Garlic - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Garlic - a general description

Garlic - perennial plant, the height of which often reaches 0.5 meters. The stem is erect, the leaves are flat, thin, the bulb consists of cloves covered with a film with a purple hue, flowers are gray, collected in umbrellas. Garlic can always be distinguished from other plants due to its strong specific smell.

The flowering period of garlic is from July to August.

Garlic - types and places of growth

The largest amount of garlic is used on the territory of Southeast Asia, it is this area that is considered the birthplace of useful plants. Garlic is quite common in the wild, but at the same time, it has long been cultivated and planted in almost every garden, as well as on special plantations of agricultural enterprises and farmers. Garlic is cultivated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, the Far East and Kazakhstan.

Garlic - medicinal properties

For many centuries, garlic has been used as a medicine; it helped with depression and nervous disorders, tonsillitis, insomnia, stomach cramps, physical exhaustion, atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the need to improve blood circulation and tuberculosis.

A garlic-based drug removes toxins from the body after severe food poisoning. Modern oncologists are convinced that the substances contained in garlic can slow down the development of cancerous tumors, it is important to use garlic in prostate cancer.

Garlic is used for preventive purposes: the use of several cloves of garlic in 2-3 days is an excellent prevention of cancer.

Garlic is a wonderful antibiotic, it kills a large number of harmful bacteria, allows the body to function normally. During terrible epidemics, typhoid, cholera and malaria were treated with garlic. Nowadays, with the help of garlic, they get rid of warts, swelling, corns, worms, treat purulent wounds.

Garlic - dosage forms

As a medicine, garlic cloves are used. The bulbs in which they are collected are dug up in August, leaving to dry on the field or tied in bundles and suspended in the attic. Dried garlic is stored in a dry room at a temperature of 3-4 degrees.

Garlic Recipes

Garlic for bronchitis and whooping cough
Traditional healers for such diseases use garlic juice: crush a small head of garlic in a mortar (you can finely chop and grind), add 5 teaspoons of sugar and water, boil for 5 minutes, strain, take the medicine several times a day, 1 teaspoon .

Garlic for tonsillitis and colds
Grind 6-7 cloves of garlic, add 1 tablespoon of natural liquid honey, carefully rub the medicine, take it 1 teaspoon after eating 5 times a day.

Garlic for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Grate 10 cloves of garlic, put in a glass bowl, fill with 500 grams of vodka, let it brew for 14 days in a dark place, strain, take 30 drops pre-mixed with 1 tablespoon of water or milk.

Garlic for atherosclerosis and chronic fatigue
Pass 1 lemon through a meat grinder, do the same with 6 slices of fresh garlic, mix the gruel, add 1 tablespoon of honey, take the medicine 1 tablespoon after a meal.

Garlic - contraindications

Taking garlic-based medicines is not recommended for diseases of the liver, kidneys, epilepsy, and pregnancy. Overdose can lead to serious irritation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach.


Zarina 05/10/2016
How useful garlic is! Of course, I knew about some of its properties. That he is a wonderful antibiotic. I don’t really like him, I prefer onions. But now, undoubtedly, I will pay more attention to garlic, eat it more often.

Dasha 05/10/2016
Wow! And I did not suspect that garlic has such properties, especially - a slowdown in the growth of cancer cells. This is a very serious statement. Now I will surely eat garlic more often to prevent various terrible diseases.

Svetlana 05/10/2016
My father taught me to eat garlic from childhood. I always said that if you eat it, you won’t be sick, and all microbes will die in your mouth. But I didn’t want anyone living in my mouth, some microbes, etc.)) And I ate, and now eat, and give to children.

Zhenya 05/10/2016
And I also love garlic, I love its smell ... but I never eat it))) No, well, I add to the dishes, of course ... And I would just like to, garlic with brown bread)) Moreover, it is very useful, it kills microbes, strengthens the immune system.

Julia 05/10/2016
I just love garlic! I add it to almost all dishes! And just eat it. By the way, I don’t have such a smell, as they say after garlic. She brushed her teeth - and that’s it. Yes, and in the family all accustomed to garlic - eat for both cheeks))


Watch the video: What is Garlic Good For? Benefits and Medicinal Uses for Garlic (June 2024).