Home foot massage: its benefits, indications and necessity. Techniques and techniques of different types of foot massage at home (video)


Foot massage brings a healing effect along with pleasant sensations. On the surface of the feet seventy thousand points, called reflex zones, when exposed to which the work of the internal organs is corrected, but the benefits of foot massage are not limited to this:

1. It prevents nervous breakdowns, eliminating the nervous tension accumulated during the day.

2. Restores strength and energy without leading to over-stimulation of the nervous system.

3. Normalizes the blood supply to the lower extremities.

4. Maintain muscle tone.

For all its benefits, foot massage has both indications and contraindications to use.

Foot massage: indications and contraindications

Doctors advise to pay attention to foot massage, and in particular the foot, for circulatory disorders, problems of the musculoskeletal system, for the prevention and elimination of acute respiratory diseases and for the restoration of the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Foot massage helps with stress, depressive disorders, arrhythmias, nausea and solves the problems of reproductive functions.

Foot massage stimulates reflex zones, so this massage can not be done during pregnancy, complex heart pathologies and skin diseases. Varicose veins or thrombosis are not direct contraindications, but problems that need attention.

Foot massage: basic techniques and techniques

The foot massage procedure helps to relax after a hard day, rejuvenate and restore emotional balance.

There are many types of foot massage: front and back foot massage, point, Thai, Chinese and other foot massages.

Some technicians do not require special skills and are easily doable at home, others are only available in massage parlors.

The most popular massage techniques for the feet:

1. Acupressure.

Acupressure came from the East, where it was considered a way to treat all sorts of ailments. On the feet of the person - a map of internal organs, which eliminates diseases and enhances immunity, when exposed to the right points.

Acupressure foot massage treats headaches, eliminates nervous tension and insomnia. It eliminates swelling in the legs and is equally suitable for people with a sedentary lifestyle and those who spent the day on their feet.

2. Thai massage

The technique of Thai massage comes from India. Its essence is to influence the energy flows connecting the human organs and the corresponding points on the soles. Treatment occurs through the stimulation of problem energy-depleted areas that require new forces for recovery.

3. Chinese massage

From ancient Chinese medicine came the technique by which the massage therapist affects sixty-two necessary points during a massage session. In addition, Chinese massage involves such techniques as rubbing, pressing and stroking movements.

4. Foot Massage with Flat Feet

The procedure of therapeutic massage for flat feet takes less than ten minutes. The full course includes twelve procedures.

Massage for flat feet is carried out in the legs and lower back. The masseur begins the session with work with the tips of the fingers, gradually moves to the shin, and ends with kneading the feet.

5. Reflex massage

Strengthens the immune system and puts in order the human nervous system. The feet are massaged, with a change in the force of depression from strong to weak and from weak to strong.

All these massage techniques require a lot of experience, therefore they are available only in massage parlors. Consider less complex types of massage that can be performed at home.

How to do a foot massage: a sequence of actions

I Classic foot massage

1. The massaged is placed horizontally on the back or on the stomach (preferably on the stomach); an elastic roller or a small hard pillow is placed under the feet.

2. Massage the legs start with stroking movements. Masseur direct palm performs light movements in the direction from the ankle to the knee joint (in the course of moving the lymph).

3. Having performed no more than four stroking movements, the massage therapist proceeds to rubbing: the massaging movements are performed more intensively and with increased pressure. For three minutes, stroking and rubbing movements alternate, and after one rubbing, two stroking steps are performed.

4. After grinding, kneading begins. It helps to influence the nerve endings. When kneading the movement is carried out on the current lymph. The kneading process is followed by stroking, as in the rubbing stage.

The duration and intensity of the kneading movements vary depending on the purpose of the massage, but on average take five minutes.

5. Massage the lower legs end with a slight shaking (or vibration).

6. After massaging the shin, the masseur kneads the Achilles tendon, which is located above the heel. The duration of kneading is thirty seconds - one minute.

7. The masseur proceeds to massage the foot itself. To perform such a massage, the edge of the palm, back, knuckles and thumbs are used. A masseur performs successively two types of movements: longitudinal and circular. Not only the lateral and internal surfaces of the foot are exposed to massage, but also the external one.

Each finger is massaged separately, with the leg lifted and held on with one hand (unless a special roller or pad is used). The ankle is kneaded on each side, and at the end of the massage, passive movements of the joint are performed by the hands of the massage therapist: turns and circular movements.

8. In the same order, actions are performed on the second leg.

The purpose of the massage is reflected in the intensity and duration of the individual elements.

Toning massage requires speed and strong movements. At the same time, the duration of the massage is reduced to ten minutes for each leg, and kneading and shaking require special attention.

A relaxing massage takes time - 20 minutes on each leg, gentle, unhurried movements and careful rubbing. This leads to the removal of fatigue through the activation of inhibition processes in the nervous system.

II Massage for the back of the foot

1. The masseur puts his palms across his ankle. Hands simultaneously move along the shin to the thigh, then return to the ankles on the sides of the leg. The movement is repeated three times.

2. The palms on the ankle, the massage therapist performs smooth, overlapping movements in the shape of a semicircle, rubbing the leg and moving two centimeters up the leg with each movement. After that, the hands are returned to the ankle.

3. The masseur kneads the calves, performing circular motions with the thumbs. The pressure is gradually increasing. The masseur slowly moves to the popliteal fossa, and then comes back at the same speed.

4. In the center of the calf finger pressure is performed as if to divide the musculature. Thus, upward movement of the leg up to the knee occurs, after which the procedure is repeated one more time.

5. The masseur smooths the popliteal fossa with gentle movements in a circle.

6. The back of the thigh is ground with the base of the palms with free movements.

7. From top to bottom, the masseur kneads the muscles. Reaching the popliteal fossa, through the middle of the thigh returns to its original position and repeats the procedure.

8. In the same way knead the caviar.

9. To relax the muscles, the masseur raises the calf massaged until a right angle is formed between the calf and thigh, then, holding the ankle, lifts the leg up and gently lowers to its original position.

10. Leg massaged bent at the knee. The masseur squeezes the ankle with his hands and moves to the knee with gradual pushing movements. It is important that the leg remains in one position.

11. The leg is still bent, the massage therapist lifts it up and, holding the ankle, gently turns to the right and left.

12. The masseur fixes the lower back with one hand and presses the mass on the buttocks with the other, and then supports the leg in an upright position.

13. The masseur holds the foot with his hands and gradually turns it around so that the fingers are looking up. Each movement is performed slowly and smoothly.

14. The leg is held in the same position, the massage therapist puts his hand on the toes of the massaged and slowly pulls the foot down. After that, the leg returns to its original position.

15. The masseur lightly plugs the calf between the fingers and moves in the direction of the thigh from the inside, and then in the opposite direction from the outside.

16. The masseur clenches his hands into fists and taps on the calves and thighs from the outside and the inside.

17. The back of the hand, the masseur goes through the same zones as in the previous stage with his fist.

18. The back of the hand massage therapist pats the calf and thigh.

19. At the end, the therapist performs smooth movements with his hands, smoothing the skin from the ankle to the upper part of the thigh.

III Massage of the front surface of the legs

1. In the initial position, massaged lies on the back. His legs are extended at the level of the knee masseur.

2. The hands of the masseur lie on the ankles with their fingers in the direction of the knees and smoothly move to the upper part of the thighs. In the opposite direction, the arms move along the lateral parts of the leg.

3. The masseur’s fingers are tightly closed, performing circular motions from the inside of the ankle, he slowly moves to the knee and returns to the ankle again. The same movements are processed outside.

4. The masseur performs the tingling movements of the lower leg and calf, pinching the skin between the phalanges of two fingers, the thumb and index finger, slowly moving to the patella.

5. The thumb massages the tissues in the knee area and stretches the muscles above it. Light, free movements smoothes the knee itself.

6. The hands of the massage therapist are above the knee and massaging the leg with circular movements.

7. A masseur kneads knee muscles with the base of the palm. In this movement slightly push the fabric up.

8. The hips of the leg are massaged by the outside of the palm. Circular motion with pressure. After that, the massage therapist smooths the sides, moving along the lower leg and ankle to the foot. The foot is wrapped around the arms and slowly massaged to the tips of the fingers.

9. The masseur fingers the tissue, going down from the hip to the lower leg.

10. With a light fist punch, the masseur goes on the inner side of the thigh and lower leg.

11. The thigh on both sides is massaged by tapping movements of the outer sides of the palms.

12. A massage therapist treats the inner side of the lower leg and thigh by tapping the back of the hand.

13. Before the completion of the massage, the foot is gently stroked over the entire length of the fingertips.

How to do a foot massage: professional advice

• In order not to stain the working surface with massage oil, place your feet on a towel.

• Let your feet rest in a hot bath before the massage. If desired, essential oils or liquid foam are added to the water.

• After soaking, wipe off any excess moisture from your feet. Extra wiping will provide a relaxing foot.

• An additional effect will be wiping your feet with a warm towel.

• For a foot massage, choose a suitable lotion or cream. Lotions are better suited for working with hardened skin. Two to three drops of essential oil are added to the creams.

• Among the essential oils, almonds, eucalyptus and lavender oils are used for foot massage.

• Massage will bring additional pleasure if the cream or oil is slightly warmed up.

• Additional relaxation will provide pleasant music and flavoring tools in the room.

• During the massage, each foot is given the same time. Asymmetry is highly undesirable.

• For relaxation, use the slow and gentle massage technique.

• Free your head from thoughts and relax.

• Do not put on the skin a lot of massage means to prevent slipping of hands.

• The knees do not tighten during the massage, so as not to impede blood circulation.

• Avoid pain.

• To get rid of the heaviness and pain in the legs, use a warming cream before starting the massage.


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