How to quickly get rid of gases: we select effective means. How to safely relieve the accumulation of gases in a small child


With the accumulation of gases, a person experiences not only unpleasant, but sometimes painful sensations, but also psycho-emotional discomfort.

Unpredictable and quite loud seething in the abdomen, unexpected discharge of gases, especially in public places, does not give a person confidence.

No one is safe from such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of gases.

Gases: reasons

Gas formation can be both a symptom of certain diseases and occur in completely healthy people. In this case, there is a concomitant characteristic symptomatology that delivers unpleasant sensations.

The main sign of gas accumulation is bloating and swelling of the abdomen. In patients, the abdomen can swell almost one and a half times. This process is accompanied by an unusual rumbling. Such sounds can be barely noticeable or quite loud and audible to others.

At the same time, the patient feels an incredible severity due to the accumulation of gases, literally bursting him from the inside. Quite often, the process of gas formation in the intestine is accompanied by cramping pains, which are concentrated in the area of ​​the inflection of the colon.

Characteristic symptoms of flatulence include heartburn and belching. This is due to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which, in turn, provokes esophageal reflux.

The causes of gas formation in the intestine are quite diverse and can be both pathological and domestic in nature.

First of all, such a violation appears due to errors in eating behavior:

1. Emotional conversation during the meal. It is not for nothing that parents teach kids that it is necessary to take food in silence. During stormy conversations, which quite often accompany meals, excess air is swallowed along with food. Such a volume of air, getting into the stomach, does not have time to be absorbed into the blood, penetrates into the intestine, where active fermentation begins.

2. Quick snacks. With the rapid absorption of food, it enters the body in an unnatural large form. Digestion is complicated and provokes flatulence.

3. In addition, the appearance of gases is also affected by food quality. The use of provocative products is accompanied by negative intestinal symptoms. Each of them has individual products, but most often, the use of kvass, brown bread, cabbage, apples, beans, peas, milk with lactose deficiency, carbonated drinks leads to an accumulation of gases.

Gassing that is not associated with nutritional errors may indicate:

• pancreatitis;

• cirrhosis of the liver;

• gastritis;

• dysbiosis;

• prick;

• intestinal infections;

• problems in the pancreas.

In addition, in the presence of infectious factors, gases acquire rather specific unpleasant odors.

How to get rid of gases: medicines

To treat increased gas formation, you will have to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the true causes of such a negative phenomenon.

1. With the spontaneous appearance of gases, it is necessary to take adequate measures to get rid of them.

2. It is possible to alleviate the painful symptoms associated with spasms in the intestine during the accumulation of gases with the help of spasmodics in the form of Drotemerin or No-shpa.

3. You can get rid of accumulated toxins with the help of sorbents such as Smecta, Phosphalugel.

4. Also useful in such situations are drugs that can improve the digestive tract and accelerate the progress of the food lump. You can use Mezim or Pancreatin for this.

5. Medicines are considered to be the most effective for gases, which help to extinguish the foamy substance in the intestines and contribute to their painless absorption and discharge. For this purpose, they take popular drugs such as Espumisan, Bibicol, Simethicone.

With intestinal pathologies, it will be advisable to start a course of taking drugs that restore the normal flora. And to get rid of constipation, which provoke an accumulation of gases, nutrition correction will help.

How to get rid of gases: folk remedies

For problems with the intestines, accompanied by an accumulation of gases, it is not necessary to immediately begin to sort out the home medicine cabinet in search of suitable medications. You can try to apply more affordable and fairly safe methods that traditional medicine offers.

Dill water

Such a tool is considered one of the most effective and is allowed even for use by small children. In pharmacy chains, you can buy ready-made dill water. And if desired, it is easy to cook it yourself at home. For this, dill raw materials, in the amount of 1 spoon, are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and allowed to brew for about three hours. After cooling, tincture can be used to get rid of gases. They drink medicine before meals about half a glass for preventive purposes. If the gases began to exhaust unexpectedly, you can drink such a potion, regardless of meals.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile pharmacy has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. In addition, a decoction of its flowers can reduce the manifestations of negative symptoms in the presence of gases. You can cook chamomile broth, boil a spoonful of raw materials in a glass of water, about five minutes. Insist such a decoction up to 3 hours. You need to drink chamomile potion before each meal for half an hour.

Lemon peel

To get rid of gases, you can use the usual lemon peel. Use it without pulp. Flavonoids present in the peel help quench the foamy substance in the intestines. It will be enough to chew the peel, taken from a quarter of a lemon, previously washed.

Mint tea

Ordinary peppermint can have antispasmodic and analgesic effects. In addition, mint raw materials help improve digestion and balance the nervous system. This is a pretty tasty medicine. It can be consumed in the form of regular tea, brewing a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water.


Do not forget about the correction of nutrition. With a predisposition to the formation of gases, you should abandon overeating, eating fatty and sweet foods, as well as provocative foods. Products with a high fiber content in the form of cereals, herbs and vegetables with fruits will help restore normal bowel function. And you can restore the flora by using high-quality dairy products. To do this, it is better to cook homemade yogurt or kefir, using pharmacy starter cultures containing healthy bacteria.

Necessarily for problems associated with gases, it is necessary to increase the volume of water consumption. It participates in metabolic processes and promotes the fastest absorption of intestinal contents.

How to get rid of gases in a small child?

In young children, gas accumulation is quite common. This is due to errors in nutrition, and the rapid growth of a small organism that does not have time to adapt to a changing lifestyle and unfamiliar bacteria.

Quite often, problems in infants are associated with swallowing air during feeding. Gases, accumulating in the sensitive intestines of the baby, provoke bloating, soreness and rumbling. In this case, the child becomes restless and moody. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to learn how to give the baby the right breast, and immediately after feeding, hold the baby in a vertical position for some time. This will allow the baby to burp, and air will not enter the intestines and will not cause gas accumulation.

If the gases provoked painful colic, try putting a warm heating pad or heated diaper on the baby’s tummy. A gentle massage of the abdomen will also help in such cases. You can put crumbs on the tummy or do gymnastics with legs. Helps with gas exercise "bike".

With severe colic, when simple methods do not bring results, and the child is tormented by pain, you can resort to the use of medications. For children with gas, doctors recommend using safe medicines in the form of Dill Water, Bobotik, Espumisan, Plantex.

If gas accumulation is observed quite often, and known methods bring only temporary relief, you should think about your health condition and undergo the necessary examination.


Watch the video: Newborn Burping Techniques (July 2024).