of ​​their life. In addition, often, it is difficult for them to express their thoughts on this matter.

Girls, do not focus too much on this issue, because a young man may be afraid of such pressure on your part. However, it is always useful to discuss this topic unnoticed, feminine, so that your partner does not even notice your interest.


Watch the video: Going Inside a Man's Mind With Steve Harvey (July 2024).