August 12: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 12th.


Holidays august 12

Air Force Day - Russian Air Force Day

The aeronautical staff was commissioned in 1912. As a sign of this event, this day is considered the beginning of the formation of military aviation in Russia. Initially, the main function of the Air Force was reconnaissance. Long-range aviation began to develop after the appearance of the famous "Ilya Muromets" Sikorsky. The "Air Shield" reliably covered the "big fleet" and the "tank sword" of the Soviet Union. The Air Force of the USSR had no equal in the number of combat aircraft. Festive events in honor of this day are held on the third Sunday of August.

International Youth Day

For the first time, International Youth Day was celebrated in 2000. Outreach events were organized in support of the Day with the aim of raising the awareness of youth about the Program of Action adopted by the Assembly back in 1995. A quarter of the world's workforce is youth, and half of the unemployed are in it. Labor markets find it difficult to provide stable and promising employment for young people, excluding highly qualified specialists. The UN Secretary General invited the international community to recognize the interdependence of generations in order to solve the problem of different ages together.

Mother's Day as well as Queen of Thailand's Birthday

On August 12, Queen Sirikit's birthday is celebrated. In addition to an important holiday for the Thai people, this date is dedicated to the national holiday of Thai citizens - Mother's Day. In honor of these events, the Queen is dedicated to books, concerts, sporting achievements, and charity organizations are being created. Streets are festively decorated all over the country, portraits of Queen Sirikit are hung out in a conspicuous place, blue flags, with symbols of the Queen’s house. On this day, it is customary for women to give souvenirs with a jasmine flower: jasmine is considered the queen's flower.

Penitentiary Day in Kyrgyzstan

The current state of the system of the Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan is characterized by work aimed at maintaining a stable operational situation and situation in institutions, improving the moral and psychological climate, providing conditions for the detention of convicts, as well as persons in custody, in accordance with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.

August 12 on the folk calendar

Silouan and Strength

The two apostles of seventy, Silas and Silvanus, were companions of St. Paul. According to one version, it could be the same person. But in Russia the holiday nevertheless bore a double name. On this day, special attention was paid to rye. On Silvanus and Silas, the ears of corn are full of grain and are leaning toward the ground. It was possible to start sowing winter rye. The peasants believed that strength was increasing on this day for all that was marvelous - for people, for animals, for plants. The weather was closely monitored. If it was cool and overcast, then rains could not wait. But the flickering at dawn of the stars foreshadowed heavy rainfall. If it rains in the evening - be a long phlegm.

August 12th in history

Orekhov Peace Concluded

This document is the first peace treaty concluded between Veliky Novgorod and Sweden. He was imprisoned. Prince Yuri Danilovich imprisoned him with the Swedish king Magnus Ericsson after a thirty-year war. This document determined the northwestern border of the Russian state along the Sestra River and secured the lands that make up the northern "outskirts" of modern St. Petersburg. In 1478, the Novgorod land lost its independence, it was subordinated to the princes of Moscow, the Moscow state, and subsequently the Russian, the Orekhov treaty was considered as a valid international agreement between Russia and Sweden. Orekhov agreement A total of over 270 years.

August 12, 1981 - IBM released its first personal computer

The acquisition and use of expensive computers before the advent of personal computers was quite problematic for ordinary people. Computers were installed in large corporations, research centers, universities and government agencies. In 1981, IBM introduced the first personal computer model, which marked the beginning of the era of modern PCs. In the first year of sales, more than 130 thousand units of goods were sold, and by 2000, more than 140 million personal computers were sold worldwide.

August 12, 2000 - a disaster occurred that led to the flooding of the Kursk submarine

In 2000, during a disaster in the Barents Sea, the Kursk submarine sank as a result of the disaster. EE was found at a depth of 108 meters with 24 torpedoes and 24 cruise missiles on board. At the time of the disaster, 118 people were present on the boat. Everyone died. On September 26, the President of Russia signed a decree commemorating the crew of the boat. In honor of those who died as a result of the disaster, one of the peaks of the Caucasus Range is called "Kursk".

August 12, 1865 - Joseph Lister first used phenol to disinfect hands and instruments

In 1865, during an operation, an English surgeon used carbolic acid as an antiseptic, and after he founded a whole set of antiseptic procedures. In addition to the hands, the surgeon also disinfected instruments and clothing. Joseph Lister's innovations saved millions of lives and revolutionized surgery.

Born on August 12

Elena Blavatsky (1831-1891) - Russian religious writer, founder of the Theosophical Society, religious philosopher

Blavatsky's Theosophy is estimated by some scholars as one of the most thorough modern philosophical and religious trends in the West, and its life and work occupy a special place in philosophy. Many artists and scholars were interested in The Secret Doctrine. For example, with Albert Einstein, the book was always present on the desktop, and the famous composer Scriabin said that Elena Petrovna's ideas helped him in his work.

Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) - Austrian theoretical physicist who developed the wave theory of matter and quantum mechanics.

Erwin Schrödinger - professor at the University of Berlin, Graz, Ghent and Oxford, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics (1933). He was not only a great theoretical physicist, but also an original thinker, spoke six languages, read modern and ancient philosophers in the original, wrote poetry, was interested in art. World fame came to him with works on the quantum theory of 1926. The well-known wave equation of matter, called the Schrödinger equation, plays one of the most important roles in the field of atomic physics.

Vitus Bering (1681-1741) - Russian navigator, polar explorer, officer of the Russian fleet.

His expeditions were of great practical and scientific importance. They contributed to the development of the Far Eastern lands and adjacent seas, proved that the strait between America and Asia exists and left a very large cartographic legacy.

Alexander Stolper (1907-1979) - Soviet screenwriter and film director. Stolper’s biggest success was the 60s film, Alive and Dead, which won an award at the IFF. Alexander Borisovich was also the author of the scripts for a number of films. Since 1965 he taught at VGIK.

Name day 12 august

Valentine, Strength, Herman, Agnia, Anatoly, Agnia, Anatoly, Angelina, Ivan, Luke, Maxim, Paul, Strength, Siluan.


Watch the video: Live English - 12th August 2018 - It's My Birthday! - Holiday fun - Strange Words - Duncan & Steve (June 2024).