Currant pie - the best recipes. How to cook a pie with currants correctly and tasty.


Currant pie - general principles and methods of preparation

Remember the funny riddle: "Red? Or black? Why white? Yes, because green! What do you think, what is it? Right, this currant is one of the most healthy, nutritious and delicious berries on Earth. By the way, it got its name from the word “currant”, which means “strong smell” in Slavic. And the truth is that this type of berry has perhaps the most pronounced aroma. Can you imagine what kind of baking it will turn out, what kind of pies !? Its “strong” aroma literally soaks everything is inside, and the sweet and sour gamut will give the dish an unrivaled taste .

Pie with currants ... from only one phrase blows homely warmth and comfort. In Russia, such products were an indicator of the culinary skills of girls. It seems that there is nothing complicated at first glance - to bake a cake with currants, but no! Each housewife had her own secrets of making delicious desserts. Most recipes, of course, have not been preserved, but thanks to the ingenuity of modern housewives, an increase in the list of ingredients and the development of means of communication, almost everyone can now "blind" a culinary masterpiece.

Currant pies can be prepared from any dough: yeast, fresh, puff, sour cream, shortbread, etc. Some of them, for example, a cheesecake or a pie with biscuits, cheese cream, do not need to bake at all - it is enough to simply cool them. It may take several hours to cook some products, and others only a few minutes. It all depends, of course, on the recipe, the amount of ingredients and the culinary excellence.

Many housewives will always find a way to get good recipes for currant pies, but this is usually not enough. The main thing is that any baking must be approached with desire, mood and love for those people for whom you are trying so hard.

Currant Pie - Food Preparation

Most often, red and black currants are used in cooking. It is up to you to decide which one to choose. Moreover, there are many recipes for pies from both types of berries. This is not of fundamental importance. Redcurrant contains less sucrose in its composition, so a little more sugar should be put in the filling from this type.

Whatever berry you prefer, be sure to free it from the brushes and stalks, rinse, let the liquid drain and dry. Frozen fruits are first poured with cold water until thawed, and then - toppled over in a colander.

In addition, for the test you will need chicken eggs, butter, sugar and good fine flour. If you are going to make a pie with the addition of cottage cheese, choose fatty and not dry varieties.

Currant pie - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Currant Cheesecake

According to the classic recipe, cheesecake is made from cream cheese. Cheesecake is either baked or refrigerated. We will use the second option, therefore, for its basis, we will take crushed cookies mixed with soft butter. And instead of cheese we take tender cottage cheese with cream. We assure you that the result will be no worse than the original.


- 170 gr. ground cookies "Jubilee"
- 50 gr. flooded butter

For filling:

- gelatin - 7-8 plates
- a little water (for gelatin)
- 150 gr. currants
- 250 gr. cottage cheese
- 150 gr. Sahara
- 100 ml of currant juice
- vanillin
- 300 gr. cream

For jelly:

- gelatin - 2 plates
- 100 gr. currant juice
- 50 ml. liquor (preferably currant)

Cooking method:

1. Mix with a mixer the crushed cookies with butter until a soft homogeneous mass. We split the mold, with a diameter of 21-24 cm, oil and spread the mass into it, leveling it with your hands, leaving low sides.

2. Soak gelatin in a small amount of water. We wipe the currants through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder, with cottage cheese we act in a similar way to eliminate grains. We mix currants and cottage cheese, add juice, whipped cream and gelatin to the mixture. We mix everything.

3. We spread the curd and berry mass on the basis of cookies with butter. Level and clean in the cold for a couple of hours. After this time, pour our jelly cheesecake from gelatin (prepared according to the recipe), currant juice and liquor, decorate the cake with cream and berries on top. Again, remove the dessert in the cold for several hours. We get out and enjoy.

Recipe 2: Lazy Currant Pie

A lazy pie with currants is prepared in a matter of minutes: about forty minutes takes preparation and the baking itself. Surely this is why dessert was endowed with such a "name". Pie is usually served hot or warm.


- one egg
- one stack. flour
- one stack. frozen or fresh currants
- two apples
- 90 gr. butter
- eight tbsp. tablespoons of fine sugar

Cooking method:

1. Cut apples into cubes without peeling them off. We put a pan on the stove, melt the butter and put currants in it, as well as apples, diced. Sprinkle the ingredients with sugar and fry for about five minutes.

2. Grease the baking dish, put the stuffed filling with the juice in it. Pound the butter with sugar, egg and mix with flour until flour crumbs are formed. To achieve the best result, the ingredients can be sent to the combine and grind in the "Pulse" mode. Remember, we need just a baby.

3. Sprinkle the filling with crumbs and evenly distribute it. Next, we heat the oven to 170 C and send the lazy cake there for half an hour. Serve hot to the table.

Recipe 3: Princely Blackcurrant Pie

The unexpected combinations used in this recipe result in a very luxurious product. A shiny golden crust on top, and inside a delicate pulp interspersed with black berries. After all, it’s not without reason that the pie is “Princely”!


- 250 gr. butter
- two stacks. icing sugar
- four eggs
- 400 gr. flour
- five to six table. lies. medium fat cream
- 300 gr. currants
- 150 gr. chopped walnuts
- orange peel
- baking powder bag


- orange juice - half a cup
- a bag of vanilla
- 100-150 gr. powdered sugar (taste)

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with powdered sugar. Add melted butter and cream to the foam, mix gently. Next, add the zest, flour mixed with a baking powder, and thoroughly beat the mixture with a mixer. Pour whole currant berries and chopped walnuts. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

2. Lubricate the mold with butter and put into it the creamy mixture obtained. Preheat the oven to 190 C and bake the cake for one hour. We check readiness with a long match.

3. While the cake is baking, mix orange juice with powder and vanilla. With this mixture, we pour the finished hot cake, after about an hour, remove it from the mold and enjoy.

Recipe 4: Autumn Pie with Red Currants

The cake is very bright, colorful and fragrant (thanks to vanilla, ginger and cinnamon). We will cook it on the basis of milk, green apples, red currants and sour cream.


For the test:

- 85 gr. milk
- 100 gr. butter
- 90 gr. Sahara
- vanilla
- a pinch of salt
- two eggs
- 300 gr. flour
- a teahouse. soda
- lemon juice

For filling:

- 300 gr. green apples
- 300 gr. red currant
- three table. l Sahara

To fill:

- four tablespoons (tablespoons) of sour cream
- two tablespoons of sugar
- a pinch of ginger
- a pinch of cinnamon

Cooking method:

1. Melt the butter in a microwave or in a water bath. To it we add sugar, vanilla, a pinch of salt, milk and eggs. Stir until smooth and sprinkle with lemon juice. Next, pour flour and soda in portions. Knead sticky dough. Lubricate the mold and spread a layer of dough on it. Leveling hands, leaving the sides.

2. Peel the apples from the peel, cut them into cubes. Then mix with red currants (if it is frozen, leave it in this state) and sprinkle with small sugar. We spread the filling on the dough and send the cake to the oven at 170-175 C. Bake for 40-50 minutes. Pour the finished hot dessert with a mixture of sour cream, sugar, ginger and cinnamon, cool to a warm state and drink with tea or coffee. Enjoy your meal!

Currant pie - tips from experienced chefs

- All ingredients (eggs, currants, butter, flour, etc.) for currant pie, as for any product, must have the same room temperature before processing, so take care of this in advance;

- So that the juice from the currant during baking does not go beyond the cake, add a small amount of starch to the filling, and grease the "sides" of the product with egg white;

- Pie with currants goes well with whipped cream or sour cream. Serve it better in a hot (warm) form;

- For pastry purposes, culinary experts advise using such varieties as:

1. blackcurrant - Exotic, Dobrynya, Raisin, Perun, Venus.
2. red currants - Red Cross, Vorshevich, Hero.

It is these species that have the most pronounced aroma and taste, and are also optimal in the ratio of sucrose and ascorbic acid.


Elena 11/13/2016
Recipe 2: Pie with currant "Lazy" shit is rare, only the evening spoiled the berries. I do not advise anyone. why should such recipes be published at all


Watch the video: Trinidad Currants Roll Recipe - Flaky Pastry - Episode 117 (June 2024).