Pathological and physiological jaundice in newborns: causes. Jaundice in newborns - consequences and treatment methods


Jaundice in children is common. In 50% of babies in the first days of life, a change in the price of skin was observed.

There are several causes of jaundice. In this case, the physiological process can go into the pathological and lead to the development of complications.

Physiological jaundice

It occurs in children for natural reasons, it is not dangerous to the health of the child and does not require therapeutic treatment.

Jaundice in newborns has the following causes:

1. The conflict of the Rh factor of the blood of the mother and child.

2. Mismatch in blood type.

3. Premature birth.

If the baby was born prematurely - this may be the cause of jaundice. The reason is that the child has a special blood composition. When the baby is born and begins to breathe lightly, the composition of his blood changes. As a result, the crumbs are stained with yellow skin.

Blood type mismatch is rare. But such a "conflict" can lead to the development of physiological jaundice in newborns.

If the Rh factor of the blood of the mother and the child does not match, this may be the cause of the appearance of jaundice.

A change in the color of the skin occurs because the baby's body is trying to process bilirubin. When there is a lot of bilirubin in the blood, this leads to yellowness of the skin and proteins. They acquire a peculiar, lemon color.

Important: If a baby is diagnosed with physiological jaundice - this indicates that his liver is overloaded.


The physiological process has a number of signs that will help distinguish it from the pathological:

• increased levels of bilirubin in the blood;

• the baby turns yellow 36 hours after birth;

• yellowness is observed on the face, chest and to the navel;

• symptoms become more pronounced on the 3rd day;

• if bilirubin is high, then it will gradually decline.

The level of bilirubin in the blood is monitored upon delivery of tests. The doctor monitors the indicators in order to determine what is associated with this phenomenon and what caused its occurrence. The level of bilirubin in a healthy child does not exceed 25 mmol / L.

The baby's skin does not turn yellow immediately. The baby initially becomes dark, and after its cover acquire a characteristic yellow color.

At about the same moment, the whites of the baby's eyes turn yellow, while the baby does not feel any discomfort. He behaves actively, eats well and sleeps.

With neonatal jaundice, the legs, feet and palms of the baby are not yellow. The skin in these places have the same hue.

Important: Jaundice in newborns has various consequences, it all depends on the cause of its occurrence. Doctors consider nuclear jaundice to be the most serious complication.

Pathological jaundice in newborns causes

There are several reasons why a pathological process develops in a child’s body:

1. Genetic pathologies of development.

2. Mechanical damage that the baby received during childbirth.

3. A viral infection that has entered the infant's body before or during childbirth.

4. Diseases of the biliary tract.

5. Severe liver disease.

It is extremely difficult to determine why the child turned yellow. It is necessary to show the baby to a specialist and conduct a series of tests and examinations.

Diagnostics includes:

• liver tests (blood test for bilirubin, ALT and AST);

• ultrasound of the liver and spleen;

• full examination of the baby.

Jaundice in newborns has various causes, possibly damage to the ducts and a violation of the outflow of bile as a result of trauma - an ultrasound examination will help to find such a pathology.

And also it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that arose in a child amid a change in the color of the skin.

Main signs

The pathological process has a special nature of the course and it is suspected that something is wrong with the mother mom. The following signs may indicate that a pathological process is taking place in the baby’s body:

1. Jaundice appeared a few hours after the birth of the baby.

2. The kid feels bad, he is naughty, often screams and cries.

3. The child is lethargic, sleeps a lot, refuses food.

4. Signs of jaundice do not go away for several days.

5. The urine of the baby has acquired a strange dark shade.

6. Feces of the child do not have a pronounced color.

7. The skin integuments have acquired a green tint.

8. An increase in bilirubin is observed in the blood.

9. A significant increase in the size of the spleen and liver.

10. If yellowness has affected the feet, legs, arms and even the palms of the baby.

In the first days after childbirth, the baby sleeps a lot, he can refuse food, but if a similar phenomenon is observed in the following days, plus the baby's skin has turned yellow, it is worth notifying the doctor about this.

If the child is troubled, screams, does not sleep and refuses to eat, it is also necessary to inform the doctor about this.

The first few days the baby will be watched if the level of bilirubin in his blood exceeds 35 mmol / l - this indicates a pathological process in the body of the newborn.

Pathological jaundice in newborns consequences

The most serious consequence of pathological jaundice, experts consider the penetration of bilirubin into the brain. The so-called nuclear jaundice, it can lead to the development of the following complications:

• delayed mental and physical development;

• severe damage to the central nervous system (central nervous system);

• hearing impairment;

• death.

Other possible complications:

• the appearance of convulsive syndrome;

• violation of coordination;

• toxic poisoning and the development of severe intoxication.

Physiological jaundice in newborns has practically no consequences. It passes quickly and only under certain circumstances can harm the baby's health.

The pathological process even with a favorable outcome increases the risks of developing liver cancer, cirrhosis and other pathologies associated with the work of the liver and spleen in an infant.

Often, the development of pathology in the baby is indicated by the appearance of convulsions or involuntary movements. A similar phenomenon in the absence of treatment leads to severe damage to the central nervous system and impaired coordination.

Important: Nuclear jaundice develops rapidly. Toxic brain damage leads to disruption of the body. Strong intoxication can cause the death of the baby.


In the presence of a pathological process in the child’s body, treatment is based on eliminating the cause of its occurrence. The doctor individually examines the case and develops a rehabilitation program. If necessary, perhaps a meeting of the council. Several doctors decide the fate of the child, if necessary, the possibility of surgical intervention, blood transfusion and other procedures.

Mom and baby are placed in a hospital and treatment is carried out there. If the child’s treatment is in the intensive care unit, then he may be there without a mother.

Physiological (neonatal) jaundice has the following treatment regimen:

1. The child is prescribed glucose.

2. Recommended intake of vitamins.

3. Mom should follow a certain diet.

4. The appointment of phototherapy is recommended.

If a woman is breast-feeding a baby, then she is recommended to follow a diet. It is worth abandoning some foods that can lead to digestive problems in a child.

Phototherapy is a procedure for irradiating a baby with ultraviolet rays. The child is placed in a special capsule, previously special glasses are put on him that protect the eyes from the sun. In the capsule, the crumb can be for several days.

It is interesting: Jaundice in a baby can appear against the background of breastfeeding. It is completely harmless to the health of the child. It takes place on its own or when replacing breastfeeding with artificial. In this case, the yellowness of the skin can persist for several months.

Pathological jaundice in newborns has severe consequences. Therefore, if the skin of the child has changed its color, it is worth telling the doctor about this.

The doctor will take the blood for analysis and leave the baby under observation. This is a necessary measure, since even the natural processes of decay, which led to a change in the color of the skin, can go into the pathological process.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth monitoring the baby's bilirubin levels for several days.


Watch the video: Bilirubin & Jaundice - Everything you need to know about the YELLOW SKIN disorder! (June 2024).