Spleen hurts: causes and symptoms of possible diseases. How to help if the spleen hurts badly: the basics of treatment


The spleen is an unpaired internal organ whose task is to perform filtration and immune functions.

It is located in the abdominal cavity of a person under the left rib.

Pain in the spleen is difficult to recognize, however, when it appears, a person is disturbed by very strong and unpleasant symptoms.

Let us consider in more detail why the spleen can hurt and how to cope with it.

Spleen hurts - causes

Pain in the spleen can occur for the following main reasons:

1. Mechanical injuries of the spleen. They can be both open and closed.

Open types of damage can occur with severe stab, cut, or bullet wounds. As for the closed injuries, they usually arise as a result of a blunt blow to the left side of the abdominal cavity, a fall from a height or strong compression of the abdomen.

With such dangerous injuries, the spleen can rupture or form cracks of different depths.

2. Pain in the spleen caused by serious infectious diseases. Most often, the following diseases lead to this symptom:

• acute (chronic) hepatitis;

• acute infectious diseases of the respiratory system;

• infections of the blood system.

3. Spleen infarction. It can develop due to such factors:

• blockage of the main artery (blood clot formation) in the spleen;

• vascular atherosclerosis (can cause a heart attack if not treated);

• leukemia that caused vascular thrombosis;

• diffuse connective tissue diseases.

The course of a heart attack and its symptoms depend on the vastness and general organ damage.

Small heart attacks may not be felt at all for quite some time. Extensive heart attacks can cause inflammation, pain in the area of ​​the left rib, which intensifies with inhalation.

4. Spleen abscess. It can develop with:

• bacterial damage to the spleen;

• endocardium;

• subcapsular hematoma;

• spleen infarction.

5. Parasitic lesions of the spleen echinococcus.

6. Tuberculosis of the spleen. It can develop with a lesion of Koch's wand, which penetrates the spleen from the lungs with untimely treatment of tuberculosis. In the early stages of the course of the disease, such tuberculosis does not exhibit any special symptoms, except for a slight increase in body temperature. Over time, it begins to provoke acute pain in this organ, as well as an increase in its size.

7. Oncological pathology development. Primary spleen tumors can manifest themselves as fever, weakness, pain and general exhaustion of the body. Most often, doctors diagnose hemangioma, lymphangioma or fibroma.

8. Spleen cyst. It can be parasitic and non-parasitic.

Spleen hurts - symptoms, diagnosis

The main sign of spleen malfunction and the presence of the disease in it is its increase. This happens due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this organ, which, when conditions are created, can significantly increase its volume.

Additional symptoms of spleen diseases are:

1. The accumulation of blood in the spleen. It is outwardly impossible to see this, only during diagnostic procedures.

2. Pain in this organ. The nature of such pain can be:

• sharp;

• dumb;

• aching;

• aching;

• compressive;

• protruding;

• giving to the back, shoulder blade or collarbone.

3. Sealing of the spleen during palpation.

4. Lowering blood pressure.

5. Chills.

6. Frequent nausea and urge to vomit.

7. Dry mouth.

8. The occurrence of cold sweat.

9. Disruption of the heart and its rhythm (the occurrence of arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina pectoris).

10. Increased heart rate.

11. Great thirst.

12. The feeling of fullness in the left side.

13. Dizziness.

14. The appearance of bruising or bluish skin in the area of ​​the spleen.

15. The fever.

In addition, it is important to know that with injuries of the spleen (closed and open), a person can feel additional sensations:

• breathing pain;

• shortness of breath;

• fainting condition;

• trembling in the body;

• pallor of the skin;

• slow heart rate;

• vomiting;

• shock state.

If at least two of the above symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

After the initial examination, the doctor will prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

1. Palpation. It is the main physical method for examining the state of the spleen. You need to palpate this organ after the patient is in a supine position and relaxes the abdominal press.

On palpation, it is important to pay attention not only to the total size of the spleen, but also to its volume, edge (even or sharp), tightness (soft, dense), surface (smooth, bumpy) and sensitivity (painful or not painful).

2. Radiography of the spleen. It will provide an opportunity to see the contours of this organ.

3. Puncture of the spleen. It is carried out with a significant increase and suspected rupture, cancer pathology or heart attack. It is important to know that immediately before the puncture of the spleen, the patient must take a deep breath and hold his breath, otherwise, with a peritoneal reflex, his spleen can move, which will lead to rupture of the capsule and bleeding.

4. General blood test.

5. CT scan of the spleen.

6. Subcutaneous injection of adrenaline. This diagnostic method will show the general condition of the spleen. Moreover, if this body is in normal condition, then it will decrease. If, on the contrary, the spleen grows, then this is a sure sign of the presence of pathology.

Spleen hurts - what to do, first aid

With a sudden pain in the spleen, you need to act according to this scheme:

1. Take a lying position.

2. Calm down (if not, then drink a mild sedative).

3. Restore breathing.

It is important to know that with pain in this organ you can not apply a heating pad or ice to it, as this can only worsen the condition. It is best to see a doctor as soon as possible.

After detecting the disease, the attending doctor will select the appropriate treatment (based on the established diagnosis).

With spleen infarction or its injury, the patient is prescribed pain medication. He is also recommended to follow a diet and bed rest.

With an abscess or the detection of cancer, the patient will need surgical intervention. The most effective operation is splenectomy. It is important to know that this method of treatment will be effective only in the early stages of the tumor. In a more neglected state, the patient will need to undergo chemotherapy.

In a particularly serious condition of the patient (after an abscess), he will use drainage and percutaneous puncture.

Additional medications are prescribed to a person based on his indications and symptoms.

Spleen hurts: folk remedies and methods

The most effective methods against pain in the spleen are the following recipes:

1. Honey ointment. To prepare it you need:

• mix chopped ginger, honey and ghee in equal amounts;

• apply a thick layer of the finished mixture to the area of ​​the spleen;

• leave for 1-2 hours;

• keep the product in a dark place.

2. Infusion of herbs:

• Brew a teaspoon of St. John's wort and chamomile herbs in 250 ml of hot water;

• insist for half an hour;

• then strain and pour into a glass container;

• take 1 tbsp. l three times a day.

3. Hop cones remedy help relieve inflammation and pain in the spleen. Prepare in this way:

• pour 100 g of hop cones with 200 ml of alcohol;

• insist for a week;

• Take 30 drops daily until the remedy runs out.

4. Tincture from the collection of medicinal herbs:

• take equal amounts of chamomile flowers, oak bark, a string of dried nettle and raspberry leaves;

• wash and dry all herbs;

• grind them and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;

• insist for an hour;

• take 2 tablespoons three times a day.

5. Herb recipe. To prepare it:

• take a tablespoon of chamomile, celandine, hypericum, nettle and immortelle flowers;

• mix all the components and fill the collection with two glasses of boiling water;

• insist for three hours;

• strain;

• Take daily in a tablespoon before eating.

This tool will help relieve acute pain and inflammation in the spleen.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


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