"Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher Dies


In England, Margaret Thatcher died of a stroke. The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which remained in history under the name "Iron Lady", was 87 years old.

Margaret Thatcher has rarely attended public events in recent years. She underwent a rather serious bladder operation and several strokes. Margaret Thatcher earned her nickname as the leader of the opposition movement. In 1976, she delivered a fiery anti-Soviet speech, after which Soviet propaganda christened Margaret the Iron Lady.

Thatcher represented the Conservative Party and led the British government for eleven years (1979-1990). Thatcher managed to get the country out of the crisis of the late 70s. Truly harsh measures were needed, and Thatcher did so by deciding on an unpopular monetarist policy. As a result, Great Britain became the innovator of privatization, inflation declined, and the main role in the economy of England was given to medium and small businesses.

Thatcher has always supported Ronald Reagan in the fight against communism. With her permission, America deployed nuclear missiles at British military bases. However, it was Margaret Thatcher who put an end to the protracted period of the Cold War, agreeing to a meeting with Gorbachev.

The recognition of outstanding services to the nation was the title of Baroness, which was granted to Thatcher by Queen Elizabeth II. Condolences to the deceased's relatives were expressed by Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron.


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