August 28: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 28th.


Holidays august 28

The battle of tomatoes (Tomatina) in Spain

This holiday Spanish eastern cities give the last week of August. Every day is full of entertainment events: music concerts, fireworks, contests, tomato treats. Many tourists accumulate in Bunyol, especially on the day of the culmination of the holiday - tomatoes, the tomato battle. By a special signal (a firecracker is launched into the sky) - and everyone who is in range reaches the neighbors with tomatoes. Up to forty thousand people take part in the fun - just imagine how many tomatoes are needed to shell all the participants. The town square after the start of the holiday turns into a real tomato sauce.

Kingdom of Montenegro Day

The rule of Montenegro by the lords (spiritual leaders) ceased in 1851, when Vladyka Danila renounced his dignity. Danila ruled the country, but only as a secular, not a cleric, however, he was killed in 1860. After his death, power came to Nicola Négoš - the prince and king of Montenegro, author of the popular song "Serbian Marseille". It was he who proclaimed the principality of Montenegro a kingdom and became his first king. Montenegro entered the First World War as an autocratic monarchy; Tsar of Russia Nikolay 2 granted Nyosh a rank of Field Marshal of the Russian Army. The First World War ended with the unification of Serbian lands. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes lasted until 1918, then became part of the new Kingdom.

Krishna Appearance Day

Krishna Janmashtami in India is considered a significant national holiday representing life in its absolute meaning. For the Vedas, Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the basis and cause of all causes. Translated into Russian from Sanskrit - "all-attractive." Five thousand years ago, the country was ruled by people who mistreated with their citizens. It was then that Krishna came and reminded a person of his true values. The fullness of life is contact with transcendental Being, this is the basis of Krishna’s teaching, which over time has been supplanted by the relative aspects of being. The spiritual aspects of Krsna are eternity, knowledge, bliss.

Venice International Film Festival

The annual holiday lasts about two weeks on the Italian island of Lido. Since 1932, the festival initiated by the dictator Mussolini was not held only 2 times - during the Second World War and not long in the late sixties. Today's film festival is a true model of cinema fashion showing films that viewers have never seen before at festivals. A commission of five experts from different countries, additional groups of foreign consultants, an international jury - all this makes it possible to objectively consider the submitted works. The best film receives the main prize of the Golden Lion festival.

Folk calendar August 28

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox and Catholic churches and it means the memory of the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. They say that three days before her death, the archangel Gabriel appeared to her and warned her. On the day of her death, all the apostles gathered in the city, and performed a burial, blocking the entrance to the tomb with stones. After some time, the Apostle Thomas decided to say goodbye to the body, and the coffin was opened. The body was not in place - there were only fragrant clothes.

The Virgin Mary appeared to the apostles and said that she was with him. The Mother of God was often associated with the mother of the earth, so this day you should not go barefoot, stick the stakes in the ground and any sharp objects. In addition, there is another name for this day - Dozhinki, that is, the last harvest. The last sheaf was dressed in a sundress and kokoshnik and left until the next year. Peasant women rolled on the ground, asking her for strength for stubble. Seeds and ears of bread were brought to the church and consecrated. The young Indian summer began: salted cabbage, cucumbers.

Historical events of August 28

August 28, 1920 - the first Soviet census

At that time, the Civil War continued, and military operations were ongoing in some areas. The first to conduct a complete census of the city and large villages in 1923, all industrial and commercial enterprises were also rewritten. And only in October 1926 a complete census was carried out in the country, while there were 147 thousand inhabitants. After the 1937 census, repressions of the Stalinist regime began - the leadership of the country considered that statistics from wrecking targets specifically reduced the number of people. Two years later, the new census satisfied the leaders more. The population in 1957 was 208.8 million. According to 1970 data, there were 241.7 million people in the country, although only 25% of the savings were surveyed. The last census of Russia will end in 2013.

August 28, 1941 - Decree of the Government of the USSR on the resettlement of Volga Germans

The German population of the Autonomous Volga region was accused of complicity with fascism, so the NKVD expelled all Germans from the Volga region to Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Representatives of the German nation were left without property - it was completely confiscated. You could take with you only what fit in your hands. In a new place, unloading people from echelons to the bare steppe, the trains went back. Many children and old people died in the first year. The rights of the Germans were restored only in 1964. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and Germany signed a protocol on the phased restoration of the German republic of the Volga region.

August 28, 1974 - approval of a new passport system in the USSR

Obligatory passports for peasants were introduced by Peter 1, but only for those who left their place of residence. At the end of the 19th century, the passport was made in the form of a booklet, which indicated the estate, origin, religion of the owner. With the advent of Soviet power, the passport system was completely eliminated - and the identity could be verified by any officially issued document. They restored the passport system in cities only in 1932. People with disabilities did not have passports, villagers and the military. The latest changes to the passport system took place in 1997, when a law was passed on issuing a passport to Russian citizens from the age of 14.

Born on August 28

Natalya Gundareva (1948-2005) - Russian actress

Indeed, the folk actress earned her title by work and acting, as well as real Russian beauty. The audience simply idolized Natalia Gundareva, who became the most popular actress in Russian and Soviet cinema. "Winter evening in Gagra", "Lonely hostel is provided", "Moscow holidays" and many other films with her participation will always be popular.

Vladimir Ivashov (1939 -1995 years) - Russian and Soviet actor

Ivashov played a role in the film V. Chukhrai "Ballad of a Soldier" as a completely inexperienced young actor, and she brought him popular love. The unheard-of popularity, together with its naturalness and sincerity, hindered the subsequent film career. He starred a lot, but the role of Alexei Ogurtsov remained the main one in his work. His wife is actress Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749 - 1832) - German poet

Goethe became famous not only for his philosophical poems, but also for state affairs, as well as for his experiments in natural science. He did a great job comparing plant morphology, wrote works on physics, geology, and medicine. It is noteworthy that Goethe did not like high-society parties, and married not a decanter, but a simple flower girl. He created in literature the image of a strong-willed and strong personality: The Suffering of Young Werther, Goetz von Berlichingen, the tragedy Faust.


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