Lymphatic drainage wrap: do at home or in the salon? Will there be any sense from lymphatic drainage wraps and what


Slimming body wraps are collectively called tallaso care.

Lymphatic drainage also belongs to them.

In addition to a noticeable decrease in volume after the first time, tallallo procedures have a positive effect on blood circulation throughout the body, promote detoxification and moisturize the skin, making it more elastic.

During this treatment, a special product is applied to the cleansed skin, then the necessary areas are wound into a film.

There are three types of lymphatic drainage wraps:

- isothermal;

- hotter;

- cold.

Despite the names, this is not about the actual temperatures of the means with which the wrap is carried out, but about the depth of their penetration into the skin and the strength of the effect on the problem areas. There is also a warming lymphatic drainage, which accelerates blood circulation even more effectively, but many prefer a refreshing feeling of cold wrap.

The basis for lymphatic drainage wrapping includes a wide variety of ingredients, but the most popular are seaweed-based products. The cooling effect is achieved through the use of menthol, and red pepper is usually added for warming. Famous brands have their own patented mixtures, the composition of which is not disclosed.

Lymphatic drainage wrap: to do or not to do

Lymphatic drainage wrap is used to lose weight, relieve swelling, restore blood circulation, increase skin turgor and moisturize. This is an aesthetic procedure, and not medical in most cases, but still there are several contraindications:

- pregnancy;

- diseases of the cardiovascular system and thrombosis;

- skin hypersensitivity;

- Allergies to the components of the product used;

- oncology;

- infectious and other skin diseases;

- hyperthyroidism.

Most people are aware of similar problems with their health, but if you are not sure whether or not you can start a course of Tallaso therapy, it is better to consult a therapist and dermatologist for advice. It happens that the skin previously responded well to the same ingredients of care products, but under the influence of the wrap, irritation, redness and itching may appear. Modern means for lymphatic drainage wrapping is still quite safe, repeatedly tested both in the laboratory and in practice, and the risk of an allergic reaction is quite low.

Lymphatic drainage wrap: in the cabin or at home

In cosmetics and care stores, shelves are littered with all kinds of slimming products, including lymphatic drainage wraps. Today there is no longer such a clear separation between salon and home level products. The same professional lines of tallaso care are available for sale both retail and wholesale. At home, it will also be possible to conduct a course of lymphatic drainage wraps, saving a significant amount, and time - you do not have to adjust your schedule for free entry in the cabin and get to it through traffic jams. In native penates, everything is at hand, you can sit comfortably and avoid showing your body to strangers. Will the effect really be identical if you do everything yourself?

Inside, each stage of lymphatic drainage wraps is thoroughly approached without missing a step. For everything, there is a special tool and a special way of application. And it’s not so easy to wrap the film yourself, and then carefully remove it without leaving any marks throughout the apartment. It is pleasant enough to feel how every centimeter of the body is taken care of. It also happens that salons order care products abroad, which you simply can’t buy. Assembling a complete complex even from easily accessible creams and gels can be difficult or expensive. For maximum effect, massage is also combined with body wraps in salons. At home, an integrated approach is possible, if you still invite a professional to carry out the procedures.

Lymphatic drainage wrap: sequence of actions

The standard process of lymphatic drainage wrapping consists of four stages, which cannot be skipped. Laziness or haste in this matter is unacceptable.

initially skin cleansed using peels or scrubs. This is necessary in order to remove dead cells from the stratum corneum. Despite the fact that they are not visible, accumulating, these particles prevent the means from penetrating deeper. On untreated skin, mixtures for lymphatic drainage wrapping simply slide into lumps under the film and will not give any effect.

The main stage is application of the lymphatic drainage agent itself. Depending on its texture, it can be harder or simpler. After the skin in the desired areas is completely covered with the mixture, it is wrapped in a film. If compliance with a certain temperature regime is required, then a thermal blanket is also used. The duration of lymphatic drainage wraps varies for each product, but on average it can be from 30 to 60 minutes.

After gently removing the film the remaining mixture is washed off without the use of abrasive or aggressive cleaning agents. It is better to choose a soft moisturizing gel for washing, which will soften the skin and refresh. Typically, brands offer products specifically designed for use after cosmetic procedures.

The final stage is application of fixing agents. It can be gels and creams for weight loss or to improve skin elasticity. The salon will offer their products for this, but it will be easy to choose them yourself. Usually creams that enhance the effect of lymphatic drainage wraps are sold in the same tallas line as the main product. You need to monitor whether after the procedure there is a feeling of tightness and dryness on the treated areas of the skin, they may need additional hydration. The most reasonable is to combine slimming serum with a moisturizing and turgor-enhancing cream.

Lymphatic drainage wrap: cosmetologist's advice

The first thing that a specialist will say about lymphatic drainage wraps is that once you start, you must definitely finish the job. A one-time procedure will certainly improve the appearance of the skin and overall well-being, but will not give any significant results regarding weight loss. For two times, the effect also does not consolidate for a long time, therefore it is always recommended to take a full course of 6-12 procedures, which lasts from three to six weeks. In the event that the wrapping is carried out due to venous stagnation of blood, then most likely you will need to regularly repeat the procedure.

There is a special film on sale specifically designed for lymphatic drainage wrapping, but in fact, as the manufacturers themselves note, at home in an emergency you can do just the usual food. It is enough to choose a film of maximum width without perforation, if there is no professional cosmetic. The food will have to be wrapped in several more layers, since it is thinner and does not accumulate the desired temperature so well. For hot lymphatic drainage wraps, you can buy a thermal blanket, which in the future will probably come in handy on the farm. With high temperatures in tallaso procedures, you should be careful and never exceed the threshold specified in the instructions for the product used.

Carrying out lymphatic drainage wraps at home, many do not follow the unwritten rules, which experts often do not share. So, you can neither eat nor drink anything other than water, not an hour and a half before, nor during, nor an hour after the procedure. In addition, you should not walk or, in principle, do anything when wrapping in tallas. It is best to take a comfortable half-sitting posture and completely relax, allowing yourself not just a weight loss session, but a real relaxation that will positively affect your well-being and mood.

The maximum weight loss after lymphatic drainage wrapping can be achieved if, in addition to it, other procedures, such as massage and masks, are carried out. In addition, professionals remind you that you can not lose weight with cosmetics alone, if at the same time continue to eat wrong and neglect exercise. An integrated approach always gives the best results. It will turn out to be healthy and prettier if you take yourself seriously.


Watch the video: How to Give a Spa Body Wrap : Using a Body Brush Before Body Wraps (June 2024).