June 13th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 13th.


Holidays June 13th

St. Anthony's Day

This is one of the favorite holidays of Catholics around the world. Especially St. Anthony is revered in Portugal. He was born in Lisbon, in the family of a noble knight, so his father did not even doubt that his son would become a brave warrior. But Anthony wanted to go to the monastery. However, soon the retreating monastic life bored him, and he decided to become a preacher, especially since he had oratory talent from birth. In the history of the church, he left a mark both as a skilled orator, and as a preacher, and as a miracle worker: in his life he healed many sick people. After his death, Anthony was canonized by the Catholic Church.

He is considered a sedative not only of lost and desperate souls, but also the patron saint of lovers. On June 13, many lovers consider it a very good date for marriage. To register the relationship on this day, you have to book a time a few months before the solemn event, because There are quite a few who want it. Those who have not yet found their soul mate, turn to St. Anthony with a request to meet love as soon as possible, and the girls are divining on the narrowed one.

June 13th in the folk calendar

Yeremey Straightener

If a month ago, on May 14, Yeremey Zapryagnik was on the calendar, and they started to sow grain, then on June 13 horses were already harnessed, because sowing ended. As the peasants said, "As Yeremey begins sowing, so he ends." By this time, raspberries should bloom and the roses bloom. We also noticed how the evening dew falls: the more abundant it is, the hotter the sun will bake the next day. If there was no dew, or it quickly dried out - to rain. If it was raining on Jeremiah himself, it predicted a poor grain harvest.

Historical events of June 13

June 13, 1825 safety pin has been patented

It so happened that the American mechanic Walter Hunt urgently needed money to repay the debt. The amount was small - $ 15, but there were none. Then Walter thought a bit and whipped up a light wire clasp. One end of which he twisted into a spring, and put on a plate lock on the second to close the sharp edge. Buyers for the invention were found quickly, and Walter sold the copyright for four hundred dollars.

June 13, 1860 The State Bank of Russia was established and its Charter approved

It was reorganized from the State Commercial Bank by decree of Alexander II. To replenish its financial reserves, fixed capital in the amount of 15 million rubles was allocated from the state treasury, and a reserve capital of 3 million. The bank was the largest Russian credit institution. Lending was carried out through branches - branches and offices, as well as commercial banks. In 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power, it was renamed the People's Bank of the RSFSR.

June 12, 1912 Museum of Fine Arts Opens in Moscow

The ceremonial laying of the building took place in 1898 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II, members of his family and other honored guests. A museum was built near the Kremlin, on the site of the former Kolymazhny Dvor. The initiator of the Museum of Fine Arts in Russia, and its first director was I.V. Tsvetaev - art historian, professor at Moscow University. Now it is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.

June 12, 1941 mass deportation of Baltic residents to Siberia begins

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were included in the USSR shortly before the start of the Second World War. Therefore, fearing the very organization of hotbeds of anti-Soviet sentiment in the Baltic states and beware of provocations, the Kremlin leadership decided to deport criminal and socially dangerous elements from the country on which the NKVD had incriminating materials. First of all, the expulsion affected former gendarmes, jailers, police officers, members of nationalist organizations and criminals.

June 12, 1942 CIA prototype created - US Strategic Services Administration

Such an order was given by then American President Franklin Roosevelt. The CIA is currently an influential state organization serving as the main body of counterintelligence and military intelligence in the United States. Its main task is to ensure the country's security and to collect information about foreign citizens and organizations. The headquarters of the CIA is located in Langley, near Washington.

June 12, 1961 in Kaluga began construction of the world's first space museum

It is symbolic that the first stone that entered the foundation of the building was laid by Yuri Gagarin. The museum was opened for visitors in 1967, and immediately became a popular tourist destination. Currently, the museum includes a planetarium, house and apartment-museum of Tsiolkovsky, located in Kaluga and Borovsk.

Born on June 13

Sergey Makovetsky (born 1958), Russian actor

Sergey Makovetsky never dreamed of acting in films. On the contrary, he was actively involved in sports - athletics, figure skating, and his passion for water polo was especially successful - they even wanted to take Sergei to the national team. But, once, playing in a school play (an English teacher forced her to take part in the production), he simply fell in love with the scene and realized that he only wanted to be an artist. And in achieving the goal was very persistent. He was not accepted into the theater school in his homeland, in Kiev. He did not despair and went to conquer Moscow. The first attempt to enter GITIS ended unsuccessfully, but fortune smiled at him in another university - the famous "Pike", which he graduated in 1980. Recognition did not come to him right away. This was only later, much later, the audience unmistakably recognized him either in the clips of famous singers or in films by his characteristic mischievous forelock and simple-minded look. Despite his intelligent appearance, Makovetsky brilliantly succeeded in the roles of not only goodies, but also notorious villains. He starred in the films "Zhmurki", "Russian riot", "Brother-2", "72 meters", "The death of the empire", "Hunt for the Golden Eagle" and others.

Grigory Perelman (born 1966), Russian scientist, mathematician

June 13 marks the birthday of a true genius, a mystery man, one of the smartest people on the planet - Grigory Perelman. He was born in Leningrad, in an intelligent Jewish family. From the fifth grade, the boy became seriously interested in mathematics and began to attend the mathematical center in the Palace of Pioneers. To say that Gregory studied well means to say nothing. And at school and university, his only mark was only "excellent." In whatever mathematical olympiads - urban or international, he took part, everywhere he occupied the first places. But his main achievement is not this. Gregory Perelman managed to prove one of the seven mathematical puzzles of the millennium - the Poincare conjecture. For which he was awarded a prize of $ 1 million, which Gregory refused. People who personally know Gregory Perelman, characterize him as a very modest and unpretentious person in everyday life. He was repeatedly called to work in the best world scientific centers of Europe and America. But he stayed in Russia, where he lives with his mother in one of the apartments of the most ordinary St. Petersburg five-story building.

Name day June 13

Anton, Roman, Yeremey, Christina


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).