Jam from a pear - you will not pull by ears! Recipes of mixed and simple jam from pears for the winter in a slow cooker and on a stove


Jam from a pear is also that delicacy! It's just so hard to tear yourself away from it.

Hence the conclusion: you need to do a lot, a lot! Good thing there are so many great recipes.

Pear jam - general principles of preparation

The most delicious jam with the perfect texture is obtained from hard and slightly unripe pears, but soft fruits can also be used. Fruits are cut into pieces, crushed with a blender or grind through a sieve after preliminary cooking. Then sugar and other ingredients are laid to them.

What can be added to pear jam:

• apples, citruses and other fruits;

• berries;

• water;

• cinnamon, vanilla and other spices;

• gelatin.

You can cook a treat on the stove. But more and more often you can find recipes for a multicooker. If there is a program "Jam", then you can use it for cooking. Or combine baking, stewing programs. Cooking time directly depends on the juiciness of pears and it is impossible to determine exactly. Satisfies the consistency - jam is ready!

A simple recipe for pear jam

A variant of the lightest and simplest pear jam with citric acid. Fruits are chopped in a meat grinder.


• 550 g of sugar;

• 1 kg of pears;

• 4 g lemons.


1. Cut the pears into pieces, throw out the bits.

2. Twist the slices through a meat grinder, combine with sugar, stir and leave for a couple of hours.

3. We put on the stove, cook for a quarter of an hour. Set aside, let the mass stand until cool.

4. Put it on the stove again, add citric acid, boil a treat for about half an hour.

5. We look at the density, if the jam began to reach for a spoon, and a drop does not spread on the saucer, then you can turn it off.

Pear jam for the winter "Lemon flavor"

The recipe for a very fragrant pear jam for the winter with lemon. If the citrus is large, then one is enough. Small lemons can take two pieces.


• 3 kg of pears;

• 1 lemon;

• 1.5 kg of sugar;

• 200 ml of water.


1. Cut the washed pears into arbitrary slices, put in a pan, add a glass of water to them.

2. Put the pears on the stove, cook under the lid for 10 minutes.

3. Wash the lemon, cut into slices. It is necessary to take out all the bones from citrus.

4. Remove the pears from the fire, they should be soft. Cool a little, add slices of citrus to the fruit and twist everything together with a blender.

5. Add granulated sugar, stir. It is advisable to let the mass stand for a while so that the sand dissolves. Otherwise, small grains on the walls of the dishes can burn, the jam will turn out dark and will have an unpleasant aroma.

6. Put the treat on the stove, cook without a lid on moderate heat for about 45-50 minutes. We achieve the desired density, do not forget to stir regularly.

7. We pack in jars. Cool, remove the pear jam for storage.

Pear jam with Velvet gelatin

The recipe for a thick, velvet pear jam with gelatin, you can call it jam. A feature of the treat is an unusual, jelly-like consistency. Gelatin is used ordinary powder or instant.


• 1 kg of pears;

• 0.5 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 lemon;

• cinnamon, vanillin;

• 200 ml of water;

• 1 tbsp. l gelatin.


1. Cut into slices of pear, add 100 ml of water, boil over low heat until soft. Set to cool.

2. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water. Let it swell well. Usually time is indicated on the packaging.

3. Softened pears should be grated through a sieve.

4. Add sugar in the puree and place on the stove.

5. After boiling pour in lemon juice, cook jam for 10 minutes.

6. If the treat is prepared for the winter, then the jars need to be processed, put at hand. Same thing with covers.

7. Add the vanilla and cinnamon to the boiling jam.

8. Enter the gelatin, quickly stir and immediately turn off. If the mass is allowed to boil over, the texture will not be what it is needed.

9. Pour jam from pears into sterile jars, constantly stir from the bottom. Quickly close.

10. We put the containers upside down, wrap them up with something warm on top, stand them until the cans are completely cooled, then turn them into a natural position, transfer them to storage.

A simple recipe for pear jam in a slow cooker

A wonderful way to make a sweet pear treat. It can be used immediately or put away for storage. Instead of lemon, you can take diluted acid, a third of a teaspoon and 30 ml of water is enough.


• 1 kg of pears;

• 1.5 cups of sugar;

• 0.5 lemons.


1. Pears for this jam can not be peeled, but without the skin, the delicacy is more tender. See by grade. If the peel is tough, then it’s better to remove it.

2. Rub on a coarse grater pear pulp, mix with sugar. Immediately lay it all in a multi-cooking pot.

3. Pour it all over with lemon juice. You can add a little zest, but only well chopped, large particles in the jam should not be. Or use an acid solution.

4. Close the slow cooker. We put the extinguishing program for two hours. We periodically look, stir.

5. If the pears are watery or just very juicy, the thickness of the treat does not suit you, you can switch to baking at the end, hold the jam in this mode for about half an hour, just remember to stir.

Jam from pears for the winter "Vitaminka" with lingonberries

The recipe for an amazing jam from pears for the winter, which differs not only in taste, but also in vitamin composition. Lingonberries for him is best to use fresh. But if this is not possible, then a frozen product will do.


• 1 kg of pear;

• 0.5 kg of lingonberry;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 2 stars star anise;

• 1 lemon;

• 130 ml of water.


1. Cut the pears into slices, just rinse the lingonberries, let them drain water, and optionally dry the berries.

2. A glass of sugar is mixed with water, put on the stove, boil the syrup. Add star anise stars, which will give the treat a special zest.

3. The rest of the sugar is mixed with pears and lingonberries.

4. Add the prepared slices with sugar to the syrup, stir.

5. Squeeze lemon juice. But you can chop the whole citrus, taking out the seeds and add to the total mass.

6. Cook jam for 45 minutes.

7. Remove from heat. We mashed the mass with a blender.

8. Again we put the lingonberry-pear dainty on the stove, cook until the desired density.

9. If the consistency is satisfactory, then just let the mass boil well, boil for one minute and can be laid out in jars.

Pear jam with apples

Another popular pear jam supplement is apples! Choose acidic varieties. They perfectly dilute sweet pears, add sourness, make the taste more interesting.


• 1 kg of apples;

• 1 kg of pears;

• 0.8 kg of sugar.


1. Cook the fruits. To do this, cut apples together with pears into pieces, do not remove the skin.

2. Drop everything into a pan, pour a glass of water, boil until soft. Be sure to be under the cover.

3. Remove from heat, let cool slightly so as not to burn your hands. But the mass should not be cold. We wipe the fruit through a sieve to obtain a gentle and uniform mashed potatoes.

4. Mix the fruits with sugar, let the grains dissolve a little, send the jam to the stove.

5. Cooking jam for 30-35 minutes. After cooling, the mass will become thicker due to pectin in apples.

A simple recipe for pear jam with oranges (in a slow cooker)

Another version of pear jam, designed for a multi-cooking pot. The amount of vanilla and cinnamon can be adjusted, if something is not like, then do not add.


• 2 kg of pears;

• 2 oranges;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 1 tsp cinnamon powder;

• 1.2 kg of sugar;

• juice from 1 lemon.


1. Twist the pears through a meat grinder along with the peel, pour sand to them, stir. Leave for half an hour.

2. Remove the zest from oranges, peel the flesh, and discard the seeds and white skins. Twist the pulp of citrus and zest, send to pears.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice into the total mass.

4. Add vanillin with cinnamon powder, stir.

5. Turn on the baking, prepare the jam exactly thirty minutes.

6. Switch to the extinguishing mode, cook another 1.5 hours.

7. Pour the pear and orange treat into jars, roll up. Or just cool and put in the refrigerator.

Pear jam for the winter with slices

If there are soft and hard pears, then you can cook a treat for this recipe. The jam turns out to be interesting and very tasty.


• 1 kg of soft pears;

• 0.5 kg of hard pears;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 1 lemon.


1. Cut hard pears into cubes per centimeter, pour over lemon juice, set aside for a while.

2. We cut soft pears, we get rid of bits. Twist the blender, mix with sugar.

3. Put the pear mass on the stove, let it boil.

4. Add sliced ​​pears, cook all together for about 45 minutes.

5. Readiness is determined by pieces. They should boil and not remain raw.

6. We spread the jam with slices in jars, remove the pear billet for storage.

Pear jam - useful tips and tricks

• Everyone knows that they need to be laid out in sterile jars. But you can do it in another way: put the treat in clean and dry cans, put in the oven, warm until the baked crust appears on top, but watch so that the treat does not start to burn. Remove, cover or roll up.

• Sugar is added to jam at least 50%. The calculation is based on peeled fruits without bits.

• In jam, you can replace part of the sugar with honey, which goes well with pears. The delicacy will turn out to be unusually aromatic. By the way, this is a great way to use candied honey.


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