For craftswomen and beginners: how to fry potatoes in a pan. Grandmothers will tell you how to fry potatoes with a crust in a pan


Fried potatoes are the queen of the table, there is hardly a person who can challenge this.

It’s hard to figure out what you can’t serve with rosy, hot potatoes.

Meat and fish in any form, any salad, or salted, pickled, pickled vegetables.

Dairy products and juices, even slices of low-fat jelly will only decorate the taste of potatoes, become an addition, but will not spoil it.

And certainly, if you know some secrets of how to fry potatoes, then to set a modest, but truly home table for dinner will not be difficult.

Fried potatoes in a pan, how to fry potatoes with a crust - general principles of cooking

• For frying in a pan, you need to take varieties of medium-boiled potatoes, with the lowest starch content, the peel of these varieties is usually pinkish in color.

• You can fry potatoes in a pan both raw and previously boiled. Boiled potatoes for frying are taken only chilled.

• To fry potatoes, to enhance the palatability of the dish, you can add onions, both onions and feathers, ground bread crumbs, spices, and various seasonings.

• Peel the peeled potatoes and cut them into cubes or small slices, slices, rings, and use the same slices in preparation for frying raw ones.

• To fry potatoes with a crust, you need to take thick-walled cast-iron or steel pans for frying. In Teflon and light aluminum pans, potatoes burn up with strong heating, and when the temperature drops, it ceases to fry.

• For frying, you can take any kind of fat, vegetable or animal, often potatoes are fried in a mixture consisting of 70% vegetable fats and only 30% from animal.

• In order to get fried potatoes with a golden brown crust, they put it in a pan only with very hot fat, and to prevent the slices from sticking together, periodically stir, but only at the beginning of frying.

• Salt fried potatoes in a pan for 2-3 minutes until cooked.

Fried potatoes in a pan with onions


• potatoes - 7-8 medium-sized tubers;

• 70 grams of fresh lard;

• three large onions.

Cooking method:

1. Warm a deep, preferably cast-iron, pan well and put the lard cut into small slices into it, melt for three minutes.

2. Add the potatoes cut into oblong slices and fry until a uniform golden crust is obtained.

3. Add chopped onion into thin rings and continue to fry the potatoes over low heat until cooked.

How to fry saber potatoes in a pan


• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 60 grams of natural 72% butter;

• white wheat milled crackers - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the potato tubers under running water, peel it and, cut into large slices, dip in cold water for three minutes.

2. Wash the starch from the potato slices and lay them on a linen towel, wipe and fry. In a well-warmed butter, fry the potatoes in a pan until golden brown.

3. Salt, add crackers and stir well two minutes before the end of the frying, so that the potatoes fried in the pan are evenly covered with crumbs from the crackers and lightly fried.

How to fry potatoes in a pan with a golden brown crust - "Potato Oksanka"


• one kilogram of non-digestible potato;

• butter of 72% fat content - 50 grams;

• refined corn oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• a small pinch of ground nutmeg;

• allspice.

Cooking method:

1. Peeled, thoroughly washed starch potatoes, cut into thin rings, sprinkle with coarse salt, ground nutmeg and allspice.

2. Put butter in a wide deep frying pan, pour in the corn and bring to a boil.

3. Add the potato rings, flatten them evenly on the bottom of the pan and fry the potatoes in the pan without stirring.

4. When the bottom of the potato turns red, reduce the heat to a minimum, and cover it with a lid and hold the potato for a quarter of an hour, during which time it will be baked in one whole cake.

5. Lift the tortilla with a wide spatula, transfer it to an empty shallow plate, with the fried side up, and quickly slide the potato tortilla back into the pan.

6. Fry until the bottom is browned.

7. Transfer the finished fried potatoes with a crust to a sieve to remove excess fat.

How to fry potatoes with a crust in a pan from any kind of potato - "Grandma's Tale"

The difficulty of choosing a suitable variety will become unnecessary if the basic principles of how to fry potatoes in a pan are clear. In this recipe, they are used all at once.


• potato - any, quantity based on the size of the pan;

• vegetable oil - any of your choice;

• coarse salt;

• butter, better thickened homemade cream.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes by folding the tubers in a spacious bowl with cold water.

2. Thoroughly wash the potatoes in running water and fold them back into the pan, completely covering them with water.

3. Cut the potatoes. First, we “dissolve” the tuber at the maximum length into layers with a thickness of 1 to 2.5 cm. Next, we cut a knife with a sharp, narrow and thin blade into plates with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Chopped potatoes, trying not to disturb the original shape, put them back into the water.

4. After cutting the whole potato, put it in a large colander, rinse it with a stream of water and let it drain well.

5. We heat a steel or cast-iron pan with a thick bottom and walls at maximum heat until a characteristic smell of hot metal appears. Pour about 1/2 teaspoon of salt (always dry) and, swinging the pan, distribute the salt along the bottom. Let the salt heat for about a minute, and pour in the oil. The amount of oil should be such as to cover the bottom of the pan with a layer of 3 millimeters.

6. We heat the oil at maximum heat, carefully following the surface. As soon as the smallest streams of whitish smoke begin to run through the walls, immediately put the potatoes and quickly level its surface with a flat slotted spoon. Ideally, when the pan has sides 5-7 centimeters high, and the height of the potato will be 1.5-2 cm less.

7. Immediately, preventing the potatoes from sticking to the metal, we slightly push it away from the walls with a slotted spoon. Also, gently, by no means turning over, we raise the potato layer from different sides and carefully put it back.

8. We fry, all the same at maximum, focusing not on time, but on the "grandmother's way" - by smell. When it is already very tasty, again we raise the potato layer with a slotted spoon. Now you need to look and make sure that the crust from the bottom is sufficiently fried. Some "white spots" are not scary, the main thing is not to burn!

9. As soon as, in your opinion, the crust becomes quite ruddy, immediately turn the potatoes over. You do not need to stir it, try to turn the whole potato in one layer, a second slotted spoon may come in handy for this. It is very difficult and if it doesn’t work out - it doesn’t matter, turn it over in several pieces, it’s more important not to leave the fried plates below, they will start to burn and you have to re-tidy the dish, which is extremely undesirable.

10. Turn over the potatoes for the first time, immediately reduce the heat to half and fry until the smell of fried potatoes becomes even stronger. Salt, not forgetting that part of the salt was already in the pan.

11. Turn over, or if you have a very thick layer - stir the potatoes, trying to move the lighter parts down. If there is a lot of unroasted potatoes, it is worth adding a little vegetable oil, trying to pour it directly on the surface of the pan. Turn over the potatoes again if necessary.

12. As soon as most of the potatoes have the desired rosy color, try the lightest pieces. If they are soft, put the potatoes on plates and put cream or butter on top. This will reduce the pungent taste, leaving the crust equally tasty and crisp.

13. Serve with cold homemade milk, or yogurt, hot homemade bread.

How to fry potatoes with boiled crust - "Studently"

Finish college, living in a dormitory and not learn how to fry potatoes, especially how to fry potatoes in a pan? Was it worth it to study at all!


• potato of any kind, boiled "in uniform";

• unrefined vegetable oil;

• coarse salt;

• butter;

• green onions;

• broth seasoning - "Mushroom" or "Chicken", seasoning "Spring herbs".

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes "in uniform" and cool in cold water. If the potatoes were boiled a day or two ago, only better, you can stand it specially in the refrigerator, or in a cold place.

2. Peel the potatoes by removing all dark spots. Cut with a thin thin knife into cubes 1.5-2 cm. Wet the knife, then the potatoes will crumble less. Do not try to separate the cubes, they will disintegrate themselves in hot oil.

3. Heat, as in the previous recipe, first a pan, then salt and oil. Reduce the heat a little from the maximum and put the potatoes. You need to do this in such a way that the potatoes lie in one layer, you can slightly more.

4. We fry the potatoes, from time to time, lifting and shaking the pan, until the lower part is clearly brown. Then turn over the slotted spoon and, slightly reducing the heat, continue until ready.

5. Put the finished potatoes into plates, without abusing, sprinkle with seasonings, and thinly chop the butter on top. Cut the onion feathers and sprinkle abundantly on the potatoes, or serve separately whole.

Fried potatoes in a pan, how to fry potatoes with a crust - tricks and tips

• Potatoes fried in a pan will turn out to be more aromatic if they are fried in a mixture of any vegetable oil and natural cream or homemade cream.

• To ensure uniform frying, the layer of potatoes laid in the pan should not be thicker than 5 cm. Therefore, it is best to take a sufficiently large pan.

• Potato, salted ahead of time, will absorb a lot of fat and at the same time it will fall apart.

• If you start to fry the potatoes on high heat, and bring to readiness to moderate, the fried potatoes will turn out with a crust.
